Bomberman in 2020

>Bomberman in 2020

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Other urls found in this thread:

The modern male is a disgrace.

So you're saying that's a tranny?

Attached: 1570587271676.gif (468x278, 1.55M)

>Two months and it's still there

Attached: 1580686382908.png (1532x316, 55.24K)

You're just mad because Playboy is dead now

bomberman become coomerman

Attached: donald.gif (367x265, 565.05K)

But that's Bombergirl.

Attached: char012_img_l.png (980x760, 573.53K)


I like the Tokimeki Bombergirl the most
She looks pure

I just want to play it and also hurry up on making the next normal game.

>Posts Bombergirl


obvious cash grab at the female audience. what fucking scum

>3 years later
>still no pc port
also aqua and grim aloe are shit


>grim aloe are shit
Take that back

Attached: addicted.jpg (750x452, 51.15K)

bomber girl you mean

Attached: DVMNMz1VwAAswAf.jpg (1000x911, 142.64K)

I will now buy your game.

>trannies deleted a wholesome video game character pic

Pretty weird considering that has been posted with no issue before.

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I will now coom to your character

Attached: my-bombergirl.png (936x452, 322.96K)

Attached: matubarap EMXgpssUYAAMSd3.png (792x1200, 291.49K)

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I'm convinced that asagi is based on Rukifellth

Attached: Rukifellth_3.png (409x600, 379.65K)

Why isshe so low?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1086x1075, 264.93K)

So, it was saved?

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You just know they are saving her swimsuit for last because it's going to be hella lewd.

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I heard people saying she's some kind of p2 getsu fuma color, but she does seem to match ruk pretty well. It's been a while since I played second attack, but I think he even had sword attacks didn't he?

It should be illegal for a girl that small to have that much tit, ass and thighs.

Attached: 79180174_p3.jpg (1393x877, 377.4K)

the world would be a better place if every game was a gacha one

>that doujin by great mosu

jesus christ, I almost coomed myself to death

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This isn't a gacha.

Yes and It makes way more sense
I'm sure Konami would say if she based on another konami franchise just like with Sepia,Shiori,Tsugaru,Pastel and Grim Aloe

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Attached: Bombergirl-Ann-Arcade_003.jpg (1401x1200, 1.17M)

Post another page

a proud commander

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>those 3 anime figurines in the making

My hecking wallet

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>this is what konami does now
what went so .right.

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Asagi is cute

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Attached: EQdmAAQUcAAPN8n.jpg (2048x1627, 542.31K)

>take a dead franchise and recycle it adding some cheap fapbait, not improving anything

Why is this allowed?

Inferior to the original design.

shitty fucking loli brats

Attached: 919649.jpg (600x676, 77.09K)

Well I'm never fapping to her now.

I love shortstacks

doujin guy still i denial i see

all i can say is thank god for power bomberman

Attached: Asagi_concept.jpg (1555x1000, 985.92K)

Imagine her ass lol

Not bad

No :)

You'd be surprised how much shit can get through the cracks when you attach a pair of tits to it.

Cutting out la creatividad tumor


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This is bombergirl, not bomberman, am*rican retard

Attached: usacovers.png (1203x787, 852.88K)

Fap to grey(aka max)

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Attached: EMzgOMnUEAIly4t.jpg (1536x2048, 685.09K)

Don't worry, the Bombergirls aren't actually moe-fied versions of their counterparts. They're their own characters.

Shortstacks are a miracle of the universe. Pine is for mating presses all night long while filling her womb with semen

Perhaps user doesn't like unsightly muscles on girls. I mean, look at them.

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I don't know what you guys talking about bombergirl looks fun

How do we feel about the two bomberman clones that came out on steam recently? Bombergrounds doesn't follow the formula to a T, but it controls nicely and while getting kills with a bat feels out of place, it's nice to have a permanent punch powerup. Bombrigade is more in line with how Bomberman plays, but hardly anyone plays it so you're just playing with bots, kick is a separate button, kicking feels weird in general, and there's way too many power down items. My problem with both games is that the camera is zoomed in around your character. Not as big of a problem in the first game since your firepower maxes out at 5. Can't say the same for the other.

All in all, I think I'll just stick to Power Bomberman (when somebody makes a room)

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