This is what Castlevania used to be about

This is what Castlevania used to be about

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>"Hey Belmont have you seen my son?"

Greatest Megalomania ever

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What LARPing 'Christians' of Yas Forums don't understand is that this depiction of Christianity is just as blasphemous as whatever's getting your panties in a twist in the new series. Christianity isn't about getting superpowers to fight vampires.

So what it used to be about had nothing to do with mechanics? Ok, concession acknowledged.

>The OG Castlevania 3 is about a righteous man who is the latest member of a powerful clan uniting with 3 powerful individuals to fight against vampire satan using christian superpowers
>Netflix's Castlevania 3 is about an edgy alcoholic atheist loser who was expelled from his family uniting with his 2 also atheist and edgy friends to fight against some weak lame ass loser and his shitty vampire politics, using uhhh a whip and some lame magic spells only because god is BAD
Fuck me, they missed the entire point of Castlevania with this shitty show. I'm not even a christfag (ever since I was 13 Ive believed that every religion is nonsense) but the supernatural aspects of religion in Castlevania were always interesting. And the show just completely shit on that along with tons of other aspects of Castlevania, as a big fan it hurts to see. Reminder that the lead weirter of this show, Warren Ellis, has never played the games himself and has only read a Wikipedia summary of them. Fuck Netflix for hiring this jackass.

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Warren Ellis is a dumb limey hack, I could have told you that years ago.

it still is?

Daily reminder Super Castlevania blows fucking chunks and both III and Rondo are miles better

T-two men like each other enough to have sex??? Oh no, the beliefs I hold close to myself so I can pretend I'm offended when I want to get an emotional rage and actually feel like a human being!

Fuck off, /vpol/.

While I also would have preferred a straight adaptation, there's really no point to miss. It's a platformer that barely has a story to adapt over multiple episodes. Expanding on it in imaginative ways (you may dislike the result, but it still is what it is) is what adaptations are about.

t. never read his good comics

I prefer Bloodlines.

This is what Castlevania is about now.

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Castlevania is now about gay sex and that's a good thing

Kek Yas Forums is a thousand times more asshurt than Alucard could ever hope to be

>don't fight the minions of satan goy
>god can't help you defeat evil

Jesus fuck why Alucard gets fuck? I buy Netflix again just to see that shit but haven't got to that part

I'm an atheist.
Dracula was a metaphor for Satan. It's pretty stupid for some SJW hackjob to try to separate Castlevania from its own DNA with a westaboo tranime', even if he did do some things decently.

Yeah, adaptations are about raping and subverting source materials. Kys kikeflix shill
>Trevor and Sypha who were pro-God/Church in the games are anti-God/Church in the show
>No Grant
>Alucard is a faggot
>Dracula is a sōyboy
>Hector is a beta cuck
>Isaac is a black muslim
>Crosses don't work against monsters

>Christianity isn't about getting superpowers to fight vampires.
Speak for yourself, I've been fighting vampires with holy weapons since 1842.

What are vidya

IV is a flawed game but it's far from bad. I think it has more interesting level design than Rondo, in any case. Or Bloodlines, for that matter.

>T-two men like each other enough to have sex??? Oh no, the beliefs I hold close to myself so I can pretend I'm offended when I want to get an emotional rage and actually feel like a human being!

Lol at the things trannies tell themselves to feel like they're normal and accepted and not just disgusting fetishists that everyone is forced to tolerate.

I think it is good that religious aspects are removed when we go forward. It is a important that media and entertainment has the right to critisize different religions. For almost 2000-years christianity was unchallenged which held our societies down.

If you want to talk about the animated series, go to or This is Yas Forums. Talk about Castlevania video games.

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>>No Grant
In fairness the games seem determined to forget him too.

Contrast his prominence after 3 vs Sypha and Alucard

I’m FtM

>I think it is good that important elements of a fantasy series mythos are removed when we go forward
Not everything in fiction has to pander to your politics.

you got a hairy dick? A hairy, disgusting skin sleeve made from the flesh of your ass cheeks?
Or are you just a vagina trying to be one of the real people?

>die shanoa!
what was his problem

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That game is from the 80s. The vampire genre as a whole has moved far away from that imagery since then. Don't expect it to ever come back. Castlevania is as dead as Christianity anyway.

>christianity held our society down
>result of the ten commandments without which people would still be behaving like complete animals and killing each other in desert tribes
>eating and fucking everything, spreading disease
>jealously killing each other for possessions and attention
>holding society down

Can't wait till fedoras are actually running the show, won't be much longer now, look at coronavirus.

>While I also would have preferred a straight adaptation, there's really no point to miss. It's a platformer that barely has a story to adapt over multiple episodes. Expanding on it in imaginative ways (you may dislike the result, but it still is what it is) is what adaptations are about.
Funny that this excuse is only used to defend deviation from source material. I guess that the iRobot movie is a good adaptation of the book. You might say that it is an unfair comparison but you made an unfair argument. You argue that an adaptation is expected to have some changes thus the changes in the Netflix adaptation are acceptable. However, whose metric? Yours? Because fuck you.

