Does twitch serve as a positive influence for the gaming industry and community...
Does twitch serve as a positive influence for the gaming industry and community? The most popular and best games get pushed to the mainstream which in turn makes society accept gaming more and more.

It's a positive feedback loop

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Nigga y the fuck i wanna watch someone else play games? Is this like a fetish for people who had older siblings that never let them play?

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can you blame her for wanting to fucking this Persian BEAST of a man. esfand is so fucking based

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they remind me of good people. so that's nice but it's an act i cannot watch more than a minute at a time. if you get invested in this shit you're a moron. life is not easy and nether is having friends irl. don't fall for the feels these people are selling. you'll only crash and burn all by yourself.

who are these ppl
why is he looking at me like that
where am i

Skinny bitches with fat neckbeard boyfriends, name a more iconic duo

Why is this allowed? No, seriously? I work out 3 hours every single day and I STILL can't get a girlfriend! Meanwhile, they do nothing but eat doritos and play video games and girls are LITERALLY falling into their laps. And its not always ugly looking girls, as they should be, but 7/10's and up! I seriously don't get it. Why is it like this?

dad bod became a meme

It's Big Boy Season for the rest of time, bro. Get back in line if your bodyfat is less than 30%

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maybe girls think you're a vain bitch rather than a man

Seriously seriously?

It's cause he has streamer clout and you don't

Looks objectively disgusting

Don't worry about it. Relationships are for normalfags.

>Skinny asian bitches with fat white neckbeard boyfriends

fixed that for you


>attention whore gets attention clip
>Does twitch serve as a positive influence for the gaming industry and community
idk about the industry but definitely not for the community since those cockroaches joins communities and starts acting like they were on twitch there by spamming their little emotes, retarded words like "toxic" and other one liners they learned from the streamer
>The most popular and best games get pushed to the mainstream which in turn makes society accept gaming more and more.
normalfags is what ruined a lot when it comes to videogames, why would I want them to accept it more and invade gaming even more?

>what do you mean work on my personality!!!!!!! that would mean i have to admit i got problems!! ree why do people not like me!!!

>Just get rich bro

I'm just making this thread even less vidya-related so that it gets removed quicker.

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this, once you ascend you will understand that the shit normies do is simply an inferior version of what you were already doing.

>guy being mod means she has to kiss him
fucking incel simps i swear to god that this earth would be much better off without them

Is mustache becoming a meme?

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I thought Elliot Rodger killed himself

at least give them a high five before you exterminate them

>areola grande

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ecelebs are not videogames, kys

Women don't care about your body, they only care about you if you can provide one of two things, preferably both:
1. Money
2. A way to make her popular.

meant for

they always were. they go through ups and downs through the decades. 10 years ago hipsters were growing them ironically as part of the retro/vintage/80s/70s fashion wave. now they're actually in chic again.

she wasnt even looking at him when he reached out for the high five

are you implying a narcissistic egirl wouldnt have the stream preview fullscreened?

i think it has more to do with dad stuff, like they grow seeing their patents having them so they associate it with old prople, then you have one or two generations without moustaches and then the association is reset

irl streamers tend to only have their chat up to see what people are talking about

oh ok, so youre one of her subs

also streams tend to be delayed by a couple minutes

i don't even know who she is

it's pretty funny seeing jinny simps freak out now she's getting that BPC

you just find interesting personalities to watch. not all of twitch is asmomgold tier garbage content

Do people who watch twitch have any life outside of watching twitch?

I was just looking at this clip on LSF, what the fuck. why is this a thread?

Honestly ever since I discovered Twitch I find myself spending way too much of my free time in it. Even while I work.

name one

fat wow player who simps for an american with eu teeth

big cringe

because girls think you're a fucking faggot for obsessing over your body.

Name of this chink whore?



I would tell you if you hadn't insulted her.

Oh man, is it finally safe to grow a mustache? I've always wanted one

inb4 retards on here grow mustaches thinking it'll do anything for them

Protip: when women say they find X hot, they mean they find X hot on chad

only for chad
you'll still get associated with child molestors

you're just gonna deny anything someone names, any kind of discussion is pointless on this site

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dang, I guess I could give it a try and see if people give me weird looks or not

how do i grow a fucking mustache

twitch hoes throw themselves at big twitch streamers tho. The "just be popular" meme really is true

not him but actually name one
all i watch is jerma and aris

bagoosh xD

can't wait for all the incels looking like their pedo uncle with their staches.

you named one already. Mostly I enjoy vinnys calm streams. But I don't get to watch anything live due to time differences so I just watch whatever stream video I feel like watching. I wouldn't enjoy watching live anyways

Jerma's fanbase are some of the worst little cockgobblers ever. The most insufferable little ADHD zoomer twats imaginable.