Why did people like this game?

Why did people like this game?
It barely had a plot, the graphics are mediocre (also, that dog-like monster was cute, not scary), the sound levels were fucked because some talking isn't part of the "voices" volume bar, there's only a small amount of enemy types (and some were basically the same as others), the guns feel really weak and they were all standard video game weapons, most fights were making you fight enemies in a room with a door that magically locks behind you, most levels consisted of finding keycards or skulls to unlock other doors, there's only two environments (most levels looked the exact same), there's only three bosses and they were all obviously rushed. The whole game was a snorefest.

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I had fun playing it and I'm not a literal 35 year old faggot who remembers being alive in 1993

i liked the part where i shot and punched demons to death to edgy music; the option of placing the gun in the middle of the screen was fun too.

it had a plot though.

>dog-like monster
I genuinely don't know which monster you are referring to

My biggest problem with it that you had to rely on glory kills way too much. I understand adding it in the game for some novelty but when you literally have to use it all the time it just fucking sucks

Eternal will sell millions and there isn't a single thing you can do about it. :)


>It barely had a plot

I've been playing it again last week, and no you don't have to. Maybe at first few levels, when you don't have lot of different ammo, but at later not that much.

I'm over 30, and I have enjoyed everyone single Doom game (and shitloads of wads). Already pre-ordered Eternal.

finished it yestarday, loved the whole jumping, shooting and punching, god I need more of such games

Pinky. It's very cute and I wanted it as my pet, I didn't want to shoot it.

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>The graphics are mediocre
Really? I thought the game looked incredible and I'm very surprised they got it run at 60fps on the base consoles.

easiest way to spot someone playing on easy t b h, glory kills are worthless until you get the speed boost rune

What. Do you even know what a dog is?

So how do I change the refresh rate on this game? I feel it should be somewhere in the option menu but I just can't find it

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For the same reason you like shitposting on Yas Forums

The menu is locked to 60fps.

But the game isn't, and a game being locked to a certain framerate shouldn't have an impact on refresh rate should it?


Go to bed.

It's more of gorulla/goat/lizard-hybrid. I don't see dog in that one.

Because they're spastic djentlemen


i like its plot, i liked the cute and cool demons.
i think the action fast and very fun.
you're not wrong about a lot of this stuff, and you're not wrong that these things could be improved.
but what can i say, the game loop hooked me, i wanted to keep facing the game's challenges.
what difficulty did you play on?
i played on ultraviolence, and i have a feeling that if i played on normal i would have found it too easy most of the time, and boring as a consequence.

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No. As far as I am aware a game cannot control the refresh rate of a monitor.

I play on Ultra-Voilence and still use plenty of Glory Kills.

It’s sad that video game discussion on this board comes down to who can ironically say the most disagreeable thing.

>less arena fights
>demons more visually distinct, I want to be able to spot a fatty or vile in the middle of an entire fucking horde like in ogDoom
>completely overhaul the highest difficulty so it's not the "lol imp snipers" meme

>It barely had a plot
Stopped reading right there. Whatever you're saying is either bait, or you're just exceptionally retarded. Nobody in their right mind goes into a Doom game with expectations of a story.

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The demins didn't scream loud or scarily enough

>Nobody in their right mind goes into a Doom game with expectations of a story
>he didn't play going down for the story

git gud fag

>Doom game with expectations of a story
>he didn't read Repercussions of Evil

i played it for a couple hours, just felt like a total slog. theres no way to block or dodge attacks, you are either forced to take damage and rely on the health recovery mechanic to not die, or just play it extremely lame which isnt fun either. its just badly designed.

Its a kinographical masterpiece and if you don't agree with me you're wrong. And retarded.

It’s one of the best optimized games of the decade, looks fucking incredible in comparison on how easy it is to run.

It fucking runs at 4k 144fps on a 2080ti at max settings. Its a miracle game

Everyone is entitled to their opinions even if their opinions are fucking stupid

youre supposed to dodge using the move keys. don't let the enemies get a clear shot on you

>It barely had a plot

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That's got nothing to do with it though? I played the game on ultra-violence and it felt too easy for the most part. They obviously with intention give you incentive to use glory kills by giving you a reward for using it, while getting nothing at all for not using it. That basically hammers it into your head to press F as soon as the enemy starts glowing. The only downside is that it takes time, but when you get the rune upgrades it's all lightning fast and there is literally no reason not to use it.

Oh, unless you want to show off on an anonymous image board that you gimped yourself by ignoring a central game mechanic to make the game harder and this somehow negates it as a design flaw. There's always that I guess.

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It was over-hyped and SHILLED by Zenimax, who went their way out to Gestapo destroy any and all criticism towards it. They legit sent DMCA threats to Hiro, enforcing automatic bans on a number of (fair use) images, webms and such.

But obviously the underaged console peasants ate up all the marketing buzzwords, and now praise it as the second coming of the Christ.
It's literally not a "Doom" game in any single way, and lack of modding tools ensured its quick death.

Attached: Zenimax DMCA shilling 2019.jpg (2238x1060, 558.56K)

I just liked getting the speed and distance glory kills ones so you fucking warp across the map when you need to

>while getting nothing at all for not using it.
This is not true.
The lower your health, the MORE shit you get by normally blowing up imps and shit. Where as a single GK grants ya maybe +5 health by average, a rocket to the face while low on HP can shower you with +75.
And then there's the idiotic 1-hit-kill, cinematic chainsaw, that literally removes the enemy and fills your pockets.

The game's fucking stupid with and without the GKs.

That's not what I was getting at, I just want to know how to I change the refresh rate in game to match that of my monitor

is there any Joseph Anderson-level video essay of breaking this game down? for being such a high-profile game there isn't a lot of detailed critique to find about it

>the graphics are mediocre
Stopped reading there

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>breaking this game down
>detailed critique
it's fucking doom bro
you get a bunch of guns and you kill everything that moves in vaguely satisfying ways
doom isn't exactly trying to be TLOU or other 'artistic' schlock

>doom isn't exactly trying to be TLOU or other 'artistic' schlock
I was talking about the gameplay, there's always plenty you can say about the quality of gameplay of any game

I played on uv too and i felt like using glory kills was too dangerous sometimes so i just stopped using them completely and never had issues with ammo/armor.

I agree. No idea what anyone else sees in it. Zero interest in Doom Eternal.

They are though.
The art-directing is abysmall, and nothing is cutting edge at all. It's a sad era to live if tiny, locked indoor areas with pre-baked lighting, AO and SSR are enough to impress zoomies.

Dude its those pseudo E-celeb holy grail though. When it came out there's so many of those videos on Youtube.

was Carmack working or at least consulting on Doom16 and eternal?

No, and it shows.

And what exactly could he bring? What's there to consult over?

>It barely had a plot

Had a lot more fuckin' plot than a typical Doom game.

>It barely had a plot

This is a positive.

>#24 daily Yas Forums crying about Doom

>Wahhh wahhhh, game exists!! Game bad!!!!

If I recall Doom doesn't have that option. It runs uncapped in game. I may be wrong.

The environmental storytelling and codex lore was fun actually.

Agressive guerilla

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>graphics are mediocre
what a pathetic retarded baiter, imagine being so dumb that you think you can lie about something everyone can see and hope for your lies to turn them blind

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