Ain't nothing like going on the Steam store and seeing a game advertised with a negative review...

Ain't nothing like going on the Steam store and seeing a game advertised with a negative review. It's like seeing a car dealership commercial where the owner says "Let's hear what our customers have to say!"

>Took hours for them to get me a good deal

>They got me in a car really fast! Awesome service! The one car salesman Carl was really creepy tho lol

>Couldn't get the sales guy to understand I wasn't interested in a pickup. I got my mustang, tho, so its all good.

>DO NOT GO HERE. Worse salesmen ever. I waited in the parking lot for somebody for like 25 minutes. My husband has diabetes and we can't have him out in the heat for very long. To make a long story short, we were about ready to give up when

And many more! Bob Goldberg Buick. Like my daddy always said: If we can't get you some wheels, well then we aren't doing our jobs.

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They're not wrong though.

Yes, that's literally the function of a bad review. Congratulations.

What point are you trying to make here? Should Steam only display positive reviews? Cause that's audience manipulation and no-one would be fine with that.

>playing borderlands for the story
New or just retarded?

>wtf why isn't steam biased and hiding the truth???

No. I have nothing against it. I'm making note of how odd it is after seeing billboards, boxes, magazine covers, etc, with reviews, scores, and customer comments praising whatever the advertisement is.

You will never open a magazine to the Marlboro guy and his caption "This shit's not worth the price"

I'd honestly perfer to get an honest review that takes in merits and flaws like that one that straight praise or pure negativity.
Plus that guy in the pic is saying Borderlands 3 is saying it's a good game.

What the fuck are you even talking about? The review recommends the game and calls it fun but also calls the story trash. Which is true - it's Borderlands.

How is a user review balancing positives and negatives odd at all? This isn't a Gearbox sponsored advert, it's a Steam user review.

At least Steam has user reviews.

>I'm making note of how odd it is after seeing billboards, boxes, magazine covers, etc, with reviews, scores, and customer comments praising whatever the advertisement is.
So you're just so used to shilling, that an actual review of the game is confusing to you?

It's not a high bar but Seam user reviews are unironically the best review system in the vidya industry.

Prove me wrong.

It's not about a review or borderlands, you idiots. It's the fact that it's on the store page like an advertisement in which it could potentially display an extremely negative review that the developer may not want.

What if it said "Don't buy this piece of trash game." I have no doubt it alone could influence the sell. Some not even needing to see other reviews. I'm all for honest reviews, but if I had my game up on the store, I don't think I'd like it advertised with the most negative review. Nobody would, and you're lying if you said otherwise. And that goes for any business. What if the cable networks decided to include my worst customers opinions when showing my commercial? What if they were lying?

I'd rather it simply show the game for sell. Then you can click reviews and sort how you wish. It's just fucking odd to see a review saying buggy piece of shit right next to the game advertised. It has potential for abuse by the competition, or even Valve. They can select any review to display?

It's a user review. Who cares?

A positive one too.

fuck off randy
nobody cares

That's what happened when Valve coincidentally sets the algorithm to detect a review bombing and making customers see the altered review score by default. If customers want to see the truth they need to OPT OUT of the disinformation on a game-by-game basis. It seems this shit has been forgotten already.

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>it could potentially display an extremely negative review that the developer may not want.
it'd be a damn shame if people interested in the game actually received honest information about a shitty game before pissing away money on it.

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Review bombs barely happen anymore mate. And the last few ones have all been about utterly asinine garbage where Yas Forums and retardera shitflinged with each other again.

Do I look like I give a fuck? Valve decided they are the arbiters of what is or is not a valid review when they stand to financially benefit when review scores are high. This is clearly a violation of customer trust when you consider they're not doing anything to curtail illegitimate positive reviews.
Is it a big problem? No. But does that mean it should happen? Fuck no. Customers should opt-in to see altered shit. The unfiltered results should be the default. Let crybabies who only want to look at positive reviews put their own fucking hands over their own fucking eyes.

Don't use the review system for your trash political agendas.

I don't. I'm a customer that values the truth. More information is better. If there's something going on with a game or the developers that some people find bad I want to fucking know about it. Odds are I will agree with them and I will be thankful that I did not waste my money. Hiding information like that slightly increases the likelihood of me regretting my fucking purchase. This has nothing to do with politics. Don't expect the review system to be curated on your behalf. Curate it yourself. You have plenty of tools to do this already.

