If you are a grown men and you enjoy this garbage made for women and children then there is something wrong with you

If you are a grown men and you enjoy this garbage made for women and children then there is something wrong with you

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Agreed, but if you're a grown man who actively finds himself annoyed by what toys beta males are buying there is something wrong with you too.

I'm picking the girl and giving her some cute shoes :3

If you're still stuck in the "I only play mature games such as myself kiddie games are bad" edgy teen phase, there's something wrong with you. Grow up baby boy, stop having daddy issues, acting like a butthurt reactionary retard isn't what you dad wants, he just wanted you to stop playing video games all fucking day and socialize a little. Not to become a worse copy of him.

yep, speak for yourself beta faggot

with the stress associated with the current pandemic and being stuck at home since I currently have to work from home due to my office being closed; I'm certainly looking forward to the digital stress ball that is animal crossing. not everything in life has to be a serious or intense experience.

Nice bait, faggot

I've enjoyed Animal Crossing all my life and I know for a fact that I am more successful, wealthy, social and sexually active than you.
Suck my fucking nuts, bitch.

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>game is all about owning your own house, being social and dressing to impress while engaging in outdoor activities
seems like a pretty chad game to me

What's wrong with men enjoying something made for women and how do you differentiate what was made for women and what was made for men? Is there some label I should look for?

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Only low t beta cucks are insecure enough to make these resetera tier of faggotry threads. Are you really so soi filled and scared of inoffensive sanrio tier of character designs? Do you piss your diapers when you see a Switch game or something?

alright user what games are made for adults?

Call of Duty, GTA, the list goes on

>Games predominently played by 6-10 year olds

typical men, all you care about are guns

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Ok. That's fine. I'll still enjoy it.

>stressful manly responsibility good!
>quiet and leisurely time bad and faggy >:(

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Animal Crossing NH has a gun range

having shame for enjoying any type of media is beyond cringeworthy

Oh no. Its happening already.

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most posters here ARE edgy teens, unfortunately

there's a lot of things going wrong with me but at least I enjoy videogames




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That's true it's part of the DOOM cross promo

Hmmm wonder why "people" are mad at AC again
>checks metacritic
Oh I see, another huge success making snoys scream and shit their diapers.



Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.

I'll totally rocks kimonos because of that.

playing the games you want without worrying about what others think = manly
limiting what you play based off what it looks like = literal pussy shit

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>Made for men
Mature story’s that are about life and the hardship of it. Like TLOU and Witcher or something like Doom were women and children are afraid of even touching it
>Made for women and children
Everything that isin‘t mentioned above

Not all grown men only play shitty shoot em ups, OP.

There is nothing wrong with liking something you enjoy that harms no one. Don't be a cunt.

You can remove TLOU from there

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Why are women held to the same standard as children? Are you a simp or what?

Allowing societal standards shape your personality and interests is the most subhuman thing you can do to yourself, just play what the fuck you want and do what the fuck you want, unless it's illegal or it hurts someone you can and should do it.

>tfw wanna play animal crossing but really don't wanna buy a switch

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this. its childish to gatekeep on what others play. limiting what you play based off of how it looks, or if it doesnt have much story is gamer


i bought my switch just for odyssey and dont regret it.
of course ive bought other games over time

>mfw /polcels/ cry a river of tears after AC sells 20 million within 3 days

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>incels are afraid of lesbians
This is truly a game made for men


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> Imagine being so insecure that needs to be validated by judging other people play

so "real" men are woke soidrinking snoys?

>if the hustle and bustle of modern life's got you down
You're goddamn right

Yes just look at Yas Forums and Yas Forums



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TLOU2 probably will get a better score whether it deserves it or not, let's not kid ourselves.

What does this even mean?

The Switch has yet another fantastic exclusive. Oh my.

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NO 92




Last of us 2 is going to destroy animal gayssing you dumb toddler. don't be deluded

>animal gayssing
you sound really mature

>animal gayssing

how old are you?

What else is new

TLOU2 is literally lesbian the game

OF COURSE is the stevenfag who says this

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TLOU2 is literally a lesbian revenge porn game, its the most woke and soifilled commiefornia game of the year

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