No wonder so many people got filtered by Sekiro...

No wonder so many people got filtered by Sekiro, sometimes it's just not fun fighting against a giant boss with a million ads that you have to clear out every single fucking time.
Fucking bravo

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Once you get good at the game you actually start having fun and you breeze through these kinds of things.

Stick with it, stop complaining, man up, etc...

you can come back to drunkard later, he is tough as shit though and probably gave me more hassle than anyone else in the game

thats why you beat him on the second try

>not using adblocker

Just use fire, bro.

>bro just get good lmao

Really? its actually one of the easiest bosses in the game.

We call it minions granpa, get with the times

lol i killed him first try

git gud

You should see the whooer that's behind him. For a potential "first boss" for a lot of people she can be quite the cunt.

>Drop a Gachiin Sugar and sneak up from the left towards the first guy with the shield and stab him.
>Use axe to kill the other shield add and kill the third add next to it as well.
>Pick off the stragglers near the center, aim for bow guys first.
>Reset the battle by running back across the pond and Deathblow the boss.
>Run to the guy near the pond and speed through his dialogue.
>Proceed to wail at boss while it has to focus on two targets.

There, done. It's one of the easiest bosses in the game, if you do it properly. Fighting all the enemies at once (and the boss) can add some challenge, but good use of tools and spacing will make it easier to clear the courtyard.

Have you heard of our lord and savior uBlock origin?

then why make such a hard boss the "potential first boss"?
It's like they are asking for bad sales by making people refund the game

Essentially yes. My first run I kept getting bent over by Genichiro until I learned to deflect and stop panicking when my health went close to 50 every big swing or BS arrow he shot.

Because the game doesn't cater to retards.

this is when you know you have broken through the filter
when genichiro goes from "holy fuck how am I ever going to beat this" to "oh hey it's that jobber again, move over so I can fight your grampa, kid"


Gargoyles and Gascoigne were the same way. It's not like From aren't known for having filter-bosses show up early.
Drunk is a mid-boss though, so like I said, I thought the cunt behind him was worse. And she's optional too, the old crow.

get fucked

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I stealth killed most of his adds and stealth attacked him for half his lifebar while he was walking back to his spot. Also I teamed up on him with the NPC ally and was able to freely cut at his backside for most of the fight

Don't forget the oil

learn to deflect. Don't mash the button as it will make the window that lets you deflect smaller. The game is literally all skill

With the drunkard specifically.
>kill all ads
>run away to reset the boss
>crawl behind the buildings on the left side and get a stealth blow on him
>quickly run to the samurai dude and ask him for help
>just gang up on the boss, it's 2v1 now
>useful tactics: stun him with firecrackers or fistful of ash
>when low on hp you can just run around him in circles to bait his attack then run up and quickly do 1-3 slashes
One of the easier fights honestly if you don't rush it.

Where the fuck is the DLC with the young version of Lady Buttercups.

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After Elden ring

My tip is: K-ON ost and run past everything. Worked great on dank souls too. Also beer,lots of it.


I hated the Drunkards.

For some reason I just couldn't read their slow, large, sweeping movements. I have that problem in all of the FROM character action RPGs.

>with a million ads that you have to clear out every single fucking time.
this boss should take you no more than three tries to defeat. And I'm being generous here

Should have had s memory segment with young butterfly

>For some reason I just couldn't read their slow, large, sweeping movements.
NG+4 and I still feel the same lol. Usually just oil + flame vent their vit away, poke once or twice then bolt.

All this cheese, fucking disgusting.
If you want to play like a pussy just don't pick this game up, I see people talking about cheesing bosses or fighting against SSI, the final boss, by just running in circles until he goes for the thrust and you mikiri him. rinse and repeat.

This game is all about clashing swords and reading the opponent, if you can't do that just don't play it.

>if you can't do that just don't play it

I just got Guardian Ape down. Still shaking.
I was steadily progressing for the past week with 1-3 try kills until this fucker took me almost 20 tries.
Those unblockable sweeps you can only avoid by jumping are murder, my reflex is always to dodge.

I am NOT looking forward to the same fight with an add.

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2ape certainly ain't something to look forward to, but I think you'll find it a tad easier.

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>Spoiling yourself about the game

Yeah, I should've played it at launch but I was working through my backlog. Just browsing Yas Forums and seeing OP posts in the catalog has spoiled half the game for me.

Fuck the monkey

i love seeing plebs getting filtered
makes me feel like a god in comparison

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The second version of this fight was fucking terrible

You should have just filtered the word Sekiro.

It's a shinobi game, not a samurai game. You're there to use what works and exploit the weaknesses of your opponents. For Butterfly and Genichiro, the weakness is bullying the shit out of them until they give up. For the drunkards, it's running around until they get out of breath, and slashing at their backs.