>It's not about a review or borderlands, you idiots.
Oh so that's why you chose a borderlands review. Makes so much sense now.

But every reviewbombed game already has a mark of shame asterisk next to the rating that will never go away.

Would be nice to just ignore it, but it's hard to do. Yes, it's not just cutscene after cutscene, but it's still an unending barrage of poorly written dialogue in your ears due to characters being unable to fucking shut up for a goddamn second.

Not good enough. Let people who only want to look at positive reviews check the box that says show positive reviews. Let everyone else see the truth by default. Why are you fucking advocating that customers have information withheld from them? Are you not a customer? Are you some dick sucking developers that hates the review system because people judge your pixel indie shit appropriately worthless?

>bad story
what were they expecting?

especially after all 3 previous games were dogshit, too.

daily reminder

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Will this flop? I want Randy to seethe.

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I really don't understand why people are confused about what you're saying

>holy shit, no one cares about borderlands 3!
>what can we do to change this?
>let's make some comically bad DLC that screams for attention

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They're just shitting on the first sentence because that's all people read.

It's euro/ESL hours.

samefagging to defend you shit opinion is pathetic

No-one's confused, you're just wrong.


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I wanted to get borderlands 3 so bad bc I played all of them previously with a shifting group of friends (there were like 6 of us so we had to switch around). I even played all of that Telltale Borderlands too. But borderlands 3 would just remind me none of us are even friends anymore and how I wasted my teenage years playing videogames with the same people who arent even worth second look in the street now

you're supposed to advertise with them? huh

based on what they've shown so far, the story is gonna suck major dicks (literally), the gameplay is gonna be the 2nd coming of christ with mayhem 2.0

>automated system looks for certain keywords like SUPREME, fun, friend
>automated systems don't screen for context
>company doesn't have an actual person approve the content
Is this your first time using the internet?

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are you saying they lied about sales numbers?

No, they're supposed to warn people about the problems in the game.

That looks like Steam Charts, which I would doubt counts the number of players on Epic lol

nobody cares about a negligible market share.

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Those numbers are pretty good considering it's a 6 month late port and it already sold 2 million on EGS.

Isn't this a good thing? Knowing that Steam lets you see the good and the bad of a video game? Sounds pretty pro-customer to me.

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The guy telling you they sold 2 million copies, is the guy selling it. It's a lie.

You don't have to tell me twice. Fuck this game, but it would be weird to think Steam Charts would count players for other platforms.

I heard the first DLC is well written. Makes me wonder if they swapped the base game writers to this DLC due to how woke it is.

>I heard the first DLC is well written

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Then why would they lie about all their other games selling like compmete dogshit?

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Shut the fuck up Randy, go take a golden shower or something.

Nah. The first DLC was well received so I imagine this one will be too.

Awww did you make a shit game no one likes, sweaty?

If you don't want people saying your game is shit then don't make shit games, you fuckin retard. Choke on Zyklon B

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>but this game is SUPREME!

>Some not even needing to see other reviews. I'm all for honest reviews, but if I had my game up on the store, I don't think I'd like it advertised with the most negative review.

So what? Reviews aren't to protect bad developers, they're to protect consumer's money and the publishing/review platform's reputation as something worth listening to i.e. not a shill factory.

>The first DLC was well received
where did you hear this at? gearbox headquarters?

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Hey Randy, I want you to know that I was a BL2 fan until you soured me on your entire company by shilling Epic and SJW shit.
I'm also one of those people that other gamers listen to and do or don't buy shit based on my recommendations because I have actual taste.

Get your shit together and stop pandering to minority flakes and con artist platforms.

I fucking hate people with type 2 diabetes.

same feeling and i don't think i've ever seen Yas Forums be at this low of the barrel before

>same feeling and i don't think i've ever seen Yas Forums be at this low of the barrel before

>Why can't people just be NICE (TM)

Samefagging retardera trannies go be trannies somewhere else please.

All over the internet. You know there's places besides/v/, right? You may want to leave your echo chamber sometime.

if you can't pick up on any context clues, you shouldn't be here