Need help identifying a game from my past

I'm losing my mind over this. No amount of googling has helped, so hopefully someone here has heard of it.
It was an older PC game (Think around the year 2000). It's a 3D sandbox where the goal is to purchase animals and take care of and train them, but it's NOT a zoo game.
It pretty much just dropped you into an empty field, or you could pick from a handful of pre-done maps. It had a weird selection of animals. You could get domestic dogs, cats, and horses, more exotic ones like lions, elephants, and pandas, and even dragons, unicorns, and T.rexes. You had to save money to buy food, toys, decor, rarer animals, and you could even terraform to a degree.
The graphics were actually pretty close to those of Zoo Race, oddly enough.
Has anyone else heard of this game?

Attached: i-havent-forgot-i-just-cant-remember-winnie-the-pooh-36715062.png (500x527, 105.8K)

Zoo tycoon 2

>but it's NOT a zoo game

Attached: winnie.jpg (752x3950, 767.03K)


So it's a virtual pet game with real looking animals?

Pokemon u dumb fuck

Definitely not. This game was REALLY obscure.

Kinda, yeah. You were supposed to create a big sanctuary for all your animals to live in together.

What a dick


>around year 2000

/vr/ might be able to help you, even if its just on the threshold.

Not to hijack but i have a similar problem
i think it was a ps1 game
some dude has a mounted handcannon similar to metroid, you walk linear levels and shoot many projectiles, pick up powerups on the way and it feels all kinda like a bullet hell. YOu can jump and everything and the game is tough as nails. What am i thinking of

I think that makes sense. If you've forgotten something then it's gone permenantly, but if you can't remember then you know it's still there but you just can't bring it properly to the top of your mind and it will come up later.

nvm its called one you guys should chek it out

man winnie the puh is a pure joy to read, even more now as an adult in my opinion

What's his fucking problem?

OP here. I quickly created a rough idea of what the boxart for the game looked like if it helps

Attached: Boxart Mockup.jpg (422x540, 92.1K)

Load it up into image search, maybe you'll get the real one

Nothing. It only identifies the dog picture.


Monster Rancher? IDK man, your description is literally just Zoo Tycoon, you don't make it easy.

>your description is literally just Zoo Tycoon
>but it's NOT a zoo game

doesnt match the box art but any chance the game you are thinking of is impossible creatures?

Zoo Tycoon 2

No. There weren't any strange animals in this game aside from the dragons, unicorns, and dinosaurs. Everything else looked normal.

sounds like Zoo Tycoon 2

Was it more of.a kids game?

Can you dipshits read? I'm amazed I've had to repeat this so much. It's NOT a zoo game.

Definitely for kids, yes.

sometimes memories can be deceptive. I'd boot up Zoo Tycoon 2 and give it a go just to make sure.

Zoo Tycoon 2, final answer.

Probably Zoo Tycoon 2

I've been playing ZT2 since it came out, to this day. It's 100% not that. The game I'm thinking of was something we got rid of years ago.

Zoo Tycoon 1?

No. Like I said, it was a 3D game

Okay, he wasn't kidding guys.

>Wild Life! The Ultimate Animal Park Simulator

OP sucks at Google.

Attached: MV5BMjA0MTcwNmItZDVmZS00ZjU2LTljY2YtODZiMWVjZDQ1NWFjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTg0NDkxNjc@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,671,1000_AL_.jpg (671x1000, 183.92K)

maybe Black and White 1 or 2

HOLY FUCK THAT'S IT! How did you find it? Nothing I google'd got it for me.

Searched for something like "animal raising game early 2000s"

I dismissed that because there were no dogs or unicorns

Tbh when I found it I laughed pretty hard at how pretty accurate your recreation was.

Wow. The ultimate one.

I typed that exact thing into Google and couldn't find anything. What the hell.

Yeah, you were able to get dogs and unicorns ingame but my memory thought they were also on the boxart.

Goddamn user I could kiss you. Thank you for this.

So is this game any good? I dont even see any reviews for it.

Google knows you and doesn't show you the same shit as it would show others.

Holy fucking lul.

I honestly cannot remember. I was only 9 when I got it so I'm sure there was more to it than I recall.

Apparently Google was trying it's damnedest to keep me from seeing anything of it, holy fuck.

best thread on this site in years.

Zoo Tycoon 2 is better

Even the disc art is quite something.

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x216, 17.38K)

OP here. I'm kinda tempted to buy it just for the sake of trying it out again.

Do it and stream on twitch. For the memes bro

>Kids nowadays will never know the pleasures of buying bargain bin jank, growing found of it, losing interest, misplacing the disk and 15-20 years later being tormented by that obscure tittle from early youth
I guess most of them will have nostalgia for some complete mobile trash, in which case it will probably be worse

Use Bing. Not even kidding. Especially for image searches.

Jesus, pooh who hurt you

They already nostalgia for shit like vanilla WoW, which is indeed worse, as playing it now couldn't ever be the same.

...but honestly, it isn't much different from how booting up Smash 64 or Diddy Kong Racing isnt the same on your own without the friends you used to hang with.



'Clear Crown Studios' is right there on the box, but no gaming sites have those guys listed for anything other than something called 'Shattered Suns' which is a title I may or may not faintly remember having heard before.

Attached: 514oQCGZp7L.jpg (355x500, 57.94K)

I am not talking about nostalgia in general
none of those are Jank games, you could easily find those at any time.
I am talking about a very particular feel in regards to obscure games made by even more obscure, one note devs, like OPs game.
I am talking about games that maybe you and one or two of your childhood friends maybe might remember playing.
Yes, I was about to point out the same exact thing.

based Yas Forums detectives


Ah, alright, sure. Reminds me of a game I did manage to find again. Softkey's Dracula: Reign of Terror.
Reasonably solid realtime / turnbased hybrid about the historical Vlad Tepes, AMAZING FUCKING MUSIC.

But thne all the rips on the internet are from the time when the music was left out. And nobody cares online, because the game's jank.

>Nobody cares because it's jank

Since OP's game has already been found, maybe some anons can help with what I'm looking for. I remember watching an older sibling's friend play some RPG PC game in the late 90s that Diablo/Arcanum esque graphics. I don't remember much about the game except one quest or sequence from the game required you to collect something like an acid from zombie corpses to burn away a lock. There was one character that might've been some sort of alchemist with a mohawk and goggles. I think the game had combat similar to most turn based JRPGs. I vaguely remember there being large beetle enemies in the endgame hell/rocky zone.

Attached: 1583529382088.jpg (693x593, 108.6K)

He said himself that it was called "One".
He was recommending pic related, I think.

Attached: One.jpg (800x800, 222.58K)