You can learn Japanese and play video games in Japanese

You can learn Japanese and play video games in Japanese.

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Nigger shit.

I'm blind and deaf so I won't be able to read or hear anything

I don't like japanese games though. I just jerk off to women in them.

I really want to, but it's hard for me to comprehend


Best of luck anons
Pray for me too puriizu

What video games are you planning to play in Japanese, OP?

Fuck you Dekinai-chan

I hate video games and anime but I'm learning it anyway.

I have already done so.

>mfw past mt stupid and steadily climbing from the valley of despair
We're all gonna make it, bros.

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I'm about to finish Hanahira, next is something something leylines

But WHY should I?

I've been there ever since I passed the N1. I know enough to pass a sitting test that proves nothing and then I'm constantly find new shit every time I'm playing/reading something. Learning Japanese is impossible

It's not impossible, you just sound disheartened because you somehow didn't realize what N1 is before you actually took it. Some people are just challenged, they need to do things to understand the obvious. Anyone who thinks or even slightly associates N1 with fluency is just clueless.

Will I eventually know japanese if I read one hour a day of simple vns with chiitrans lite?

But I dont want to

That's just because N1 is too lenient with pass scores. Even obvious low scorers like you count as passed. And because you don't read enough fiction.

Same, N1-bro. Passed it a couple years ago, still finding reading anytrhing without tools such as Textractor bloody annoying. Like, I can probably do with understanding 90% of the content and just forging ahead, but I want to understand everything.
Why can't this shitty language be trivial like English or most other euro languages?

tfw I'm at only 1800

Loooool, something definitely went wrong with your studies.

Nah, top 10% here. I mean, they could theoretically only pass people with 150+, but it would mean that 95% of those who have the certificate right now wouldn't have made the cut.

There's a world of difference between "being able to understand most of the text" and "reading comfortably". The former is enough to pass N1, but until you attain the latter, either through getting gud enough at vocab and expressions to know pretty much everything or through making peace with the fact that you have to just skip some parts outright and hope that it all makes sense down the road, engaging with content aimed at natives will be a huge pain in the ass.

I was learning Japanese for a couple months then I stopped because I found out I'd be moving to Quebec, so I figured I should learn French instead. Haven't bothered doing that though.

And I would have been okay with that.

We all die to corona why bother :'^)

No I can't. I am eternal dekinai.

Agreed, same situation here. Watching Japanese streamers and the ease with which they read through text reminds me that even if I can read most of my VNs without looking anything up, I’m not yet at the point where I’m “fluently” reading them.

>learning moonrunes unironically
How long does it take until you understand 90% of written text and spoken word? Like 5 years? For what? One trip to tokyo to get laughed at but not to be self-aware enough to notice it?

>I cannot see nor hear, yet I still shitpost
truly the chosen one of Yas Forums

Damn this nigga using a Braille computer

too busy trying to learn Pyccкий

Kill yourself

But why would I do that?

What's wrong with being laughed at?

I've been studying Japanese on and off for many years, but I decided at the start of February to take this shit seriously and I started going through Remembering the Kanji.
I reached ~250 Kanji with Anki and I was happy with myself, and I thought that once I reached 1000 Kanji I would be able to start reading more comfortably. But now I'm reading about people who know all the Jouyou Kanji and they struggle to read through games like NieR or fantasy JRPGs, and that hit my motivation like a sledgehammer
I don't know what to do bros

I don't know, a few months? 90% comprehension isn't a big barrier, dude. 99% is what takes you a couple of years.

The whole thing pays for itself pretty quickly, and the added insight into your favorite games as you can replay them properly and read developer interviews is great.

I can, but at what cost?

Learn words instead. Languages are made of those.

you first, weeb

>Trying to remember all the conjugation rules for all the various forms of verbs in N4

It's all fun and games and then there is a verb you haven't seen before and you go right back to the start.

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RTK doesn't even teach you kanji, so after you're done with joyo, you've still got to learn all the fucking readings.

You should be tackling kanji at about 20 a day, with readings, minimum. Or just do core6k at the same rate.

I tried user. im just too retarded

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I have forgotten my native language

Why would you need conjugation rules ever? Just learn them through reading.

watch Cure Dolly

Because he wants to know Japanese, not just think he does.

Do you need to know spelling rules for 8 different languages to spell shit in English? No, you write the word, and you can tell if it's wrong or not. Same shit here.

Production is a worthless skill.

Aye, at what cost?

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Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity!

