Borderlands 3 DLC2 Gameplay
Looks fucking BADASS

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When can we pirate it?

looks fucking gay

Fuck off, Randy Bobandy. Your faggot DLC nobody asked for isn't welcome.

no maya no buy

That's the plan, yes

I played Mordecai/Zero/Gaige/Athena in past games; who should I play in 3?

Nobody cares anymore.


This. I just want to finish that rarely accessible map since people don't want to crack the updates

>stay down, scruuuub
uuuuugh i need a jacket

Made for BRC

Every OC in BL3 is cringe

Zane probably, he sucked on release when I played through the game but maybe he's better now.

were the animations always this bad? i don't remember bl2 looking like this

Looks nothing like Gaige. But the weapon Moze is using, the SMG, looks fun. Haven't played for months but I'll check this shit out anyways

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why did they pozz her so much?
she looks like discount moxxi now

making bonds with borderlands characters is supreme cringe. I don't even remember the name of the ninja I played and I had like 200 hours total from the 2 co-op campaigns I did
bonus cringe if it's female character cause you just can tell it's "my waifu :("

>why did they pozz her so much?
What the hell does this even mean?

I hope it flops. I want Randy to seethe.


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Holy fuck she aged badly.

this game should be studied
i can't think of anything with a higher miss-rate with humor. every line, every character, everything is an attempt to get a laugh that completely fails. and i laugh at fart jokes.

Get over yourself, nigger. You're more embarassing than waifufags.

no one is impressed by your lack of memory and unability to connect with fictional characters

Are there beam lasers in BL3?

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Damn, this looks badass who /preorder/ here?

Some Maliwan weapons can be beams

>when white teen girls age a little

i feel a bond with krieg, he is the only guy that have a real deep story and not some faggot that wanna hunt a shit vault with muh frends.

Based gearbox showing women hitting the wall at 20.
Cunny for life.

bro...i have some bad new for ya...

i already know

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I remember every single character, location, weapon and trivia related name to each of these things in bloodborne. I don't make a point of remembering stuff that I clearly find embarrassing and stupid. Anyways you'll get more value out of your time if you proceed to some hentai website to masturbate to one of your cartoon waifus than entertaining such a boring conversation

this but with salvador

Gaige and Maya have some quality animations desu

>muh bloodborne


>I remember every single character, location, weapon and trivia related name to each of these things in bloodborne
you're still not impressing anyone though friendo
especially not after mentioning a game without an actual plotline and where the entire story comes off youtubers' headcanon videos

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kill yourself

kill yourself Randy

Looks like we got an mature adult here.

I guess I should appreciate how good Jack looked in the new style.

True gamer right here

fuck you

>I remember every single character, location, weapon and trivia related name to each of these things in bloodborne
Wow user can I give you my sister's number?

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she is easily fixed by giving her some kind of bangs. the way her hairline looks right now makes her seem extremely cunty

based. it's the same for me in BB. it's been years since I played it, but I could probably connect it all together no problem if I had to

that looks nothing like her

Keeping it Real + Punk You > all

>gay characters

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Wasn't this girl the one with tons of mlp references in her abilities?


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Does Moze actually suck? She was gonna be the next character I was gonna play.

She's by far the weakest of the 4, with Fl4k being 2nd weakest.

woah dude! it looks like the same exact shit

i mean she's the token soldier character for people who don't like innovation, of course she sucks

>with Fl4k being 2nd weakest.
But that's who I'm currently playing

>those were the two characters I was going to play

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She's even uglier than in release trailer. Her face is so fat now it would easily fit on some 300lb tumblr lesbian. Fucking gearbox NIGGERS fucking double NIGGER RANDY fuck you all i wish I could hate you so hard you would kill yourself.

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sorry user, if you wanna be viable you'll have to play as STRONG AFRICAN KWEEEEEN YASSSSSSSS

Moze has 0 survivability and her active skill sucks because it basically overrides your weapons. Fl4k isn't as bad as Moze but he's still subpar in comparison to Amara and Zane.

>just want to enjoy shooting with the occasional stupid fart-joke tier humour like in face mcshooty quest in bl2
>lorelei is a trans and hammerlock is an anal astronaut
why? why does it matter? why make it a part of your game? who gives a fuck? why make it the focus point of the dlc? why randy? why you gotta be like this?

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Hammerlock has always been a queer why are you surprised.

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Fuck it, I'm going to be a robot with a spiderant pet and nothing can stop me.

uhh so why can't randy make reflex sights right?

Enjoy user, Flak is still pretty based and they may buff him soon.

>We want the Harley Quinn audience

>Not wanting the monkey with a gun

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I mean, they're both tiny characters that barely show up. You're the one making a big deal out of it.

Finally a good time to post this again

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Over seven years ago.