Is this worth it for 30€?

Is this worth it for 30€?

i've enjoyed the previous games of the series but i've never paid full price for any of them and honestly i don't think they're worth full price, is this the same? or is it so fucking bad it isn't even worth half price?

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I personally enjoy it, its more of the same mostly, but characters have anything between 3-11 abilities they can equip, so the customization is pretty gud

I've been playing it for 6 hours now and so far, I'd say it has the best gameplay of the series. Combat is more dynamic with sliding and being able to grab onto ledges, and the enemies seem to be smarter. Of course I didn't test all the characters but so far I'm having fun with Moze and her mecha, but I've heard that the others are also fun. Also the shooting feels way better than the former games, especially the shotguns.

Can't say much about the story though. So far it's okay.

Why does moze suck so much dick in end game mayhem 4?

i dont know, how are your morals on EGS?
i personally cant accept the fact that i'd give money on top of the bribe randy accepted, for a game that usually releases quite a bunch of DLCs. its at this price because they're gonna sell the season pass soon.
wait a year and buy the complete edition

Did they fix the dogshit dialogue from 2 or are all the characters still unbearable to listen to?

I'm the user who posted . Vaughn is still as annoying as in the final Borderlands 2 DLC (I miss Tales from Vaughn), same for Ellie. And surprisingly, Clap Trap is less annoying. Lilith is meh and the calypso twins are okay. Personal opinion of course.

I bought it for a little less than 30€, on Steam in my country it's about ~25€ with the 50% off sale going on right now.

I'm only 8 hours in but I'm enjoying it so far, the dialogue isn't fantastic but it's certainly better than what a lot of the reviews make it out to be. The dialogue is really just the same as Borderlands 2, not every line will make you laugh your ass off but there's a few times that it's genuinely made me laugh. Unless it takes a total nosedive I really don't see what people are complaining about when it comes to the dialogue.

The movement is probably one of the best upgrades from Borderlands 2, it feels really nice to move around. The sliding combined with the ledge grabs makes me naturally explore the environments way more than I did in Borderlands 2 just because it's really fun to move around.

Gunplay is the standard fare for a Borderlands game, a slight upgrade from 2. Guns feel satisfying to shoot. Enemies can ragdoll when they're still alive now which I don't think was a feature in Borderlands 2, so it's fun shotgunning enemies and seeing them fly.

Overall I'd say if you plan on playing with friends or playing at least 75 hours then it'll probably be worth your time, if not then just wait a while for a price drop. I don't think there will be another price drop lower than 50% for a few years, so honestly now might be your best time to buy.

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yeah i'm not waiting since the general consensus in this thread says the game isn't bad and the fact that i just want something new to play while i'm stuck in the house because of the virus crap and the car factory i work at is closed.

>Is this worth it for 30€?
>i don't think they're worth full price, is this the same?
They made it worse

Only started recently too(still working my way through the 2nd planet) and theres something off to me about the calypso twins. I dunno they just seem like another attempt at jack without the same level of charisma and crossing the line twice type of absurdity. They're still okay but they really feel like Jack-lite to me rn.

The overall plot of 3 feels like a rehash of 2, with similar beat by beat plot events

I see what you mean user. That said they made me chuckle a few times so I think they're okay. I also like their design. But yeah, trying to make a better villain than Jack is very hard to do. The dude had 3 games for himself and he is memorable and fun in all of them.

If you liked 1 & 2 you'll enjoy it; it even has a mechanic or two from Pre-sequel.

Best gameplay in the entire series with arguarbly the worst plot, but you don't need to replay the entire story multiple times like in BL2.

I'm still mad the best they could come up with was fucking twitch streamers.

I think they should've left them as simply "bandit leaders" and not include the whole streamer gimmick, people would've taken it a lot better

it is even worse. BL2 was hard to listen to at times but I don't remember it ever making me angry. I don't get mad at games but there was one point when I was playing with my brother where Tiny Tina shows up and we were both actually mad she wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Tiny Tina is barely in the game

she's in it for too long.

play Borderlands 2
3rd part is bad overall

She has one main story quest in both games, unless you count DLC

>play Borderlands 2
>with that shit scaling, peashooter guns and UVHM slag garbage
yeah, no

one story quest too many

20, absolutely.
30, ehhhh if you've got nothing going on

It's a shame they went full retard with the humor. Sure, the series was always wild in this regard, but B3 was just too memey for my taste.

BL2 is easily the most memefilled game in the entire series

Writing is terrible, but gameplay is solid, it's at least 20h of fun. Recommend to play with friends , makes story retardation bearable.
Also a good game to comeback to, from time to time and level new characters, just as previous ones.


>EULA states they'll send your data to non-GDPR respecting nations

Sure, if you want to have your data harvested

Does anyone still play Borderlands 2?
I know it's stupid since 3 just came out on Steam but still, I enjoy BL2's classes so much more

Someone please explain why Lilith is so goddamn old when she's mindfucking you

are we talking about when she does the siren-telepathic-speaking stuff?
because god i love her eyes in it

Yes, why did they record footage of some dev's heavily makeup'd grandma instead of just using an ingame model?

they've always done the "irl grill" thing though
Also I like it, gives me sweet mommy vibes

>Want to play it
>Remember that Maya is not playable
>Remember that other thing
>Desire to buy it goes away

they gave Borderlands 2 the iphone treatment

basically they fucked with the game to make it unplayable just in time for bl3's launch

i wish amara wasn't so ugly

Pretty smart about them

Until they get sued for billions like iphone did

OP here, fuck it, i have nothing better to do anyway

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nah, fuck you, the base game is enough for now

God I miss her so fucking much

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what a waste

Don't you mean 50? Might aswell buy all the DLC too. No?

shit, discussion here died after gearbox stopped shilling. also most obvious shill of the decade

Enjoy while it's okay. Ava ruin the entire game, i fucking despise that piece of shit character

Pirated and finished 1 time. Gonna buy when it's less than 5$, Ava ruined the game for me and i will never forgive Gearbox

What do you mean? That plant dlc?

Fuck Epic, and fuck Randy too for that matter. Fuck you shills as the cherry on top.

No, they broke the netcode making it virtually impossible to play online.

Does anyone even play BL2 online anymore

A load of people got it recently because its been on sale to promote BL3.

But Randy implemented built in obsolescence.

BL2 was Overwhelmingly Positive and it's now Mixed as a result.
Go on the forums and it's complaint after complaint.

Holy fuck you're right. What the fuck did Randy even do?
I can play it just fine, haven't tried multiplayer though.

I wish I wasn't this late to the party. BL2 characters seem so much more charming than BL3's.

ledge climbing is a welcome update that's for sure

none of the classes seem fun and they said they wont be adding new ones like in BL2

> they said they wont be adding new ones like in BL2
What a fucking blunder

and its only 4 classes?

they said their "data" shows that dlc classes weren't popular which is horseshit

Not only that, they're super fucking generic
>girl with gun (robot)
>guy with gun (tactical)
>guy with gun (good boy)

>dlc classes weren't popular which is horseshit
I mean, I'd believe that since the original characters are very charming and fun but Krieg and Gaige are amazing too. That has bullshit written all over it.

I'm a bit under halfway through and it's quite fun.

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That's every borderlands game

Convince me to buy this instead of playing an overhaul mod for bl2.

Playing Moze right now in co-op, how hard do I have to worry about the mech becoming useless later on? I’m already getting shredded in it whenever I try a more CQC loadout with it

Well, uh, I mean, yeah, but
fuck you, the characters were better

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