Will he ever be the main playable character?
(Not counting that one gamegear game)
Will he ever be the main playable character?
(Not counting that one gamegear game)
Built for BBFC (Big bat futa cock)
Monitoring this thread
I used to be a fan of tails as a kid, I really liked him compared to sonic.
But I just can't look at him the same way, after knowing what he did to them kids.
I discovered myself a thing few days ago for that damn yellow fur thing. Some artists are a little bit too good at making lewds.
R U a lizard?
This whole thread must be purged
tails on a park bench
I wonder what he's gonna do next
Welcome to the club, loser
Dagasi draws him so cute, but I wish he stuff was sweeter. Something so cute shouldn't be wrecked THAT hard.
Not shouldn't, they MUST be
I'm not normally into furry or gay shit, but for some reason Tails getting reamed in the ass by huge dicks really gets me hard.
t. Tails
I prefer to pair tails with bfbt
You can easily tell whether an artists draws porn or not.
why not both?
I'm trying to figure out why that is. Is it just the blushing? The semi realistic anatomy?
The anatomy.
Good porn is defined by how well one can draw the subtle curves and bumps the body has.
>They don't know
>implying I don't
Where the fuck do you think we are?
Suppose you're right. Artists tend to over-detail the parts they like the most. No reason that wouldn't extend to the whole body.
It's something I'm conscious about, as I'm trying to move away from drawing porn.
I know the artist, just trying to figure out what makes non-sexual art sometimes appear sexual.
sonic adventure 2?
because he can't penetrate a ballsack
>the blushing
>the coffee colored lines
>the emphasis on soft and curved shapes
>lack of a background/setting
definitely a NSFW artist and very likely on pixiv
What's making you turn away from such art? First time I've heard someone trying to stay away from it instead of going down the slippery slope, like usual.
This is a very tenuous subject for a Tails thread.
Why worry about it, being good at anatomy makes for great art.
Overly detailed "cute" anatomy is very noticeable. Official Tails art is just cartoonish and cute; that artist's fanart is one step away from being lewd because the artists does draw such things.
not with that attitude
Quite a few reasons. My "normal" art is taking off, so there's some paranoia. Some guilt as I slid down the slope as well. I'm also talking to someone I'm romantically interested in, so my interest in porn is kinda dying down in general (and I feel dirty looking at it despite that).
That, and I think the nature of it is very short lived. It's fun in the moment, but has no lasting "idea" behind it. Sharing it essentially makes you a fap aid to lonely guys, so if that's what you want to become popular for, you have to keep producing. I've seen a few artists say they feel trapped in it, and having drawn it for money for a while I can understand why. I hope to make something people might enjoy for a longer time, and for reasons other than because it looks sexually appealing.
When it is part of a porn set like the OP, of course you know they draw porn. Otherwise if they don't want you to know, be sure that you won't know. There is no weird science behind that and when you master your craft you also know what to toned down so it doesn't gives people lewd vibes.
Hello Tails friend
Talk to me, we are kindred spirits
Not always the case tho. You would think that ovopack draws porn just by looking at his stuff but he doesn't
Yeah, porn is short lived. You essentially live to draw the next character people want to see in your style. Then the fetishists/furries come and things just get worse from there. Sliding down the slope is a bitch, but you can easily get tired out of porn, unless you're one of those hopeless horny artists who can't quit.
Glad you're finding success with your normal art, bro.
Keep up the good work.
>having drawn it for money for a while I can understand why
How much does it make? I heard furfags are willing to pay top dollar for their autistic porn, like that one macro Falco guy
If you only draw porn for money I can see why you would get tired of it. Honestly is pretty easy to tell when an artist does it for money and when it is because they have fun with it. So yeah, quitting is the best option here.
Oh, come on, that artist clearly does it on purpose.
I bet they have drawn porn in private.
Pretty much. A lot of the "community" that builds around it is genuinely mentally ill as well. I had/have a hard time dropping the habit, I think I do view porn consumption as an addiction at this point. But I think I'll manage.
Thank you. I'll do my best.
As much as you can charge starting out. It's a matter of marketing yourself and supplying a demand in whatever style or fetish you prefer to draw in. People say making thousands off porn is easy, but it's not really any different from any other freelance job, you still have to acquire clients and clock your daily hours for a long time until you've established yourself in the market.
I didn't draw it just for the money, I genuinely enjoyed it and happened into working on commissions. I eventually stopped because I couldn't see myself doing it for any longer for the reasons mentioned earlier.
sega should just give him a platformer a la super lucky's tale
Damn right he's for big human cock
So, it's okay this thread but no Klonoa threads huh?
To be fair, at least this thinly veiled kemoshota thread is asking people a question.
Most Klonoa threads I've seen all start with "WAHOO" and the exact same image each and every time. The mods probably think it's spam by now.
Love that artist
you sick fuck
Yiff in hell
Based and wholesome pilled
How bad did it hit ya?
>reverse search
My my, that's some GOOD shit
Oh it's great actually. It's rare for me to find something that arouse me that much. I was a little confused at first, but that quickly changed. Now the thing is for me not to get a boner when I see Sonic Boom on TV. Amy was already something, but now she has a new competitor.
Saving this for future use
Boom is a pretty good show tho
Honestly, before watching the show I was sceptic. Long legs Sonic and Knuckles design were really weird and being 3D instead of 2D didn't give a good impression. But now, even though I haven't seen a lot of episodes, I think I can agree with you. It's fun, easy to watch and really not that bad visually. I am surprised but not disappointed for giving it a try.
I want to suck Tails's peepee.
i wonder if these threads are mostly women
>liking furryfaggotry
good joke
Any (actual) females here who can abide to this?