Huge playerbase

>Huge playerbase
>Massive esport scene
>High skill ceiling
>Constant updates
>Free to play
>Runs on a potato
Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

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assfaggots are for fags


I am

What do people think of the fiddlesticks rework

>>High skill ceiling
stopped reading.
also game is boring

Not autistic enough

>Why aren't you playing League of Legends
I don't want to

I dont want to play as faggot or small anime girl.

Because it's fucking shit and for the 5 minutes that I played it I was wishing I was playing a real RTS instead

Because SMITE is better and much more fun. Its basically LoL but without trash click to move style of play and in addition has 6 more maps than LoL. How people can stand to play the same 3 lane map over and over and over again I just dont understand.

I am, but the board is full of NA fags that can't enjoy videogames or talk to people online. so of course they will hate the most popular videogame.

Disregard NA, acquire quality

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Looks really great, but you'll have 3 or 4 autists start whining about how ruined he is, I'm sure. Same shit with Pantheon, Swain, and Urgot. The 7 people that actually played those fuck awful champs will scream the loudest like they always do every league thread and try to convince people how much better it was in them good'ol days

10/10, can't wait to play him in PBE, read interactions and his new lore.

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Weeb garbage for trannies

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Anyone who agrees with op is a newfag who should fucking leave

>Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

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but I am user

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Looks too creepy and too much like Nocturne. He just looked like a spooky scarecrow before while still being quite silly. Now he just looks like all the other edgy looking monster champs. Very gay indeed.

Can't argue with that. Sorry OP, you're an assfaggot loving fag and we can't be friends anymore.

i only play it when i want to troll people by acting like a complete noob in ranked.
Buying high tier accounts and playing like shit is pure gold experience.

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Because I played it for a couple of years before realizing "wait a minute this is garbage as is this whole genre" even hit platinum which is better than most shitters

I don't like all the metal shit, I liked how he was kind of goofy looking before. filtered and couldn't bother to git gud.
its ok not to like a video game because you are shit in it not admitting it and deflecting is where it becomes not healthy.
i suck ass in fighting games doesn't mean i go around all day shouting how shit of a genre it is and how easy it is.

>matches take at least 20 minutes, up towards an hour
>can't just drop in and out
It's not for people with a normal job.

>Pirate guy
>every beta champion really

>champ with personality
>reworked into le edgy standard design
same with every champion then.

Because League is not enjoyable even when winning. The only feel I get from winning is the relief that we didn't lose. There is not satisfaction to be gained from this game in the long run. I just wish i could get a whiff of Jinx's muffter.

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had 2200 elo back when they had elo.

This is what it looks like now?

Mobas are shit, I'd rather play Aoe competitively since the community is miles better than LoL's. Besides, I already have CS to scratch the comp itch.

Some champs I think the redesigns work for. Urgot looked a lot better and so did Galio, but yes for the most part they get turned into some bland uninspired bullshit.

>lots of threads on Yas Forums
>even cunny when the jannies arent looking
>in some threads you can even play with others
>high traffic so threads get updated second
>can talk about many stuff and share many opinions
why do you post the same thread every day?

Despite the constant "updates", it's the same piece of trash they turned it into for their vaunted e-sports years ago.

finally i can play him on jungle again
>aoe fear when you ult after being unseen for a while

Apart from having the most toxic community in the game the fact that they constantly change characters in the game that are perfectly fine and constantly alter the meta just adds up to the fact that the game blows.

Pantheon was just a 300 meme character though

I don't like playing Assfaggots because they're only fun to fuck around with friends and I sure as can't make any online ones that live in the same time zone as I do while having other more important stuff to do when even the shortest matched take like 20 minutes or so.

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They ruin the game with flavor of the month updates, shifting champions powers around to trick their mentally ill fanbase into playing. Most of these changes in meta revolve around new champs and skins to get retards spending.

>implying League is not full of meme characters
dude, every character is heavily based off someone, i cant think of a single original character

are you mad cause they always nerf the champions you like and buff the champions you hate?

All games have high skill ceiling nigger faggot. I dont think you understand what it means you nigger mongoloid. And no I wont spoonfeed your braindead ass as to what it means.

Yeah user you sure got more important shit to do like being a faggot on these boards

League bros I dont understand, what is fun about this game? I tried to get into it, I promise, I level two accs up to 30 but I cant seem to enjoy this game. Laning phase is just so nerve wracking if you have a shitty matchup its basically 15 mins of doing nothing, worst case you die and you always have to be on the look out. Losing lane is just not fun and it feels the stuff is out of my control...

Uhhhh like who? Only obvious shit is veigar being a black mage. Mundo being hulk etc.

>All games have high skill ceiling
>implying Hearthstone has a high skill ceiling

Not really I quit years ago because I used to play WoW arena back in the day and they started doing the same shit in that around WotLK. Flavor of the month bullshit just to satisfy everyone. People got tricked into still playing because they know their classes turn was coming sooner or later.
Same shit in started in League and I recognised it for what it was.

I played for 2 years then got bored. Not even URF can bring me back.

ahahha check this little LoL bithc thingking you need get good for this game, come and play dota 2 a real mans game

Skills to pay for them packs bro

>noughts and crosses has high skill ceiling
>plants vs zombies has high skill ceiling

No thanks. Me n 3 buddies tried to play it for bout 2 weeks. Matchmaking was so fucking terrible we never went back. On top of that it's really fucking weird how you have to shift camera off hero for most abilities hitting max range. Jakiro was fun tho

It's shit but you have to just farm and hope you can be of some use later. There are games I play where I lost hard in lane but manage to get some kills or farm enough gold to be relevant, although most the time you are out of the game and have to play around someone else carrying on your team.
This is why people feed because they refuse to stop trying to win lane because they know how shit and boring the game is if you don't. Anyway the game is shit and I would suggest wasting your time on something more enjoyable.

Draven is straight up ripped out of Spider man.

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Nigga are you fucking stupid? Kravens a hunter who uses guns and usual hunting weapons. Dravens a fucking gladiator that throws axes. That image is from recent spider Man comics too he used to look like a fucking gay porn actor before

You literally just fucking saw a pic of kravens face and went "aw fuck yeah lol ripped him off and made draven" dumb ass show me another example

fiddlestick was ripped off a scarecrow

isnt volibear based on the armoured bears of the golden compass?

Imagine getting this upset over this tranny infested shit pile of a game. Take these shitty threads back to /vg/ faggots

ironical shitposting is still shitposting.

How the fuck is Mundo literally hulk? Other than being a buff ass nigga that's it. Mundo is a doctor who experimented with a lot of hardcore steroids and became retarded from them. Hulk got blasted by gamma waves and transforms when he's angry. The hell else similarities are there

Imagine getting this upset over this tranny infested shit pile of a thread. Take your shitty post back to /reddit/ faggot

I'll fucking choke on my own severed cock before I get upset over a game you bitch ass punk faggot dick licking cunt

Shit meta got really stale after S2 many years ago and is still pretty shit to play and look at

I play a lot and love playing but sometimes I get teams, teammates who are complete neanderthal, bottom of the barrel retards who have no business breathing let alone playing video games
And it ruins the experience for me for WEEKS

Yas Forums is full of shitters who find excuses to not play competitive games

You mean that shit movie that didn't even get a follow-up to the other books and died off? All I remember about that movie was the trailers having a shit ton of bears but they only appear at the last 10 mins

Scientist/Doctor experiments and unintentionally turns himself into a retarded monster. The similarity is there, no one was talking about details. If anything they are all loosely based on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

cause junglers get treated like shit