Who would win?

who would win?

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Redader looks like a meneacing duper villain while Trelalert looks like a very avareage soldier.

didn't know Vin Diesel was in Redader

Red a der is obviously superior he has goggles with the reflection of the greatest flag in the world


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if he's so superiori, why is New York burning in the background?

>red a der has his eyes on TWO flags
He will not stop at conquering america once.

str vs dex

WITOTIW easily, his stare mogs the geeky srehher

2REHHER2 is battlescarred as fuck so he probably has much more experience. He knows his shit. He's also got four fucking swords.
WITOTIW, however, has a better physique, but he's fucking unarmed.

I'm gonna go with 2REHHER2.

>back when EE GamaG was good

Witotiw will destroy in a street fight ten times out of ten.
Rehher will kidnap you while you sleep and then just torture you for days.

Redader's game is very complex, it has two ratings so it needs two people to play

This, he's also got two Empire States burning in the background.
My dude will conquer america, rebuild it, make it great again, fund a massive military force, pull back his forces and then invade it again.

Best logo hands down

that's a whole new dimension of based

Ok Yas Forums, what about this?

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Dnond Nin looks like Sminem

>monkey soos is on TWO ps4's
>while jockey dnond is only on playstation
its not even a contest

>that misbegotten monster on the right
holy fucking kek

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they're both equal

because fuck jew york

It looks like a eurotard putting on their nightmare goggles.

>just some soviet dude vs a fucking mad US scientist
No contest. The scientist wins unless he blows himself up.

Prince ecnirP YES!
aisreP Persia ain't got nothing, he's compensating by being a lava demon

Erioioire will tear L.A.M.A.L apart


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the white man marches on

LAMAL has two fucking guns dude. And two bitches.

They're partners, LAMAL is a brilliant but weak shooter, and Erioioire is a master of interrogation


I love autism

I always laugh so hard when I see this.
This is Austin Powers tier.

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>no weapon-using chad vs quad-wielding, nothing personal edgelord
Damn, now I want a western version of One Piece.

Erioioire is bullet proof, has a wide chad like frame. has no fear in his eyes. is malovenent from his red background, killed two men infront of 6 hell cops, said hell cops will fight as teammates with erioioire, LAMAJ has two depressed women and no strength

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The best offense is a good defense would win

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I always view this as
>terrans vs protoss

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who wins?

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4 swords versus 0 swords, need i say more?

looks like a virgin vs chad image

It might be difficult to decide. Right one has more lightning but is a fat fuck.

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STARWAIAWRATS is just posing for the picture and is the kind of character who monologues for too long about his plan.
SRS just goes in for the kill, and his eyes show his extreme burning irrational hatred for all things. He does not fuck around.

Foroorof is moe inclinded to the light side
but EE has not only his mind in the dark but TWo VaddeV's

Brains versus Brawn; Lamal snipes while Erioioire brawls through the masses. I think if Lamal has enough preparation time he can take Erioioire down, but hist reatard strenght combined with his rage would get him through the bulletstorm, and if he can close in on Lamal he is done for.

>Me vs the guy Christ's power compels

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Ass vore fetish vs Big penis fetish; both gay as hell, but left wins because he can just vore right, big penis can do nothing against it

>chad ultimate diarrhea volcano vs virgin poopy time with a hard on.

He can literally plug left's ass-vore hole with his cock.

And then he will suck the rest of his body into his ass, dont underestimate the suction of a gaping vore hole

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I want to say RED A DER, but I think I want to phone a friend instead.

One might assume that Shrehherz is more experienced because of his scars, but the twist is that Witotiw just never gets hit.
Note that Witotiw is no ordinary assassin; he's an assassinnissassa. His bulky physique fools his targets into thinking he's slow and clumsy, which only makes him deadlier.

2REDDER2 Has 2 shield and 2 headed hoeses
CrusaasurD has 2 swords...
2REDDER2 winds easily.


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DOOD is an edgelord faggot with gay ass edgy sow
MOOM has better gear and two hand chainsaws, but he's a mommy's boy.

>Vladimir vs Teen neeT
Vladimir Putin

Neminem: INT 99, OHP 3pl8, mirin thos delts
Sisesis: INT 1, Squat 6pl8, face pulls all day
Neminem wins, but Sisesis is honest and a good bro


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Shrehherz is literally the Sgnik of Kings dude. Literally EVERY KINGDOM of the land bends to his will.

I see MOOM is an assassin's creed

Engie versus Heavy

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Redader would while Fortunate Son was playing in the background

>chainsawing people in Renaissance italy rooftops
I chuckled

>weapons? I don't need no stinkin' weapons!

>satan guide my cock

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GotoG will end up holding out longer than
Cinthic because 2 tanks vs 5 dps

>mars attacks

>MOOM proudly wearing his nippleplate with camel toe pants

Those 2 tanks have no healer though
It's not 5 DPS, it's 4 plus a healer

Sometimes I wish I was this autistic.

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