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TFLOPS are a meaningless metric that has little bearing on actual performance.

>devs take advantage of this by bloating texture size without increasing quality, not compressing audio, and putting no effort into optimization at all
>games still run at ~25 fps

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it can have 1000 tflops and it won't matter because of no games

>not compressing audio
which sony's console did it because it haven't had enough power to decompress?

Compression has no bearing on performance though retard.

>gigs of memory being dedicated to audio instead of video
Performance reduction.
>loading times increase
Performance reduction.

Oh boy, even more life like movies.

>being this retarded

yes it fucking does. If you have hundreds of sound effects all needing to be compressed on the fly it seriously eats into performance.

It's how it works, dumb ass. It's why it's a problem. If you think I'm wrong then feeling fucking free to explain why instead of shitposting.

When you compress shit the load times literally go up dumb faggot. When you compress assets you uncompress them and that takes time on loading. Why do you think Switch ports of games that were much larger on Wii U take a longer to load even though the Switch is more powerful and uses cartridges?

The compression occurs before it's added to the game. Think of it like the difference between .wav files and .mp3 files. WAV files are massive compared to mp3s, but you don't need to decompress mp3s in order to play them.

why would i explain commen sense

So this is GDDR5 all over again?

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The machines aren't fucking unzipping assets, you idiot.

Pretty much
I just care about the games, the mustardrace can wank over specs the whole day for all I care

Well feel free to show me what games use fucking raw .wav files for sound. Compression always applies to big ass textures.

>heh, I'm so right I don't need to explain why
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling, knuckle dragger?

I meant decompress. That's what I meant.

True. It’s like when people talk about android vs iOS. iOS has worse hardware specs but runs 100x better.

>up to
So it reaches that peak for a few seconds before it throttles because it runs too hot? Great.

If you cared about games you wouldn't think about buying sony.

Mp3s need to be decompressed to WAV to be played though.

I mentioned textures. The problem with uncompressed audio is that it takes up a lot of memory, and in order to put that into memory it has to be read from the drive first. The more data there is the longer this takes. Hence longer load times. Developers are not compressing audio because storage space is easy to come by but they put no thought into how this affects load times.

100% wrong. You can confirm this yourself by playing two identical audio files, one encoded into mp3 and one uncompressed. The music player you use will be dedicating more memory when you play uncompressed audio.


jesus fucking christ, it's meaningless console faggots, stop it

I don't hate on consoles, don't mind them, glad you're happy with the new hardware but please stop this TFLOPS meme

Lol how did you manage to read all around the parts where it says to take this with a massive grain of salt. Ur special bud

I've been keeping my eye on pc hardware for years, nobody ever measured power of gpu that way, it's always framerates in sets of benchmarks.


>Retarded appleshill

On today's episode of Consolewarrior
Delusional Fantasies...

TFLOPS? More like it's gonna flop!

>The problem with uncompressed audio is that it takes up a lot of memory,
Okay so please provide some examples of games that use uncompressed raw audio files.

>XBOX flops are12
>Sony is 15
>ugh who cares? flops aren't everything... Pathetic.
What did he mean by this?

>1.5tb NVMe SSD
>~150$ on the SSD alone
what the fuck bros?
how expensive is this thing gonna be
even if they get a massive 30% discount for bulk purchases, that's still ~100$ of the budget going just to storage.


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Imao what war

WHOA ITS GOT RAY TRACING?! COOL! What exclusives will it have?

consolefags are retarded, business as usual

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why do people keep saying ps3, ps4 etc has no games, i dont remember an exclusive for xbox one that wasnt halo 5 or gears lmao is this meming or what, sony games are fucking movies but alot of them are actual exclusives

wow... just wow

32GB of gddr6 would be like $400 by itself

Xbox exclusives are fucking cancer, that doesnt makes the PS4 catalogue good by default (I agree that the PS3 had some pretty good games)

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What will Yas Forumseddit do when the Xbox they always praise outperforms the Playstation? Flip flop and start shitting on the Xbox for being the new #1 competitor to the Switch I assume?

I think since I was a kid and was reading about gpu like voodoo 3, all new technologies, specs etc. up until now - never have I NEVER though or heard abot TFLOPS. Is it like you faggots had bit wars?

>itt retards who think they have any idea of compression

Cringe thread.

unlike your puberty

you're too young

True. A heavily optimized console game looks better with a quarter of TFLOPS than a PC game.

>why do people keep saying ps3, ps4 etc has no games
> but alot of them are actual exclusives
Exclusive movie still isn't a video game.
No games.

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Seems too good to be true, Especially in the corona-times acquiring such parts at a reasonable price is impossible, This shit would easily go over one grand in price.

>Yas Forums source
Jesus fucking Christ

>we will soon live in a world where 64GB RAM PCs are the norm
jesus, i remember having 512mb ram with a pentium 3

Based retarded schizo

True. But you will find people here want to shun that fact as they’re mad their android hasn’t been updated ever. Lmao!! B

I'd gladly pay over a grand for a console if it meant I don't get fucked in the ass by added costs like paid online, additional proprietary hardware and marked up prices for first party AAA movie game trash with microtransactions.

Oh wait, I already have a PC.

Spoken like a true moron

Based cope golem


I don't really care about consoles but I want microsoft to fail. They popularized so many cancerous practices that they deserve to burn.