

Attached: 1557224545185.png (1000x824, 1.78M)

nice of the president to invite us over to a picnic, gay Luigi?

Is the joke that the cartoonist thinks the Mario Bros are Mexican?

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Comic needs a second panel of them in their Mario maker outfits

They got mustaches and latin-sounding names, don't they? They have to be mexicans.

no dumbass, its that mario literally fucking breaks blocks for a living. if youve ever used your hands physically in this world you'd know that if you can smash a brick you can lay a brick, skinny basedlant mother fucker.

Italians ARE Latins.

No shit, for real? You're telling me someone isn't mexican just because they got a latin-sounding name and a mustache? Fuck!

The joke is some old man trying to be hip and cool by making a videogame joke

I hope he made lotsa taco bowls!

My complain was about the "latin-sounding" part.

I hope she baked lots of confetti

The joke is Trump is retarded.

Mario and Luigi are latin-sounding names. They are also latin names. Go be a pseud somewhere that rewards you stating the fucking obvious.

I don’t get it

He is though

I don't get it

Who pissed in your cheerios?



we don't say this anymore?

4 more years

4 more years baby

'LOL' in the OP autosages the thread

say goodbye

>My family got coronavirus and the economy tanked, but we sure owned those libs, huh?


are you seriously suggesting corona is trump's fault?

nice, you get all your info from Yas Forums? glad to see we’re keeping you up to date on the world

>worldwide pandeming is Trump's fault

all he typed was “seething”
you sure seem upset kid. like you’re actually seething or something.


Oh, and buy low while you can pussy, gotta make some cash off the stock market while people are freaking the fuck out still.

literal NPCs, see a anti Trump post and your coding forces you two to post the exact same response

Because europe is doing so much better.

Four Mour

He is saying Trump's re-election is at RISK due to coronavirus, not that he is behind it. Trump based his success as president on the success of the stock market, which means he looks very unsuccessful right now according to his own metric. Now can we please tall about video games?

I'm not American, why are you shitposting on Yas Forums so early in the morning?

Brainwashing in action


>His opponent is Creepy Uncle Joe who has a bad case of dementia
I think Trump will be fine lmao

The complete lack of containment is his fault. He defunded the CDC, disbanded the pandemic response team, and insisted the virus was just a flu for over a month.
You know what would really make me mad? You cutting your ear off and mailing it to me. I get upset, you get the attention Daddy never gave you. Epic, right?

Mario if he real

lol, you're whining about trump while boris johnson expects you to survive in herd immunity?




>You know what would really make me mad? You cutting your ear off and mailing it to me. I get upset, you get the attention Daddy never gave you. Epic, right?
I think this is the most leddit post I’ve read on here all month. That coronavacation really getting to ya, huh?


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Trump's got it far worse.

Amuricans everyone.
Mention their precious Tramp once and they swarm like smelly insects.

The entirety of the western world bar Italy is doing absolutely nothing to contain the virus, yet you only complain about le orange man.

this actual, unironic seething autism
holy fuck calm down, take your meds




Then there’s Britain literally trying to push a “herd immunity” by wanting 60% of their population infected. This kid who’s so triggered over Le Bad Orange Man is probably shaking in his seat over his home falling apart.
Get over yourself, and head back to some shitty political subreddit or even Yas Forums for the rest of your break from high school.

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He won't win again. No way.

I'm doing fine, thanks. I stocked up ahead of time so I wouldn't have to slap your faggot ass around for toiletries when reality caught up to Trumpville.

*catches foot*
*tosses you in air*
*slashes you into pieces*
Heh, too easy

You have to go back


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>Then there’s Britain literally trying to push a “herd immunity” by wanting 60% of their population infected
Sweden is the same. We've barely been infected by the virus and there's already Chaos at the hospitals. You can't even get yourself tested there and only have a few places to actually treat/test people.
Free healthcare amirate?

I myself don't like Trump but even I admit that the Dem's candidates this year are so laughably weak, Trumps reelection is practically assured barring some miracle that Joe pulls out of his ass

Aren't they plumbers? Why would Trump invite plumbers to build the wall?