This is your Handler for tonight

This is your Handler for tonight.
Say something nice about her.

Attached: my monster wife.jpg (866x1216, 215.35K)

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Would honestly love that.
It'd be so cool if MHW had alt species as race in the character customizer, i'd love to play as a Lizard man with a hammer

It's shit

I'll take him.

I would be okay with Wyverian or Palico player characters but anything other than that would be pure faggotry



At least the recent events dress made her look alright.



finally a good fucking costume.

Dammit being a scalefag is suffering because no cool shit like this will ever be in a game.


As long as she isn’t a bumbling spastic like the current waste of space.

why only three toes when her hand has 4 digits?

Her god fucked up so hard when creating her

the game is literally full of cool ass giant dragons though

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Probably a dew claw under that sock thing, or a digit so small and vestigial you usually won't see it unless you pry some scales up.
The fact the name of the game is to hunt and kill them always put me off wanting to play, I want to at least have the option to capture them and have one or two as a companion/hunting buddy damn it!
>Monster Hunter Stories
I mean something with the care and budget of World, not a glorified Pokémon knockoff.

>Meowscular chef was once a Prowler


Why not make a 4v1 game where a player plays as a monster

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That exists, it's called Evolve.
The monster design leaves something to be desired as it doesn't have the grace some of the better monster hunter monsters have, and for some reason flew under most peoples radar.
And someone beat me to the punch.

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>Forgetting the Wraith

You mean evlove.
That had massive issues. If you played against 4 decent players as a monster you couldn't do shit but fight 4 shitty players as a monster it was stupid easy.
Also why the fuck did they make a monster with massive hips

Evolve sucked hard and had over a hundred dollars in DLC.

nergs a nothing that reproduces from spikes buds, did you not watch the dev streams?

I'd still smash him tho

I was wondering when are they going to let us play as wyverians

>Also why the fuck did they make a monster with massive hips
Because the man who did the concept had great taste.

Not gonna lie, I love the concept of the game and even enjoyed it, I just hope someone make a game like this without the shitfest tho.

>The fact the name of the game is to hunt and kill them always put me off wanting to play
The game is about a bunch of hunters mercilessly tracking and killing creatures because some schmuck got scared by his own shadow, or because an old fart has trouble sleeping.
And if, on a purely sadistic impulse, you decide to capture instead of killing, then said creature is thrown in an arena for everyone's amusement.
"Monster" in the title applies to "Hunter". You play as the monster, who happens to be a hunter.

Attached: tobi_is_my_friend.jpg (1280x3435, 1.01M)

She looks like she takes very good care of palicos.

She looks like she exclusively fucks men who browse Yas Forums - Video Games.

Why did you had to remind me of the Wraith?

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>Humans are the real monsters
Fuck off furnigger

>old game monsters aggroed on yu second they saw you
>this lead them to feeling like legit threats
>new game they just look at you until you attack them
Who is the real monster here?


Some of the bigger cunts attack you on sight.
Then again, you kill super weakened monsters while they are sleeping in the end.

God, imagine her sitting on your face.

Aggressive ones like Odo and Nergi rush you on sight. Only a few of the most docile ones like Banbaro ignore you altogether until you attack em. But whatcha gonna do when you need a pair of big horns for a shiny trinket, you know?

How many leggings does she shred per day?

>Implying that's her and not her boytoys tearing off her tights with their teeth

>That keyframe when she's creaming into the air
Those are boobs, I don't know who they're fooling otherwise.


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Why do non-plantigrades get to be barefoot all the time it's not fair.

Because their feet are actually cute.

If you'll look around Astera and Seliana, the digitigrade folks don't either. The smithy just has to adjust the designs for wyverians and felynes, as they have a different leg shape than humans.

Ok, this is based.

Say "we" ONE fucking time and I swear I'm hunting you for your fucking skin.

>excited handler noises during steamworks finish
bros... i can't handle this

>impossible to have normal MH threads because mods dont ban furries

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Imagine her claws on your back during missionary.

Did you know that if you do the Steamworks overdrive cutscene while the Serious Handler is managing you she'll be there instead?

holy based

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Rengar is cringe

have this instead

Attached: c350fe8045b811ed5359b53d1762e04f.jpg (273x181, 20.68K)


I like you user

I thought he was The Admiral’s Palico?


Sexual imagery in sci-fi monsters is pretty common. It’s to ape the xenomorph’s penis head but with female characteristics, specifically.


>flew under most peoples radar

Horrible launch. The engine was terribly optimized and had numerous graphical glitches. Lots of problems with gameplay down to the core mechanics and basic concept. All this was wrapped up in a price tag people found unreasonable for a 1 game mode game.

>We are going to wear your skin while we kill all your friends!

He was, he wasn't a Prowler.