What would you do with Kat's powers?
What would you do with Kat's powers?
drop pennies from the sky
urinate from the sky
take women up into the sky to have sex, they wont refuse, because of the implication
Chill out on walls and ceilings. Flying would be a bit too much like falling, but messing with the angles I can stand would be fun.
Why would you want to lure Jews beneath you?
Kat doesn't fly - she falls. Did you faggots even play the fucking game?
Fly to the top of Mt Everest and plant a giant flag saying "ur a faget" right on the peak.
No. I've only seen the boring webms that you spam every single day around here.
birds don't fly, they just use their wings as a propulsion to keep themselves in the air
They move upwards against gravity.
Kat drops in the direction gravity is pointing.
if you press r1 the gravity stops and she will float in the air, checkmate
>Did you faggots even play the fucking game?
I did.
Same shit she does, I guess.
Kat cannot fly. She can only fall or sometimes float weightlessly.
why is floating weightlessly different from flying?
Is something floating around in space "flying"? No. It's at the mercy of there being no gravity.
ur waifu is shit
there is gravity around kat though, but she controls her own gravity, she's not at the mercy of earth's gravity
Changes nothing. She can only fall or float. As the game says, 'falling with style'.
no man, if you're on a place with its own gravity and you can control the direction you go without touching the floor, you're flying, it doesn't matter what technique you're using
isn't it a bit strange that Kat has these amazing powers but most of the side-quests are quite mundane? also isn't it weird that she seems to get disrespected so much? Kat is super-powerful, she could kill all of them easily! Why does she get dissed so much?
because she smells
I wish GR was good
>see cute girl
>invert gravity
>watch her dress fly up
That's not flying, it's falling with style.
because anime sucks
Get fat
Hang around a gym or something and wait untill a woman gets on a scale, increase the gravity slightly and watch them despair.
turn girls upside down and take upskirt photos
I would cee wee the fuck out of here
Revolutionize the space industry.
Without needing propulsion to fight against gravity, think of what I could put into space.
Activate my powers in a crowded area and accidentally toss all the people into outer space.
I've only masturbated to the cute girl, is she from a game?
>lie in bed
>get that feeling like you're falling
>"eat shit nature"
>sleep like a baby
Make Gravity Rush 3
Bunnyhop and teabag OPs mom
>cracks her head open on the ceiling
I'm willing to make that sacrifice.
what implication?
Kats physical capabilities aren't that extreme, bare a few circumstances. Her actual punches and kicks are just basically standard ones that you could argue she can put some extra weight in due to gravity. Her projectiles are literally just the equivalent of throwing a box or rock at someone really hard too.
It's only her late game powers like the black hole super that actually become devastatingingly destructive.
Also the fucking point of her character is that she's a normal teenage girl in terms of personality, despite her unique powers. So she sometimes just does normal teenage girl things.
but Kat can fuck up normal people so easily, she doesn't need physical strength. Just try gravity shifting around civilians! That's why I think it's weird that she gets dissed so much.
>fly(fall) in the middle of a populated city
>proclaim myself the physical incarnation of a god
>lift cars and people in mid-air to prove it
>get free food and gifts from literally everybody
>stay in my room and play vidya all day
>she can put some extra weight in due to gravity
Why haven't I thought of that? She could be invincible.
>not making your own harem first
>Find evil doers
>Lower the gravity around them so they just fly up a couple of hundred feet before dropping to their death
>Watch as everyone becomes enamored with people just falling from the sky
>become extremely popular due to super powers
>post face with timestamp on Yas Forums
>collect (you)s
I want to lick her stinky armpits and butthole
Even better
I just want her game on PC.
Fuck i love her so much