Where did all the games about killing Nazis go?
I mean, we still have Wolfenstein, but that series went to shit.
I just want to have some fun kicking Nazi ass
Where did all the games about killing Nazis go?
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what a lazy bait
god this board is depressing
How the fuck is this bait? A lot of games have been all about fighting nazi's in world war 2 and beyond
We need to respect and tolerate Nazis now or otherwise we are as bas as them, you see.
>literally hundreds of titles and dozens upon dozens of AAA titles about this topic.
The world has grown tired of killing the good guys, you fucking kike.
Stop kvetching and turn on the ove... I mean the shower.
Well, rabbi. You see, as the years rolled on and the effects of the globohomo "utopia" became more and more obvious, people might have caught up to the fact that maybe they fought the wrong side.
>And just like that, suddenly, for no reason at all, a man like Hitler came into power
Killing Nazis is becoming controversial because Nazis are winning the political game after the left sided with trannies/illegal niggers
Also this
>Winning the political game
Games have basically wrung the WW2 setting completely dry since around the early-mid 00's, the recent resurgence was mostly them running out of ideas and seeing if they could wring out any drops of dew that had gathered while it was sitting in storage, the ability to get retards talking about it because 'nazi' now means 'person who disagrees with me' was just a side effect.
>Left calls everybody who disagrees with them "Nazis"
>Point to video games and how they're having so much fun slaughtering "Nazis" like "you"
>Killing Nazis is now political
There's always been enough, one came out like a year ago right?
Also to reply to bait, everyone not far left is a nazi, and far lefters don't own guns, so if you shoot someone with a gun you are killing a nazi.
nazis have never won anything lmao
Can't hurt nazi fee fees anymore
But why shoot a nazi if you're already a nazi yourself? How does one acquire a gun without becoming a nazi in the process?
We must go deeper
People have been calling political opponents communists/fascists since the two ideologies came into existence regardless of how close they were. If you get upset about being called a nazi from some faggot you're just a bitch.
Doom mods. The answer is always Doom mods.
>almost every reply is in defence of nazis
>n-no Yas Forums is not a far right site
>>n-no Yas Forums is not a far right site
Who are you quoting ?
>Posting Antifa getting knocked out by the gay march
Hitler would be proud of you armchair fighters of the white race.
>far right
Both sides of the war were shit.
Antifa seems to have a tendency to piss off multiple people, and to lose any possible confrontation outside twitter too
Killing Nazi's is so boring and played out though. If anything we should be killing commies, especially the filthy chinese ones because this is the third time they've had a pandemic causing bioweapon leave their smog filled shithole with rivers that can chemically combust on fire.
"Nazi" means "National Socialist". It's literally a far-left ideology.
You don't have to be a nazi to hate an organisation that cannot properly relay their core ideas, doesn't try to solve any of the issues and only promotes or conducts violence as a way of responding to anything. If anything it's fascinating how it has any supporters at all
>Where did all the games about killing Nazis go?
where you not born yet when we had all ww2 shooters already?
Does the banner say casuals against terrorism?
We're gonna struggle with the consequences of GamerGate, or rather, the attempted purge of progressives in the gaming scene that came with it, for a while. But it is gonna blow over, eventually.
world war 2 games aren't as popular as they once were
I prefer the political trichotomy. It emphasizes how split the right and how united the left are.
In case you missed the last couple years, Nazi is now exclusively being used for Trump supporters. And somewhat surprisingly quite a few publishers aren’t quite as willing to wade into that particular minefield as they were with similar Bush era similes, although if you get a decent hashtag going you could more than likely shame them into it
violent snowniggers, barely better than actual niggers
Killing nazis in video games in now considered politically tense and divisive
Welcome to clown world
Youre a literal retard
Now that I am a member of the Nazi party myself I find killing my own people to be quite distasteful.
