This is how videogames die, by allowing Commifornia to breathe

This is how videogames die, by allowing Commifornia to breathe.

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Memes aside, this is an actual example of soul vs soulless

i'd care about this if i played stupid weebshit like you do, but i dont.

if videogames, for you, die with the reduction of sex appeal, you didnt like videogames in the first place

I'm so mad that people are falling for this.

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you'd have an argument if these clowns weren't also just really bad at games and really just want fancy VNs with cinematics

If women dressing modestly is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Are there any trans DQ characters?

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What a dishonest post. You can twist words however you want, but all you're doing is defending censorship.

looks better on the right

I came in here to post this since most people here haven't played DQ4, but you have to admit its pretty good bait.


>Mindless, grunting, slavering, Animal gamer Coomers who think sex is the most important thing.

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He's not wrong though : fanservice is just a bonus. My 1st games (SM64,DKC trilogy,etc) didn't have any (or a blatant focus on it) & it was still great to play them.

the idea that people would think anything on this schizo png is true is super depressing.

Breeding ensures survival of the species, the same way consuming nutrients and water does.
Sex is, by definition, is the most important thing there is.

>He's not wrong
In an eather maybe, in this debate he absolutely is.

His post is the same old trite, attempt at redirection from censorship.

No one's talking about sex. Fapping in your basement isn't sex.

>didn't have any (but if I'm wrong I refuse to take responsibility)
Candy everything, Peach kiss and cake

>Animal gamer Coomers who think sex is the most important thing.
>No one's talking about sex.
Then make up your mind, retard.

Why are you so transphobic?

the west was a mistake

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i know

Even if it was true. USA looks decent. Imagine complaining about a woman not being in a bikini 24/7, this is your brain on sperm

what is being censored? in what platform? by who? for whom to not see what?

if you say "porn" is censored in "video games" by "feminists" for "gamers" to not see "porn", you might as well start arguing about cultural marxism

The jewish west was a mistake.

Yea, I'm sure this is why a portion of the species focuses on furry stuff, gay stuff, straight up bestiality, and underaged drawings. Because having a kid is what's on their mind, not humping something without reprecussions or commitment. Lol the weakest excuse ever.

you are a mistake


>liberal women in real life
"you don't tell me how to dress I'm gonna wear little to no clothing, I'll show you"

>liberal women overseeing videogames
"Inshallah this woman is not modestly clothed she is just an object, I'll fix this"

>the weakest excuse
In awe of you ignorant niggers, since your existence is the very proof of this point.

Maybe coronavirus will kill them off.

>forcing Kali to wear clothes

don't they know how insensitive that is?

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these are two different characters

REPRODUCTION is the most important thing for the survival of a species. One is a part of the other one.
Yup, simplest excuse to be a perv. Normal people aren't supposed to think about it 24/7, calm down your pants,people.

Have we really fallen so low as to use DQ for low effort shitposting


>Yea, this is why you're here, because user wants to let loose inside a loli fox girl that's more fox than girl.
No user, just no. Read it again, and try again. Normal acutal, human on human, male on female, sex with the intention of reproduction, is not what's going on there, and that's why people are here, not because "muh fetish, muh erection, 0 commitment, no babies just sex" mindset.

>REPRODUCTION is the most important thing for the survival of a species.
You can't reproduce without having sex, you fucking retard, unless you're a fish that lays eggs and waits for a male to fertilize them, in which case you can blub-blub the fuck away from here. Don't ever attempt to look more clever than you are, asshole.

is dead or alive a good game if you remove the incel bait?

the answer is: dead or alive wasnt good in the first place, but its still a game. cut out the middleman already: porn is not intrinsic to the hierarchy of a game that constitutes itself. all you want is to see more porn and for women to stop complaining.

your positioning has nothing to do with videogames. in that sense, you are a true gamer.

How does it feel knowing your subreddit got shut down because you fuckers were too annoying, even for reddit lol

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Yet it's some how wrong when it's interracial

>Reproduction is the most important thing
No it isn't.

People like you unironically using words like this are the problem, not the games.