I had reached about 260 or so vocabulary in my Anki deck but I reached a point where I was confusing similarly looking Kanji (e.g. 持 vs 待), and when I wanted to write a word down from memory I didn't know where to begin drawing the Kanji (but I knew the pronunciation), and to add to that I was feeling that the learning process for Kanji has to be better than just photographic memory for the Kanji character instead, which is why I decided to start Remembering the Kanji. I heard that once you know the Kanji and their meanings, learning vocabulary becomes a hell of a lot easier.
I want to be efficient with my time studying

You're worthless and have no idea what you're talking about.

The fuck are you talking about? if you don't know how to conjugate verbs into forms like potential, causative and volitional then how are you going to be able to say / write it?

Probably, as long as you focus on the Japanese words and not just look at the translation and continue immediately.

Just learn Chinese, unlike Japanese it's not a dying language

>if you don't know how to conjugate verbs into forms like potential, causative and volitional
Mate, I don't even know what those words MEAN. If I want to say I went to your house and fucked your mom politely, I just fucking type out お前んちに御袋掘りましたでござる. Who needs to fill their head with dumb fucking definitions of shit?

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People who aren't cringey brainlets.

Keep your head in that textbook lad, I'm sure you'll work out how to talk eventually.

chinks just started a plague, why should we recognize their culture or language

What do you mean exactly?
The best advice i can give you is to just watch, read and do everything in japanese you can. Change your windows language. Go to nippons youtube for videos. Get your news in japanese. Play every game in japanese you can. Only watch japanese shows and movies. Get some stupid japanese children books online which name things etc.

Do that and try to learn as much as possible while you are doing it. Bonus points for stuff you already know in english, like your favourite game. Its not that hard to figure out what the moonrunes mean where start game was displayed. Piece everything slowly together.

Rather learn Finnish to maximize my shitposting potential.

Don't worry, living in Japan helps me a lot.

And yes, anyone normal will use textbooks and any other methods to learn Japanese. You're just a cringey brainlet that can parrot some internet meme. It's not like also using a textbook precludes anyone from doing that too.

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>Japanese conjugation
user, I

I'm busy.

I don't know why expats and ALTs always seem to think that they're bragging when they post about living in Japan. I just think you're fucking retarded, the country's a shithole. I just like their games and crap.

I'm not an ALT or any other type of English pronounciation monkey.

And by now it's clear you should dilate.

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you're literally talking about trying to intuitively understand something before logically understand it. unless you're fully immersed that's not going to be possible. you're kind of a fucking idiot.

Can you niggers take your dick measuring contest back where it belongs? I could not care less. Someone name some Japanese-only games you played or are aiming to play.

Name 3 games worth a shit (that aren't porn), that did not get at least a fan translation at this point.

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And can easily lead to misunderstanding anyway. It's retarded to not at least check if your understanding is correct.

Phantasy Star Poratble 2 Infinity

Double Cast
Gunparade March
Natsuyume Yawa

Is it worth playing if I only played the first 4 games and have no interest in the online shit?


>Illusion games translated before release
Life is good

What's with chinese learning fags feeling this need to enter jp learning fag threads to chill it? Every thread you're here. Why?

why would I ever want to do that?

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this is the problem with language threads and people who learn other languages in general. they are always trying to show off their knowledge and they feel so prideful because they think they are smart. it's so annoying.

By all means, look up what a fucking word means. What I'm saying is don't waste your time learning shit like the perfect present conditional of how to say cuntflaps. It's meaningless shite. Maybe if you're an ESL you learnt all this shit in school, but for sane people it's a waste of time.

it's worth playing if you like arpg lootmill grinding with good character customization

Imagine being this Amerifat.

>play video games in ching chong
lmao what am i a virgin

>those retards that think you have to memorize conjugation rules and grammar in general


I spent a few days learning Hiragana, honest and truly got it down, then I tried utilizing it to read erotic doujins and was completely BTFO'd by all of the kanji, katakana, and not recognizing many hiragana because it was in a different font than how I memorized it. Now I've forgotten a good chunk of Hiragana due to not using it. LMAO!

I know a bunch of spoken Japanese though.

Hungry Ghosts...

See, normal people learn it and then internalize it through reading etc, with like 20-80 ratio.

Amerifat brainlets like you repeat internet memes and think they know Japanese.

He is right about it. That's not how you learn shit effectively. The burger method is bullshit and always has been. Learning like a child is the best way.

I regularly play Bangai-O Spirits in Japanese on my Phat DS with my elbows resting on my wife's back while fucking her Phat butt so I guess you're just projecting.

Yeah, but I don't need to

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most people will at least appreciate your attempt to communicate in their native tongue, if you are obviously a foreigner, they will cut you some slack, especially if you are clearly trying your best