I don't think he really cared back then

This game is just a gimmick shitshow... it sucks

>shinobis used exploits like shitty pathing to defeat their opponents
you are a braindead pleb

Have you ever put you dong in a twink´s bun?

what filtered you lad :^)

Autistic samurai, getting styled on by joker Shinobi


When I was 18... 18 years old, I saw for the first time in my life... I saw an image of clarity. I saw a comic strip... a three panel comic strip that, though simple as it seemed, changed me... changed my being, changed who I am... Made me who I am...

Enlightened me...

The strip, Garfield, the comic strip was new... no more than maybe a month and a half since inception, since... since coming into existence... and there it was before me in print, I saw it... a comic strip... What was it called?


the only reason you cheese things is because you're bad at games

The story here is of a man, a plain man. He is Jon, but he is more than that... I will get to this later, but first let us say that he's Jon, a plain man.

And then there is a cat... Garfield.

This is the nature of the world, here. When I see the world, the politics, the future, the... the satellites in space, and... the people who put them there...

You can look at everything as a man and a cat... two beings, in harmony and at war...

So, this strip I saw; this man, Jon, and the cat, Garfield, you see...

Yes... hmm...

It is about everything. This... little comic is, oh, lo and behold... not so little anymore.

So yes, when I was 18, I saw this comic... and it hit me all at once, its power. I clipped it, and every day, I looked at it, and I said "Okay... let me look at this here. What is this doing to me? Why is this so powerful?"

Jon Arbuckle, he sits here, legs crossed... comfortable in his home, and he reads his newspaper... The news of the world, perhaps... and then he extends his fingers lightly, delicately... he taps his fingers on an end table, and he feels for something...

What is it? It is something he needs, but it is not there.

And then he looks up, slightly cockeyed, and he thinks... His newspaper's in his lap now, and he thinks this...

Now where could my pipe be?

You got filtered by this?

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Can you leave this sort of autism in Dark Souls threads please?

How do you "Cheese" Genichiro?

only if you leave your pleb tier garbage on plebeian game threads

>enemy is stupid hard until you use the one item that hardcounters them making it a cakewalk

This... I always come to this, because I was a young man... I'm older now, and I still don't have the secrets, the answers, so this question still rings true, Jon looks up and he thinks...

Now where could my pipe be?

And then it happens... You see it, you see... it's almost like divine intervention, suddenly it is there, and it overpowers you...

A cat is smoking a pipe.

It is the man's pipe, it's Jon's pipe, but the cat... this cat, Garfield, is smoking the pipe... and from afar, and someplace near, but not clear... near but not clear... The man calls out... Jon calls out, he is shocked. "Garfield!" he shouts.

Garfield. The cat's name.

But, let's take a step back... let us examine this from all sides, all perspectives... and when I first came across this comic strip, I was at my father's house... a newspaper had arrived, and I picked it up for him, and brought it inside.

I organized its sections for him and then, yes, the comic strip section fell out from somewhere in the middle, and landed on the kitchen floor... I picked up the paper pages and saw, up somewhere near the top of this strip... just like Jon, I was wearing an aquamarine shirt.

So I thought, "Ah, interesting. I'll have to see this later." I snipped out the little comic, and held on to it... and five days later, I reexamined it... and it gripped me, I needed to find out more about this. The information I had was minimal, but enough...

An orange cat named Garfield...

Okay, that seemed to be the lynchpin of this whole operation, yes. Another clue... a signature in the bottom right corner, a man's name...

Jim Davis.

I legitimately have no idea why this many people have trouble beating this miniboss. He's so freaking slow you can just jump away whenever he does one of his combos then jump back at him, attack a few times, rinse and repeat.


>if you can't do that just don't play it.
make me faggot

i was talking about the pathing exploit he did on the fat guy in the beginning

for sure one of the easiest fights in the game though?

>fighting against SSI, the final boss, by just running in circles until he goes for the thrust and you mikiri him. rinse and repeat.
it's like playing with cheat codes and feeling accomplishment after beating the game

>I laid my eyes on that accursed illustration and at that singular moment was subjected to the brain blasting realization of the horrifying truth of Jon's pipe.

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Your problem is that you're not trying to fight like a Ninja. OP is a faggot once again

>cheesing the game with ninja shit
fuck off pleb. disdain for plebs.jpg

Frok gave you the option of either beating the enemies like a man, or pussying out and doing hit and run for 30 minutes straight.
If they really wanted to make people beat bosses by only parrying, then hey would have made bosses impossible to dmg after a certain treshold of HP is gone.

>game puts a friendly NPC there specifically to aggro the boss so you can kill the adds
>people still complain about the adds

Sculptor tells you to use your tools, because some tools are designed for some enemies. Don't be upset that Burning Bull filters you when you hear that someone killed it with firecrackers when everything in the game tells you to kill it with firecrackers.

People can't even beat the goddamn miniboss general for crying out loud

Pic related, unironically.

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