Instead of arguing like retards, you guys should maybe play some video games since your posts clearly indicate that you don't. This is Meena and Maya Mahabala from Dragon Quest IV (the game the green haired dude from one of Hero's alts in Smash Bros is from). It's a good game and it is a much better use of your time than arguing on about sjws on b8 posts on Yas Forums.

Of course, if you don't stick to your own race, you dilude the race pool and risk turning the whole world in to one race, like forcing all zebras donkeys and horses to mate together, and ending up with no more horses, zebras or donkeys and instead some middle of the road mix. Granted, I'm not sure they can actually race mix the same way but you get the idea. You avoid it, so all races are preserved. Granted some people might wish pugs were gone, and others pitbulls, bot some people like them. So surely race mixing them away isn't the answer.

The eyes being so low that they are between the bottom third and middle third of the head is so fucking ugly that the designer of these characters should kill themselves immediately.

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maybe a little unwarranted from me, but my point is that cheesecake women in games like doa have nothing to do with actual women. they are a signifier of a perfect relationship, a pure fantasy.

they work the same as waifus. there is no relationship, only imposition.

right is wholesome

left = soulless thot
right = wholesome waifu

commies are degenerate whoremongers who fight for prostitute rights and globohomo porn industries

the majority of Yas Forums doesnt actually like videogames. they like the consumer culture and critizicing others for being too much into consumer culture, but actual ludological and ideological discussion happens very little.

just because you dislike consumer culture does not mean you actually like video games, though.

>japan = soulless thot
>usa = wholesome waifu
What's the problem again?
You guys realize you're falling for Libshit reverse psychology??? All the pedos/faggots/feminists make a big stink about seeing tits in video games because they want an overreaction from normies (you) and they want you to double-down on degeneracy and demand for even more.

You should demand for even MORE puritanism and wholesomeness, unironically. Get fags and pedos out of gaming.

Is it fun to pretend to be retarded? Every time I try my hand at it I just feel like an asshole, yet every time I look at Yas Forums I see vast swarms of anons willing ignore the most basic of facts just to make some stupid argument

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Race mixing isn't the same becomes it doesn't make you infertile like a donkey and a horse mixing. Your argument makes no sense and makes it seem like reproduction isn't the most important thing

Sweet. Been meaning to. I'm not a weeb or a faggot so I always put it off. Since you want everyone to play it, how about you buy it for us? Sound good?

I like both of these.

>buying games
no wonder you spend your time arguing on Yas Forums

>you don't become infertile
mixed mulatto kids can't make pure white kids, so they are infertile in terms of promoting the race of their white parent.

>The designer of these characters
If you don't know it's Akira Toriyama, you should kill yourself immediately.

yeah they can

Currently grinding in Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet
I only need one hand
Years of cooming finally.. came.. in.. handy hehe

Right in the streets, left in the sheets

The genes are still there. They don't disappear but the more dominate one just take priority. A white kid can still come out of 2 mulatto parents.

Gook shit lol

Dresses are hot though

notice that Yas Forums likes videogames so little that the discussion on a videogame board turns immediately into the fragility of the white race and of conspiracies by Semites, Jews and Women to stop videogames from being enjoyable.

gamers are afraid to like videogames.

I have no need to know the name of such a failure, you fucking failure. I bet you think it looks good too.

Visual Novels are not videogames


Its pretty fun making a bait post/thread and watching the replies roll in

Not to mention these are the same opportunists that spout nofap shit while at the same time complaining about MUH CEYUNSHURSHEYUP OF A GAME I LITERALLY DIDN'T CARE ABOUT UNTIL 5 SECONDS AGO.

Once this whole COVID-19 thing is through how about we throw these retards the biggest boot party in history?

>that I am
fuck off kenshin

It’s aesthetic you donkey

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Pretty sure that's 2 different class progressions for the same character.

>Been meaning to.
>I won't buy or even bother pirating it though
How about you go fuck yourself and never return to Yas Forums? Sound good?

I'm just telling you what some japanese dude said in terms of it, and the best argument against it. Doing it promotes removing said races from existance and mixing everything out of existance. Reproduction is important, but when so many humans are already alive it's not important enough to justify certain things, like having a kid when you can't take care of it. Not saying it's the end of the world when a select few do it, but it's a "if everyone did it and it would end poorly, then no one should do it and it should be viewd as bad" sort of way to view things.