>116 Viewers
Was Totalbiscuit right after all?
>116 Viewers
Was Totalbiscuit right after all?
Yes. There's elements of arena shooters that can be popular, but the whole package appeals to a fraction of the original quake 3 playerbase.
Feels weird that he's actually been dead for so long now. Didn't care too much for his content, but still, shitty death.
AFPS are a boomer genre, watching Twitch is a zoomer activity
Besides, it's still early in EU. Everyone knows that NA can't into FPS
No because it's still ANOTHER unfinished early access piece of shit like every other one has been.
The other, non-shitpost Diabotical thread got fucking trannied of all things so I'll try again here
post your custom hud and pls rate
someone make an /arena/ thread
Everything gets trannied, it's Yas Forums.
>after all
>thread was full of samefagging and OP calling everyone who pointed that out a schizo
Yeah. Lemme guess, you'll samefag through this thread as well?
Hot take: Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, etc are actually the successor genre to arena shooters, in the same way that MOBAs succeeded RTS, and games like Destiny succeeded MMORPGs.
But but, I was not the OP of that thread and I also called you a schizo
>calling everyone who pointed that out a schizo
You're not fooling anyone, schizo
>schizo makes shitty threads
>delete them as soon as conversation starts
I'd make them myself but isp blocked from uploading images
The game is in closed beta you fucking idiot. It's not out yet. Hello?
Isn't it a Chink Game?
I don't want Chink Spyware on my PC
I will never understand why Arenashooters attracts so many spergs from both sides.
It's a swedish studio. The lead designer is a brit (2GD). There's nothing chink about the game, unless you consider tencent having a minority share in the launcher/platform the game is on.
If yes, you have brain capacity issues.
you can't delete OPs newfag
>ultranewfag calling people newfags
The projecting is real
go and try delete an OP on Yas Forums retard
>make thread
>mass report it from vpn
even if you were right, you're still a lot newer than that guy
>make a thread
>call the president of the usa
>he calls the pope
>he calls the lizard overmind
>he deletes the thread telepathically
Heh, shizo newfags. I was right all along, hehe.
I have no idea what totatbiscuit said and twitch views are not a reliable indication of player base size but people who say they want arena shooters don't actually want arena shooters, they just want to return to their youth and when each new game doesn't make it happen they find an excuse to call it shit.
Except splitgate that game was just genuinely poorly made.
It's easier just to spam Gore/Cunny/BBC/etc in my experience.
The only thing of his I ever watched was his first time playing long live the Queen and it just made him look like a retard since he couldn't figure out the mood system.
He made good points about the resolution though.
He said the genre is dead despite a fair number of games that come out for it because the people who pretend to like it just want to jerk off about how cool/old school they are and don't have any interest in actually playing arena shooters.
Yeah that probably also comes in to it.
You want us to guess what your eceleb said once?
>netcode is somewhere in between QC 2017 and QC now. perfect tracking, perfect rails, and perfect direct rockets go through players constantly. you get hit behind cover with any hitscan weapons and rl splash damage is bipolar. the devs have finally admitted to this with their official statement being, "until someone smart than us comes along to tell us exactly what to do, we're gonna fling shit to a wall to see what sticks."
>lag comp is horrendous. doesn't matter if it's 120 or 20, the player with the higher ping has a huge advantage. again, another issue even reddit has documented
>code is so fucked to where 2 players can kill each other simultaneously with hitscan weapons. apparently i'm playing halo again
>in every mode there is 1 fairly decent map with the rest being fucking shit
>ffa is a clusterfuck. why are there 2 powerups on every map? why can't i hold both at the same time? why are the weapons scattered at random with no thought? the gimmick of respawning with the weapon that killed you makes it so most of your encounters are lg and rl and it gets very old, very quick.
