Antartica would make a cool horror game location
Antartica would make a cool horror game location
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Strange Journey is in antarctica
Not a game
But there's nothing there
Loved the Antarctic tropical wilds in Pikmin 3
The horror is the nature. Always has been
or is there?
...or is there?
No One Lives Forever 2 has a horror level set in Antarctica. It's crazy af.
why don't we settle on Antartica? What's holding us back. There must be technologies to bring heat and warmth to the place to make a comfy live possible.
Neither are horror games
>why don't we destroy the only untainted land on earth
but antarctica IS literally cool, you faggot
>There must be technologies to bring heat and warmth to the place
It's called global warming
What would be the point?
Yeah, it would be chilling
What's under all that ice?
Ok Lovecraft
>There must be technologies to bring heat and warmth to the place to make a comfy live possible.
A massive cock that does cockvore and turns you into semen when it eats you.
I'd rather have a game in Alaska. Its always suprising that people actually live up there.
It seems comfy, but its probably pretty hard getting to work/school/buiyng stuff.
>There must be technologies to bring heat and warmth
wait until you find out about coats
Most countries have agreed to keep the scourge of humanity away from the last relatively untouched place in the world
>third person shooter
I just assume everyone in Alaska is a convict on the run or in the witness protection program
Isn't penumbra exactly about some Antarctica bunker?
Unga bunga fire bunga
Antarctica is not a continent.
It's under lockdown by international military. These are borders of our world. It might be a never-ending field of ice or an exit out of our "global prison".
Technically Strange Journey
Though it's less that it takes place on Antarctica and more that a huge extra-dimensional portal opens there and the heroes jump into it to see what the heck is happening.
the only "solid ground" is constantly shifting layers of ice, too cloudy/snowy/windy for any sort of clean indefinitely renewable energy, no place to grow shit, absolutely no chance of self-sufficiency and getting to antarctica in even modern day is a challenge so shipping supplies regularly is even more of a difficulty with weather conditions and distance taken into account
even if you had the time and money to attempt living there, there's a whole multitude of things that could go wrong with natural disasters and such and we really shouldn't fuck with the wildlife
Quite literally is a game you spastic
Extermination already did this
BASED. globetards will not like this post
Also tomb raider 3.
>In West Antartica born and raised.
Who would want to live there?!
Wasn't Penumbra or whatever it was called taking place there?
Or maybe it was Greenland
>Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cold
Antarctica surround us
swimmin' with penguins in the polar pools
These people actually have followers, what the hell
Didn't Prenumbra have an Antarctic base section where you had to stand by the fire barrels when outside otherwise you'd take damage?
people who REALLY enjoy lying in bed wrapped in blankets on a cold day playing vidya
It seems it was Grenland.
Conarium was alright.
Came to post this
Why the fuck does Antarctica unnerve me when I see a picture of it? All the poles do this. But Antarctica does it more
Is it because of the unknown? That it's just a giant slab of ice? The imposing shape?
To prepare for living on Uranus.
How do people come up with this shit
Just came here to say that Antarctica is rightful Norwegian clay. Everyone else can fuck right off.
The north pole is the giant slab of ice, Antartica is an actual frozen continent with land beneath the ice.
Norway is on the other side of the fucking world faggot.
It's clearly south american, specifically Chilean.
Some people have their fun fooling with retards. I don't get the fun of that.
Sure, but it was discovered by a Norwegian explorer.
Bouvet Island is on the other side of the fucking world too, but that island IS rightful Norwegian clay.
Lol no. Nothing in this world should belong to south americans, they would just destroy it with their innate savagery. There is a preserved civilization under that ice, delicate matters like that are best left to Europeans.
You havent played Strange Journey?