Was Kratos in the wrong for destroying the entire Greek pantheon?

Was Kratos in the wrong for destroying the entire Greek pantheon?

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initially he was in the wrong for don't something as cowardly and gay as pledging his life to ares to win one gay battle. but then pretty much everything after that is justifiable

We don't see all of the Olympians but pretty much all of the ones we do see are giant assholes. Even Athena turns out to be a giant asshole. But we don't see the consequences of GoWIII. In the game itself it looks like he's effectively causing the apocalypse but it's presumably localized to Greece since Chains of Olympus makes note of Persia as a distinct place and obviously the new game makes note of Scandinavia. In this world it's hard to imagine gods staying put in their own little clusters so perfectly, but aside from Mimir having heard of the Ghost of Sparta this relationship isn't really touched on.


Yeah, I agree with this take

And to think, they would have been absolutely fine if they just let him kill himself at the end of GoW1 instead of raising him as the God of War.


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Okay maybe it happened, but millions?

Depends whether he believes killing the norse pantheon is good use of his time.

Greek tragedies are not supposed to have a good ending.


Kratos ends up being a messenger from Yahwe.


Did the greek gods do anything wrong? Even after the corruption they didn't harm mortals either

He kind of was in 2, but thanks to some Retcons, even though Kratos never was in the right either, he is now painted as never having a "choice" in the matter.

After Ghost of Sparta, we know that short after the end of the first GoW, he was not only still getting crazy by guilt, but he also found out how the Gods play him and his family from the start, forcing him to actually mercy kill his own mother, and failing to save his brother. Worst yet, he founds out that the events that destroyed his family, were orchestrated by his new found father, Zeus!

So, from there, plus the madding dreams, we know why he start as an asshole at the beginning of GoW2. If he was being played to become a God of War, he would at least use his powers to guide his fellow Spartans (the only people he seemed to care at the time) to glory! Not the best of character arcs, specially at the time, but now we know the reasons behind it.

More retcons show how Zeus was always planning to kill Kratos to begin with, specially after being "infected" by fear, so again, it's kind of imply that Kratos never had a real choice in the matter, and we played a self fulfilling prophecy (The son would over throne the father).

Nothing of this makes Kratos a "good" guy, much less a hero, in the original games, but paints him as the God's own undoing. They mess with his, and countless of mortals lives for centuries, and now they pay the price... alongside the rest of Greece.

Everything bad that ever happened to him was his own fault. Kratos ironically was the main villain of the series.

He wiped out most of Greece.
Yeah he probably did kill millions.

Who knows, a Crazy Deimos may have found his why out of Tartarus eventually, and turn into god murderer just the same... maybe crazier.

This whole saga was painted as a self fulfilling prophecy at the end after all. Zeus wanted to prevent his sons from killing him, but in the end, Athena, Ares, Kratos and Deimos, all of them played a role in his undoing. Is amazing Heracles didn't betray him as well!

>Apollo never appears

They burn out Sparta once, fearing Deimos (Krato's brother) would grow up to become... well, Kratos! Ares was an overall asshole from the start, and both Persephone and Morpheus tried to destroy/conquer the world.

And it's just imply that Zeus was starting to get mad anyway, his paranoia of one his multiple (and probably still counting) sons would come to destroy him, would probably meant the end of Olympus anyway.

Kratos and his goons killed millions in 2 until they were stopped by Zeus. Then Kratos killed millions more himself in 3.

The Trojan War was caused by a roastie goddess beauty contest.
Fuck the Greek Pantheon. It killed way more Greeks than Kratos ever did.

did he flood Greece and drown everyone by killing Neptune there?

>Who knows, a Crazy Deimos may have found his why out of Tartarus eventually, and turn into god murderer just the same... maybe crazier.

This is probably another outcome. Seems like Greek myth always deals with self-fulfilling prophecies. Doesn't matter who or what does it, it will always come true.

They weren't the nicest bunch, but Kratos wasn't either so it's all just a shitshow, especially for the mortals

No since the greek gods were not actualy gods.LOGOS and pneuma, not zeus and athrna. praise Logos, ok.
t. Xenophanes

Yes. He also released a devastating plague that arguably killed the last remaining mortals after he killed Hermes

He didn't destroy all of them, just the major ones.
>Even Athena turns out to be a giant asshole.
Athena in mythology was a complete cunt. She's half the reason the Trojan War turned into an actual war, arguably more responsible than Aphrodite.
>Did the greek gods do anything wrong?
Many, many things.


Speaking of Apollo, where was Artemis during the second titanomachy?