Games about killing communists when
>regular policompass is Libertarian propaganda
>not blatant enough
>let's just lobotomize it further by completely removing the "LibLeft" quadrant
>remember peasant: property = freedom
Hitler's Germany looks better than the last 20 years in Europe and America. Our cities are being taken over by mud people.
If you got true communism that your political liberals desire so much, all the LGBTBBQ members would be summarily executed while SJWs would be hauled off to the gulag or purged as well for being political dissidents and enemies of the state. So I indeed wish upon you to get visited by the friendly ghost of actual communism.
>No-no! You can't say that! Can't you see you're getting culturally enriched! Part and parcel, etc.
People grew up and realized that the narrative with that they raised was simply Allied/Soviet propaganda.
By the way, Allied forces raped far more women in Norway when they occupied it than the Third Reich troops did. Also, 50K civilians were killed from Allied bombing during the "liberation" of France.
WW2 games were a lot more fun when they were just about acting out Allied heroism in key battles during the war instead of some psycho's politic-driven revenge fantasy
This thread is a dumpster fire, which OP lit by ignoring Godwin’s Law.
I love nazi killing games, everyone does. I’m not going to save the aryan race in CoD world at war, I know and I am able to ignore that so I can enjoy the game. I think OP is looking for run of the line good vs evil games. Where the “evil” is infinitely evil in it’s every deed and lacks any humanity, and you get to be the “good”.
These games have been infected with politics so they are basically non existent, since no one can agree on who’s “good” or “bad”.
anyone debating wwii in this thread is a fag
Wheres my shooting super obsure nazis, like ukrainian or croation or swedish?
Killing communists is more fun anyway, they come in many diffrent colours (vietnamiese, russian, congo niggers ect)
wheres mah boi mussilini in dat chart? he da founder of modern facism n' sheit.
alot of people are only far-right and 'Nazi's' because of said clown world though. You reap what you so and in the lefts case that pendulum is swinging back culturally speaking amongst people who buy videogames (white males and Asian Males)
Yet none of that would have happened if the germ*ns would have just kept in their lane.
Play old games then. The nazis stuff is a dead beaten horse, nobody cares anymore.
>Series went to shit.
I don't get it.
New Order was fine.
Old Blood was 10/10, and is probably my favourite Wolfenstein if we don't include RtCW
And straight after that, Machine Games created an expansion pack for original Quake.
What the fuck happened to them from NO / OD / Quake that had them shit out Wolfenstein 2, Young Blood and a VR title?
My only complaint about their first two games & Quake is that it's far too cinematic/story driven. The writing is pretty fun in Old Blood though, but doesn't lend itself much to replayability.
Do you mean World War 2 games? Because the last Call of Duty was literally called "World War 2". The latest Battlefield game is set in World War 2. It's just a topic that's grown a bit stale. I want more Cold War games, shit was slick as fuck and had some really nice vehicles n shit. Gimme BMP-2.
Play Metro: Exodus. You kill Nazis in Yamantau.
Old Blood was meant to be the first portion of TNO, but they decided to cut it, flesh it out and make it it's own game.
Might as well ask where did all the WW2 games go. Setting got overused, just like all the zombie games.
fuck lefties, fuck antifa
See a Yid, give him the skidmarks.on his corpse
So why was wolfenstein shit? Al I heard was that it is bad but no one could explain why without being racist themself.
you mean young blood?
Exactly, I told you, Nazi ideology is winning and anti Nazi games flop. Racism is becoming widespread as people realize that it's just another term for self preservation.
i'm seeing more and more claims lately from gen Z on social media that collaborating russians are in fact not asiatic subhumans but instead cossacks which are entirely compatible with a new European Order to defeat Bolshevism. very concerning stuff. also been seeing desire to annex portions of Canada and Mexico from their liberal capitalist regimes in order to provide living space for the ubermenschen.
truly scary times
how is it edgy? germans didn't just round up jews for shits and giggles, they were nasty shits just like the rapefugees of today are.