RPG with several fantasy races

>RPG with several fantasy races.
>Humans lead an evil empire.

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>makes lame dork thread

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>Leaves his cringy ass name on so we can make fun of him

>t. coomer who watches cucktok

Why are humans so evil?

Is Fegelein a tiktok reference or something? Genuinely confused but if so that’s an even greater reason for you to go back to whatever subreddit you crawled from.

>nazi larper

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>pushing people is ok if I disagree with them

i thought posting this bitch was banned

>dont hit me tho

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You will never have babies.

>btw I advocate for the mass extinction of those I consider inferior lol don't hit people you disagree with btw lol

>Humans in setting have retarded hair coloration in place of their personalities
>Humans in setting respond to shitty bait threads with image macros out of boredom

Truly the worst MMO

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>btw I advocate the use of violence against those I disagree with

Try this on for size:
>RPG with several fantasy races
>Can only play as humans

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leave it to the retard nazi larper to not even be able to effectively parrot an argument and turn it around well

Neither will you

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>RPG takes place in a snow world with 6 hours worth of sunlight each day
>humans that live there are all black

Name a empire that wasn't evil.


>implying actual nazis browse Yas Forums
Redditors are so gullible.

Fuck off, tankie.

That isn't me my well endowed friend, it may seem you might not be able to read the numbers at the bottom of the screen!

I have a tiny penis and repress my homosexuality btw.

Probably some empire of the first ungabungas to walk out of their caves to conquer.


>communism BAD cuz memes on 4chinz said so
Not an argument


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literally yes, call the cops if you legitimately believe its an incitement to violence

>lizards are the evil race

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>bootlicks pigs on top of being a nazi larper
could you get more pathetic

He also have a huge tranny folder.

>RPG with several fantasy races set in medieval times
>play as the loli race in school uniform

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That's some thick milk.

>Doesn't actually gases anyone
>Gets hit in the face tho

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If someone advocated for killing me I'd feel morally justified to kill him.

there's something called law and everyone must follow it, if you want to be a literal cave man with "no master" go to the forest and start your own faggot civilization, nigger

>Non-humans do literally nothing important and don't progress civilization in any way

>actual nazis
did you miss the part where I said larper?

tourists are made angry so easily
no one's talking to you namefag

can't even tripfag lol

>If someone advocated for raping me I'd feel morally justified to rape him.



this is why I hate mass effect

British Empire
Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire
German empire
There's some which are questionable like the Ottoman which started out as kind of bad but mellowed out, and I'm not sure if the Chinese empires are evil or not because the bugmen are inhuman to begin with

no one:
literally no one:
Yas Forums: heut ist mein tag lolhitler
reddit incels: ZOMG Nazi larpers!1!

Is that an offer?

Who dis bitch

You aren't.

her mouth its so wide wtf

All inherently evil, practiced slavery, murder, biological warfare, etc. How are they in any way less evil than any other empire?

>JRPG game
>church is evil

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>RPG with several fantasy races
>humans are good and are victims of every other race who is malicious, evil and weird

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You insult reddit and yet you use an annoying reddit meme format to phrase your post

>the caucasian looking races are evil
>the african/mixed looking races are good

Based on what objective moral standard?


Are there any games where the empire is the good and republic/rebellion bad?
Only one I can think of is TES

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pick one

>wew what is irony

>I dehumanize people to justify hurting them
Hmmmm, where have I seen this before?

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>fantasy setting
>humans are the dominating race
hate this crap

>Cool insect/invertebrate race
>Unplayable bad guys

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>Humans are the evil empire
>BUT also the good Kingdom that you play as
>Other races and their respective subraces have the same ideals, goals, and are united because they are the same race, they are not as big or strong as humans kingdoms or empires though despite having clear specilizations and advantages over humans.

No one is born a nazi, you have to reject your humanity to be a nazi.

I bet you think corporations are people to you fucking low IQ, GED test failing bootlicker.