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She was planned to have a boss battle in 3 where she hunts Kratos but that was cut, probably because of how difficult it was to design

She may have been still mad at Zeus for that one time he shape shifted as her, and had futa sex with one of her followers... I am not making that one up.

So, just as Aphrodite, she may have passed out of helping Olympus on this one... so at least the surviving greeks will still have good huntings, love... and maybe dreams? We never found out what happen with Morpheus.

Also, they were many minor Gods and Demygods that were either name drop, or even made cameos in the spin off games, and seemingly survived the events of 3, so just like the Olympic gods took the functions of the Titans, I guess the surviving gods will have to do the same for them now.


>that time Athena killed a weaver and then reanimated them as a spider because she was jelly

Hestia is still around I think so at least they can be comfy.

Why is Ascension so hated? Haven't played it yet so i'm asking it here

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He didn't kill the entire pantheon, though he did kill almost all of the A-Listers.
It's weird to think that Greek Gods are like comic book heroes in terms of number of stories and popularity.

the story is shit, you can easily ignore this one and you will understand the history of God of War with no problem.

Was Kratos in the wrong for killing baldur?

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Camera is absolutely fucking shit

>Kratos ironically was the main villain of the series.
War doesn't have villains, dummy. It's way to survive.

Baldur was already too far gone when he snapped his neck. In Kratos' own words, he wanted to end the cycle of vengeance. Though I believe even he knows it's futile, since Freya wants him dead now.

He literally killed billions. Zeus was in the right.

Which is ironic, because Zeus said the same thing when he stabbed Kratos in 2. Look where that got him

... pretty sure he did nothing to bring Ares and Athena to burn out his hometown, and kidnap his younger Brother to be eternally tortured in Tartarus when they were kids. I don't think he was involve on his mother being kidnaped and force to keep the secret of his origin either.

Yeah, I know this were retcons to justify his actions at the start of 2, but still, even though he is an asshole from start to the moment he killed Zeus, his humble beginnings as murderer weren still out of his control... Zeus, Ares and even Athena are to blame here. Self fulfilling prophecy and all that.

>Why yes, I did get my revenge, how could you tell?

It was Zeus idea to give godly powers (the Pandora Box) to the one Son he almost killed once, to deal with the one Son he wanted to kill now. Yes, Zeus would have been very happy if Kratos would just kill himself at the end, but between Deimus still alive and Crazy, and even Heracles being kind of bitter to his father in 3, is to be expected that one his sons would have end destroying Olympus eventually.

There are no good in God of War except Aphrodite and two dwarfs and Mimir.

It's ok, he killed Hades so they're not really dead anymore.

Yeah but they were dicks anyway.

Eos was (is?) alright. And Artemis seems to not care that much for what's is going on.

Also them, who wasn't influenced by Pandora box was alright.

No. It's the pantheon's fault for being so weak.

And Thanatos, Erinyes, Charon, Persephone, the Sisters of Fate, and probably every single breed of Cerberus in the underworld... seriously, after his second escape from there (which was in God of War ONE, mind you) Zeus should have realize that killing him was not an option!

Also Elves was fine too.

GoW is ultimately about a nigger tearing through European myth and Gods.

Greek gods actually created monsters and killed almost humans. Hydra in God of War 1 connected to Poseidon.

And Scylla in Ghost of Sparta, whose job was to prevent Kratos to reach Calypso at any cost. She was really bad at her job, but she took down Atlantis with her, trying to fulfill it.

What if Zeus had ADHD and he just forgot about him? I mean zap-zap can be pretty distracting, desu.

Leave Kratos to me

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Orkos was a total bro though. And the oracles of Delphi and Athens were nice

I hope the fight is like a mirror match, where he throws his hammer like you throw your axe.
Mirror matches are the best

So it's based. What a based god.

Greece was a fucked place, with fucked up people. I see.



>sends Kratos on a quest to murder a God
>fuck him over by not removing his dreams on a technicality because the Gods only said that they would "forgive" him
>failed to mention that forgiving him was not the same as removing the visions
>failed to mention this despite knowing full well that that's what Kratos thought it meant
>sends him on the quest in the first quest because Zeus has decreed that the Gods can't fight each other
>kills Kratos in 2 anyway
>destroys all of Sparta just to spite Kratos
Everyone is an asshole. Athena the least of which. She really only became a bitch when she turned into a ghost (Why was she a ghost anyway?)

Hephaestus was a cool guy. He only tried to kill Kratos because Pandora needed to be killed to retrieve the box