DUDE you just died because someone randomly did triple damage that not even he could expect

>DUDE you just died because someone randomly did triple damage that not even he could expect

This is retarded beyond words.

Attached: Critical.png (686x617, 277.99K)

>He lets himself get hit

people with bad luck deserve to die

Do we really need another shit-flinging about random critz? People are STILL seething about them?

>those scunts that DO expect to crit you and have their bullets line up, so they keep shooting you for 10 damage
>then they get a crit

Attached: 1431275213649.jpg (367x202, 12.32K)

>getting hit in the first place

Attached: you know it engie.png (368x355, 228.07K)

lol who cares its tf2

I bet you're the same kind of guy who caps on hightower, tryhard

ded game, who cares

user found a new word, huh?

The term and my use of it are older than the sperm that bagged down your mother and ended up producing the downie failure that you are.

SEETHE harder, critcuck

Attached: 1532286569511.png (899x570, 160.9K)

I played TF2 for 11 years and I never heard the term scunt before

You can crit as well so no problem


Yeah except your random crit happens to be a wet fart, while soldier's random crit is 1-click teamwipe.

Where the fuck have you been playing for 11 years to have never heard or seen the word “scunt”?

Thanks fo standin' still, wanka!

idk I don't browse reddit

Oh ok so you’re just pretending. Gotcha.
>Moving the goalpost

Well now I'm curious. What are your hours and region? What about the term Lucksman/Cuntsman?

Then play soldier

So? That just means I am being robbed of the satisfaction of outplaying my enemy.

I'm that soldier, you should try actually aiming your rockets before firing.

You outplay them by getting that crit first.

>get kill with random crit
>get killed with random crit
"Dont hear you complain about it now"

This is the mentality of the faggots who still complain about random crits.
Play another game if it offends you so much.

It's not up to you whether you get it first. There is no play being made here.

B-B-But there’s no other game like TF2, so I’m gonna keep pushing my bullshit until TF2 is the game I want it to be. Fuck everyone else

The play is to get the crit first and or dodge his. It’s that simple.

LITERALLY just make crits restricted to melee thats all it takes

>Random crits are good because they break stalemates!!!
If your game relies on luck rather than teamwork, it's fundamentally flawed. Cool game design you got there.
>Random crits are good because they let noobs fight back!!!
Not only they incentivize to not get good since they can win with a roll of dice anyway, but it shows you have no idea what you're talking about since the crit chance gets higher with your killstreak, meaning that good players will stomp others even harder.

Crits are a retarded mechanic that people defend only because it was in the game from the start, but TF2fags are used to get cucked by Valve anyway.

Attached: snek.gif (444x408, 367.5K)

LITERALLY go make your own server. That’s all it takes

The outplay in that situation would be dodging the possible one shot kill in any way possible.

The random crit will stop the good player from stomping, thus keeping the game fair.


But that means it’s still MY fault if I lose. Not the game’s

How do you dodge hitscan?
Why does heavy exist if you are meant to dodge everything, since every potential hit could be a crit?
Can you provide footage that demonstrates this dodging you speak of? Can you provide that footage for a class that isn't scout?

>crit chance gets higher with your killstreak
crit chance is based on damage done in the last 20 seconds

>How do you dodge hitscan?
What is cover for 500, Alex.

>not being able to calculate and manipulate RNG
lmao imagine being this smoothbrained

They don’t play video games user

I know they don’t. That’s why they’d rather a big company do everything for them.

Not only is TF2 the furthest thing from a cover shooter, but even if you do use it to its fullest potential you will inevitably have to be in the sightline of enemies if you want to shoot at them, you fucking cretin.

It gives players being dominated to get in a kill and make them enjoy the game. You hate "fun" don't you OP? Is that why you suck dicks because you hate it too?

>you will inevitably have to be in the sightline of enemies if you want to shoot at them
No fucking way dude, it’s like...a shooter game or something...

>Popular TF2 youtuber calls out RNG in video game
>Yas Forums now loves rng in TF2 and calls it skill

Attached: 1493258935677.png (540x480, 203.66K)

>What is uber? What is approaching from the back? What is sniping from the distance? What is a spy?
I know you're baiting but cmon

>I started playing in 2013, that makes me a veteran
Dude that's 7 years, you think that's not long? In any other game that is a veteran by any definition

b4nny never dies to crits sooo oops user is just bad again

It's like... you don't have a point to make or something...

What is the downtime between ubers? What are the classes that aren't designed for ambushes or being out of everyone else's range? Kill yourself.

That was already two years into TF2 being shit, so anyone who started during that time is an eternal newfag.
Just like Yas Forums, actually.

My point is, git gud.

kys. You compfags already ruined the game with MyM

dead game. Move on to diabotical

All they had to do was get together and make their own no crit community servers. Literally all they had to do. That nigger Dane could have opened tens of them but no.

That's because b4nny plays diabotical

>it's only bad when others get it

>DUDE you just lost monopoly because you randomly landed on my hotel that not even I could expect

>calls it skill

Fuck monopoly. That game ruins family relations

These niggers like to complain all day but never actually do the effort to fix it.

>not consooming every property you come across
never gonna make it

>Mfw I get two crockets in a row and kill 3 people with the first, 4 with the second
God I love em

Because none of them actually want to make things better for themselves. They want to make things worse for everyone so they can FEEL better