>ca/wipeout is more boring and tedious than before and can drag on far too long. if there was a cap on time that increased with each death i think it could've worked
>ig screams a pretentious dev who wanted to make something different for the sake of it being different
>1v1 is the only fun mode so long as A) netcode is in your favor and B) you don't mind playing the same 10 or so people
>game is dead on yt, reddit, and twitch (was below 2k all weekend) and a challenge the shills itt to name 1 (ONE) game where all 3 of these conditions are true yet the game is still popular
>james or some dedicated autist or 2 actively shills here. take a shot every time the posts go up but the poste r# does not. fucker kept the saturday thread alive for 8-9 hours samefagging all day
>common shill argument 1: muh 250k signups
A magical umber that has no sauce no matter how hard you pressure the shill yet gets brought up over and over again. This 250k is either complete horseshit in an attempt to make it seem the game is alive or is something only the devs have access to and unirionically means they are shilling here instead of working on their game
>common shill argument 2: muh que times
Sure, if you select every region in your area and every mode you can find a match almost immediately. But you could've done the same thing with other, nearly dead titles such as Dirty Bomb, Titanfall 2, Halo MCC, and so on before their players went away/official servers went away. It should also be noted that if you pick 1 specific mode, you can wait anywhere from 30 seconds to a minutes PLUS and additional 30-50 seconds. The game will just throw you into a server and does not give a fuck if someone is present. 1v1 is terrible with this. Other times it gets to TF2 levels of bad throwing you into a match that is already ongoing a quarter/halfway through
>common shill argument 3: muh qc shills
Nobody gives a fuck about QC. Stop trying so desperately to 1up a shit game with your shit game
Now fuck off already, shills, or come up with something original
i uninstalled it yesterday. the maps are garbage, weapons are worthless beyond the standard holy trinity, instagib is ruined, they're trying to reinvent the wheel with gameplay modes that aren't additions to classic modes but rather replace them. 0 reason to play this when quake 3 and ut exist and run flawlessly on literally any computer made in the last two decades. it's just another cheap cash grab that's dead on arrivial but just might fund some balding white dude's midlife crisis lower end used sports car
>You want us to know about some eceleb that have been literally shitposted to dead during years?
Obviously not. I don't expect jack from newfags.
>no crt monitor or connector anymore
I'm playing around with reshade and crt filter a bit. I suck at setting them up, but i think you can get something good out of it if you play around with it.
games getting filled with degen tf2 6s/comp players. basically all retards.
>user literally trying to simulate nostalgia goggles
can't make this shit up
>game is dead on yt, reddit, and twitch (was below 2k all weekend) and a challenge the shills itt to name 1 (ONE) game where all 3 of these conditions are true yet the game is still popular
honestly, this is the best shot arena fps revivals had in 20 years.
Quake Live - hard copypaste, le browser meme, switching from f2p to paywall
Reflex - hard alienated new players with cpma duel focus, ran out of money+released in early access with a paywall
Toxikk - ut appeal while ut4 was still tentative
Xonotic - obscure, poor marketing, high skill floor
Warsow - poor marketing, early access loop, catering to movement junkies again, increasing the skill floor.
Fringe AFPS's - no money, no marketing
Quake 4 - single player game, paywall
Quake champions - the dictionary definition of a fuckup - early access release, outsourced engine, mishandling, negative marketing, hype train riding with op abilities, horrible optimization, predatory lootboxes, panic f2p
There's hasn't been an afps that was worth anything since 1999.
Not all those who don't care about your cult are newfags.
I never watched a single video or stream form any e-celeb and yet I know like a dozen of them because you retarded zoomers keep posting them fucking daily. Try lurking for a month before replying again, you fucking newfag.
Painkiller was decent, but then again arena games were still quite popular back then.
Serious Sam?
Reddit spotted.
What's reddit?
Does it even have modding? I doubt it's the thing that saves it but it would be a much better option than "game as a service".
How about bots and server browser?
jesus christ can you stop shilling your gay ass game? you are STILL making these threads. There are rules against advertising for a reason, no one wants it, no one wants to buy it, stop shilling it, if people wanted to play quake, they'd play quake. take your balls and shove off
>release a game in a PC centered genre
>don't include modding support/dedicated servers
The biggest gaming sin. I honestly hate this more than micro-transactions or DLC flooding.
>tf2 dead
>valve is dead
>steam is dead
>all of them flock to new good game
>epic alive thanks to fortshite
>epic launcher with 51+% non-chinese shares, so chinks literally can't install spyware
Makes you think right?
wow that game is shit, just play QC instead it's fun
Yep son, that's how you play AFPS. *sips*
Map editor already in the game.
Custom server binaries will be released at launch.
Custom lobbies at 125tick + browser for them
Unknown. Target dummies with patrol aka mini Kovaaks in game rn.
>20 minutes of queue
No thanks
>AFPS this, AFPS that
WTF is this shit? Why not arena shooter like always? Is like Riot when they started to use MOBA to avoid Dota-clone or ASSFAGGOTS.
This, but BR games. The random weapon drops, massive map, and vehicles all appeal to people who would absolutely get destroyed in the average arena game. It was also a breath of fresh air for FPS games which is why each successive BR is massively popular, while arena shooters have been ignored by audiences for years.
Nah the people who ping people in the head 200ms after hearing a footstep are the same ones that flickrail and they stomp noobs all day.
*sips* More scan lines and pixels. Perfection.
Also in BR games scrubs can blame RNG for their own faults, so they're perfect for losers and zoomers.
Nice, it's like you're actively trying to fit Totalbiscuit's depiction of an AFPS player.
>0 reason to play this when quake 3 and ut exist
Except having more than three active players total lmaooo