Let's settle this once and for all Yas Forums papa nier or brother nier?

Let's settle this once and for all Yas Forums papa nier or brother nier?

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girl nier

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I liked papa Nier, he was kinda unique as far as vidya protagonists go. The intro to Nier is also really great!:


It kinda sucks, took me a while to find this because typing 'nier intro' into youtube gives you results related to Nier Automata.

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the one that's canon

you couldve typed the release date for better results

The faggots that say papa nier need to fuck off and die. In fact, anyone that defends the general quality of the """localizations""" for Drakengard and Nier games needs to get their fingers chopped off and rammed down their throats until they choke on them.

quit gettin mad at video games

>game was clearly written with him in mind
>actual model change post-time skip
>narrative reason for being able to use two-handed swords and spears

Obviously Brother Nier, the argument for Papa Nier usually comes down to:
>he's big and I wanna be a dad
Or they're just Americans who don't love their siblings.

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The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice.

There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.

Shut up Ninja.

Papa obviously Playing as a man instead of a twink goes against everything Yas Forums loves though


papa nier was also in japan

Quit gettin' mad at videogames

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Father Nier feels more emotional, the voice work was great

Shut up retarded weeb

I really hope the inevitable remake is going to have both options in one game. It would be a really unique move

would also add nice replayability without too much extra effort

Papa Nier was a better concept, but the game was absolutely written with the Brother in mind - leading to some wonky interactions

Brother Nier is a carbon copy of every Japanese protagonist for the last 3 decades.
Papa Nier is interesting solely for how his age colors his actions and languages. How often do you hear 40 year old men extolling the virtues of friendship?

I don't think there's much call for debate. They're both fine, and carry the same story themes. But everyone has their preferences.

Brother Nier has a bit more canon weight, considering that the backstory novellas are blatantly built around him, and there's clearly more effort behind his time-skip redesign compared to Papa Nier's eye patch.

But I still have a genuine soft spot for Papa Nier, because he feels novel to JRPGs as a protagonist. A big muscle-bound bruiser who looks like a total brute at first glance, but he ends up being a genuinely loving (if a little thick-headed) family man. It makes me feel like he fits more into the strange group dynamic, where no one should be judged by their appearances.

I don't think there's any romantic chemistry between Papa Nier and Kaine though. I always interpreted him as the father-figure of the whole group, whereas everyone has a crush on Bro Nier.

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papa and it's not even close
anyone who thinks otherwise is an autistic weeb that needs to stop watching so much anime

papa nier. the bigger the man the better they are.

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It just makes Emil seem like an even bigger queer freak for being sexually attracted to an old man.

>implying papa nier wasn't getting up in Kaine's futa ass
That guy was a gigachad, you think he wouldn't take the opportunity to pound her senseless?

People make fun of some of the earlier interactions, but I fricking love how awkwardly sincere Papa Nier is.

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Starting Drakengard 3, any tips? I’m going for the platinum so hopefully I can get pst the final boss.

I like how his design exudes all this raw strength as well. It helps paint a tragic irony around his character, in how he genuinely wants to help and care for people, but he only seems to know how to fight and brute-force his way through things to solve them, which ends up paving the path to the worst possible outcomes.

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Don't go into it expecting the horror aspects of Drakengard 1, or the emotional weight of Nier, because you'll be disappointed by the wackier dark humor aspects.

The DLC is the best part of the game, but most of it's meant to be played after the main story. Or at least Zero's is.

Feel no shame in bringing up a youtube guide for the final boss. Or just saying "fuck it" and watching the final cutscene on youtube altogether. Because that final boss is pretty bullshit. Beautiful music though. Shame I can't listen to it anymore without gnashing my teeth.

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Why do people pretend badass old man protags have never been done before in anime shit? it's relatively common in it's own right

The only anime Yas Forums likes is Naruto to be fair

As the main focus? I can think of plenty of old mentors and comic-relief characters, but not a huge amount of protagonists.

Inuyashiki is the only one that immediately comes to mind.

if you're only thinking about Jap video games, I guess. On the other hand, if we look at Western games, practically none have teenage boy MCs. Mostly middle-aged men and now young women.

Man I’d love a Drakengard Remake or remaster but that would probably never happen


I can still think of some.

But the gruff middle-aged white guy with brown hair has dominated the vast majority of the Western market until fairly recently.

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It's now stuck in your head.

I immediately thought that 2B was adult Yonah after the first teaser trailer.

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Fulfilling all the requirements for Ending E was a scarring experience.

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FU. RI. AE. FU. RI. AE. FU. RI. AE. FU. RI. AE. FU...


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Yeah no shit, fuck face. That's why Papa Nier is pretty unique in eastern games, who gives a shit about western games? We're not talking about western games, we're talking about nip games where the average age of your protagonist is 17, whipping around a sword twice his weight.

Father Nier. I think the design suits the story more. A craggy looking father who runs himself ragged fighting and doing odd jobs to protect his little girl is more compelling to me than a brother taking care of his sister while looking he spends way too much time in front of the mirror. In universe apparently father Nier looked liked brother Nier when he was younger. I like to think that the overall stress of his life turned really took a toll on his face.

Maybe next time I'll boot up Replicant instead of Gestalt

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Eh. I would liken it more to having a schoolboy-esque crush on his teacher.

>That's why Papa Nier is pretty unique in eastern games
He's not, the Japanese cliche protagonist is either a teenage femboy badass or a buff old man badass

So if you put carbon copy traits onto an aged up character that somehow makes them interesting?

>When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice.
kek, stay mad forever

Think of the game as a musical. It honestly has one of the best OST, alongside other Taro games.
And when you finally get to the last boss, don't feel discouraged to try it for 10 hours or more. It took me only 15 hours to finish it.
And I still love the everliving shit out of The Last Song

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What about Meguca?

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I'd rather see Drakengard 4/Nier 3 if anything, but I'd be happy to see Caim again in HD.

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Does anyone know what language the first Drakengard/Drag-On Dragoon is supposed to be played in? Is it originally recorded in English (a la Capcom games) or should I undub it? I don't mind either way, I just like to experience games as intended

Papa Nier having sex with a man on the wharf and then killing them when he gets a chance has no impact lmao
Why would a grown man do that instead of just robbing someone blind if they're that desperate

Papa Nier is objectively the better fit for the game's setting.

In Grimoire Nier, Brother has actual trauma responsible for his personality flaws. Being forced to take care of his sister when he was too young to take care of himself, whoring himself out to men for money, taking jobs to kill shades when he was weak and killing one of the people that paid to fuck him in the middle of it on accident, that kind of thing.

Papa Nier doesn't have that emotional baggage, so despite being just this ideal great and kind buff old dude 90% of the time, his bloodlust and general naivety/childishness is the kind of slightly offputting personality trait every replicant has. Like the "good" older brother in the Junk Heap actually being a dude who was going to mangle his younger brother's legs because then his younger brother would need (and like) him more than mom.

I think Papa Nier and Kaine works because Papa Nier is visually as ultra masculine as Kaine is ultra feminine, and still accepts her acting however she does. Like he's legit the only person man enough to handle her.

brother makes more sense

Neither. But seriously, imagine playing as a reincarnated Caim

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Read the Novellas and Utahime Five

Brother Nier looks cooler but Papa Nier acts cooler.