Isaac is an edgy OC Mary sue.

The church was always bad. There are literally clergy men in the scene where Lisa is executed in sotn.

I don't believe in God, it still bothers me that Netflix does this shit because it's obvious pandering. Why can't they make even one show without their forced diversity and agenda pushing?



Castlevania ROMs without malware where?

>The church was always bad.
We had fags claiming that Castlevania was SMT.

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This is what Euroshits really think.

>The church was always bad
Read CV3's Japanese manual

>While I also would have preferred a straight adaptation, there's really no point to miss.
There's certainly an atmosphere to miss and it was missed by a longshot. The Netflix series doesn't invoke any feelings similar to the ones felt while playing Castlevania 3 or even SOTN and it makes no effort to make those games more appealing to a new audience.

I don't understand why they even did an adaptation for a game series that's pretty much dead anyway. Aren't adaptations meant to attract a new audience to the games? If not, why are you doing the adaptation in the first place?

No, this is what Castlevania used to be about

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Same, I cancelled them because it's absolutely guaranteed that any show I get invested in by them will invariably start up the propaganda force feed by episode 3 if not season 2. Shame really, they are burning up good ideas and writers on this wholesale.

i would do absolutely depraved things for a castlevania hd pc port


Proof that they were the ones who sentenced her?

The bellybuttons get me every time

>the tranny/fedora alliance so desperate to hate their boomer parents they adopt the language of the alt-right and can't even allow christian mythos to exist in a video game

So TRANsparently sad lol

>Trevor and Sypha who were pro-God/Church in the games
Trevor is from a monster-slaying clan and doesn't believe in God per se. He's aware that blessed weapons and some religious artifacts make more harm to demons, though. The show doesn't really subvert it in any way - Vampire Killer is consecrated weapon, and in S1 he even fetches some actual holy priest to go and make real holy water.
Sypha is a heretical witch through and through for knowing magic though.
>No Grant
A shame, but then again he was always a two-bit thug whose only achievements in life were getting cursed and climbing walls.
>Alucard is a faggot
He's neither straight though, his preference has remained ambiguous throughout the entire franchise, so it's all fair game, especially when we're talking about bishounens.
>Dracula is a sōyboy
What does that even mean, nigger.
Probably the only actual offenders, then again I never really cared for either of those two, since they never belonged to Belmont or any other monster-killing clan. Then again if we're going to do CoD justice, Isaac has to be a raging BDSM faggot.
>Crosses don't work against monsters
Well yes, without faith behind them it's just a metal cross.

I'm going to regret asking this but did they just really fetishize outies or is this some ultra creepy gay shit with umbilical cords?

Church being a supernatural holy entity sounds awesome. I don't get the point in making the fictional Church based on real life

Those fucking navels disgust me the most about that whole disgusting comic of disgust


>I don't get the point in making the fictional Church based on real life

No one is actually arguing for this. It's just false flagging by the "I hate my Dad, Straights and Religion" sect.

I love all these people who insist that they're not Christians, that they're totally hard-core atheists but seem to be as butthurt about supposed anti-christianity and only anti-christianity.

Wrong again, boyo, I'm zen buddhist, and you're just trying to deflect my points by spouting meme words.

Nigger really?

Yas Forums is filled with people that like to roleplay as offended soccer moms just to satisfy their outrage kink play.

They're larpers. The adaptation is still complete bullshit though. See

god doesn't help people defeat evil, he gives his teachings and free will and leaves it up to us
I'm not even religious and I know that one

First, not argument.
Second, all of the endless Dracula dicksucking makes it pretty much demon worship only much lamer and really gay.
The show basically tried to depict mankind as deserving of genocide. They even have their mary sue prophet.

Most people refer to them as adults.
Adults don't think of themselves as "hardcore atheists" and can think in terms that aren't black and white.
They are people that can see when there is a transparent agenda to eradicate something and push some kind of politics that always seems to be the same mainstream corporate rainbow crap.
If you are those that would break into pic related to destroy it, you're no better than those that destroyed the Library of Alexandria because heretics.
The converse of your statement is the same people don't seem to go after Islam the same way, so there's no need to defend it like that.

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Not him but what the fuck is wrong with you? How could you have become so bitter and hateful? Did someone hurt you?

christcucks are so pathetic lmao

you're on Yas Forums, what else did you actually expect?
Dilate! Seeth! Cope! Have sex!

>The show doesn't really subvert it in any way
Game Sypha:
>trained as a monk
>Serves the Church loyally
>Sent by the church to stop Dracula
Show Sypha:
>heathen Gypsy
>Says she's an enemy of God
>Says she needs to destroy the Church

Game Trevor:
>Church asks him to stop Dracula after Sypha goes missing
>Devout Christian, prays to Jesus before entering Dracula's domain
Show Trevor:
>anti-religious (like the show's writer who's never played the game)

He's probably just a white incel, ignore his gross statements and move on.

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>"Why does this show based on a game with christian iconography and european mythology shitting specifically on christianity in the most banal trite manner bring up posters that dislike that?
Yeah I wonder why they don't mention Islam or Buddhism you fucking retard

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