Are you looking forward to Tifa's game?

Are you looking forward to Tifa's game?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I like KAWAII UGUU Tifa better

Oh God the fucking face.

No, but I'm looking forward to you dying of corona so I dont have to look at your daily fucking Tifa the whore posts. Every.Fucking.Day

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nitpicking isn't nice OP
that's my wife you're talking about

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Is that red hair dude in the video, Johny?


Almost saw his nips. Why is he so lewd.

Kyrie looking cute af

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Girl with the beret in the middle looks hotter than new Tifa desu.


okay pedo

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I said middle, dumbass. The light from the train is on her.

Whatever you say pedo

Lemme guess, you probably think loli and shota porn is pedophilia too.

Kawaii as fuck
They went on cuteness overload wit her

For what it's worth user, I really would rather have the loli

Don't masturbate to her

Wtf is wrong with her face? Nomura what in the fuck are you doing?


Attached: Inside FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE – Episode 1 Introduction (Closed Captions).mp4_snapshot_17.19.386.jpg (1280x720, 510.69K)

It looks like the porcelain dolls my grandma has in her house. They're fucking creepy.

This? This is what people consider "attractive" these days?
The absolute state of Yas Forums...

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This is an AAA game, right? Why the fuck does the Witcher 3 have better graphics? What the fuck is this shit? It looks like FF15's weird textures all over again.

Why are doomers so desperate?

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I do t support sjw censorship so I will skip it

Where is her upper lip

b-bros...i'm gona...

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Built for breeding, baking, and cleaning.

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Because a lot of us don't like the game and are saying what we don't like?

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Is it true that only one part of the whole game will be released? If so, why are there so many people looking forward to it?

I don't know, but the more I see her new model the more inbred it looks to me.

They're just desperate for anything remotely big to fail. TORtanic fix etc etc..

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it looks worse than xv or witcher 3

Attached: Inside FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE – Episode 1 Introduction (Closed Captions).mp4_snapshot_08.49.095.jpg (1280x720, 351.45K)

Looks like literal Chinese. Disgusting.

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Christ. Why does everyone look good but her? Even Jessie looks hotter. What the fuck is Square doing??

lol no you faggots are nitpicking a youtube video

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>same ip

Big yike

>19 posters
>42 posts mmfhey are desperate

XVtards were so salty that their precious youtubers kept making fun of their toy that they started a crusade against anyone liking any new FF. It's just so happen that the new FF is 7R.

>That bombing mission track at 4:53
Wow why didn't they use that for the opening mission instead? Sounds way more impactful. If it's one thing these new tracks are missing it's some fucking powerful percussion.


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>States they watch FFVII playthroughs
>Says the Midgar section takes 10 hours
>Any fan can complete Midgar in less than 3 hours
Who does he think he's kidding?

>Not criticism

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>something new comes out
>shitposters flock to nitpick

I'm loving every laugh fellas.

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>Thinking I like FF in the first place

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>nitpicking graphics off a youtube video

let me fix that for you

You sound like a fucking NPC.

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So when something makes a lot of money, it means it's good? Tell me, is The Last Jedi a good movie?

There were daily Tifa threads long before the remake, user.

>enters an FF thread to talk smack about things he don't care
Yikes. Imagine being this mentally ill. Have you met your reverent doctors yet, you might be a transsexual.

They're like rats to cheese.

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You realise it's possible to be critical of something you like right? You do embrace the pros of living in a secular society right user?

>14 year old Tifa
I take it

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I only care about the porn of the female models, story doesn't interest me because I know it's mediocre.

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You're just an NPC on the other side of the spectrum, retard. Don't act as if your thought is in any way shape or form being original whatsover.

You faggots are nitpicking a fucking youtube video as if it's representative of the final game. Stop pretending you give 2 shits about the game.

Se know it's audience

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There's no such thing as an Anti SJW though. It's SJWs vs normal people.


>Daily 24/7 Tifa thread
That's literally the best thing about Yas Forums

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>Has no argument
>Uses cope
So in other words, you admit defeat.

>being critical

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m8 it sounds like you're defending a religious doctrine. Critique is not automatically shitposting or 'nitpicking'

yes simpy you won on the intert
better run and tell your mommy

pls respond

>m8 it sounds like you're defending a religious doctrine
Not him but you nigga are reaching

Show me this critique.

Did SE hire some roastie that hates Tifa to do her? What the fuck is this? Why the fuck does she look worse than any other girl in this remake?

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why have you been faggots been parroting this so much since the demo dropped

nitpicking a scene on youtube with bad ingame lighting is considered critique here

I just want to know if it is true or not m8


>Tifa possess superior royal genes
Holy based! How can anyone else ever compete with this.

haha dude one bit where she looked weird on youtube due to lighting
fucking TORtanic 2 incoming lmao

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he's a chad, unlike twinkboi Cloud

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>all critique is by one person
Some is nitpicking, others are completely valid. You can always just call them Barry if you don't feel like engaging.

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This shit doesn't even remotely look alike. You need a character with a really big chin for that to work, like pic related

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she gestures like an idol, its kind of weird but cute

this reminds me of you faggots who come crawling out the second we see something new about this game

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No wonder why Tifa fucked him that one time.

fucking unf

point me in the direction of this valid critique you speak of, because this entire thread is giggling at a youtube video's compression

>one time

Why is she so gorgeous...

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I'll engage. Show me this critique. I'll be more than happy to talk about the demo's awful AI for starters.

Why the fuck did her chin get big again

wide jaw is wide

It's beyond this thread and it's pretty much the only thing garnering discussion because there's very little to even talk about. I've had the defense force come down on people with complaints of the score and the overall aesthetic not being right

It works like a erection, retard. Like when she sees Tifa the first time in her whore dress she almost pokes her eye out.

I'm talking about this thread.

>It's beyond this thread

You said there was critique in this thread.. What happened?

Beyond disgusting

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>see her in motion in the video
>looks fine
The fuck are people complaining about

lmao stay mad that your tittymoster is a fucking goblin now.

Did I miss something? all the simps are squealing over her

Look at the face.

There has been absolutely zero valid critiqing in this thread. It's all just jumping on a youtube video because it's something new to shitpost about. Let's not pretend otherwise.

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They ruined her


>so much Seething over best girl
Here, have a flower user

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holy chaderino

In motion looks fine
Who cares
I honestly think people overrated her so much that its either their tifa they idealized in their minds or nothing