You know, I think japanese games should be censored in the west. This kind of shitty character design doesn't fit in the west.
You know, I think japanese games should be censored in the west...
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I think reddit tier posts should be censored on Yas Forums. These kinds of posts just don’t fit on this website.
Bin here since 2006, never visited reddit.
Femanon here, I agree, this isn’t realistic clothing
>design doesn't fit in the west
That's why it's so good.
I think you should have been censored from being born
>What if we made a sling bikini and made it worse and threw on a bunch of ugly accessories
Do you actually play japanese games
Who is she?
Yes. Sekiro and Ace combat were fantastic last year, RE2 was a bit questionable but still enjoyable. Most weeb shit is just retarded fanservice and nothing else.
>Most weeb shit is just retarded fanservice and nothing else.
Nip devs just know their audience, so of course they will pander to the people that actually buy the games. Unlike western devs who pander to people that don't buy games.
I'm guessing you don't play these then. Why do you care?
You should post more pics of her so I could make a judgement
>I don't enjoy thing so other people shouldn't enjoy it either
Only thing wrong with fanservicy games is when they make the combat so easy it’s a joke.
I think shitty slide threads written by homos should be reported and the creators of them banned, then promptly shot.
I would play some of them if they weren't so despicable.
Final Fantitty VII Reemake
This but unironically
Great "character design" you got there
Imagine being so much of a fag that you refuse to play a game just because the way a character is dressed. Fucking end yourself faggot.
Yeah, it's not like you people refuse to buy games because a character is gay or anything, right?
Right, but you don't. There are people who do, and some of them are even willing to put effort into learning japanese, installing virtual machines and translating these games. Outrage on behalf of cartoon characters will do literally nothing. Even if a big enough push for legislation was succesful, hentai coomers will just go back to being a more niche community, just like they were not so long ago.
Unless you mean you just want to play these low-effort gameplay games but don't like exposed skin. Then that's kinda gay.
>doesn't fit in the west.
You're right.
It's too good for westernshit.
I don’t demand they be censored you faggot I just don’t play it
You are not even the same person I replied to and even if you don't, there's plenty of retards out there crying about white genocide and other horseshit every time it is brought up.
I think homosexuals like you should be chemically castrated
>It's OK for people to consume heroine
As an adult you must work into improving humanity, not continue being a parasite for all your life, disgusting weeb.
Why stop there? I think all weebs except for myself should be round up and shot, and all Japanese media should be outright illegal.
Heroine, a substance designed to completely wreck someone's mind into addiction, destroying ever other braincell in the process is not even remotely comparable to lewd anime girls.
I like sex appeal, but shit like the one in the pic of OP and shit like R. Mika is not hot to me, as their designs are shit.
here's your western character design bro
10 times more appealing than the shit in the OP.
Very true that it's not realistic considering the average woman in the West is a landwhale.
This. Super based designs compared to OP
>this isn’t realistic clothing
Realism fags can go suck dick.
thanks for wank material, redditshit
Damn bro, that's a pretty great pic, thanks. Anyone got source?
I think you mean 'heroin', bro. Heroines are cool.
deal with it tranny
>I don't like this, and I don't care if others do.
>even if it's completely harmless, let's ban it for everyone
One of the worst mindsets in human history
>even if it's completely harmless, let's ban it for everyone
It's not.
Based and Redpilled
How is it harmful?
Show one instance or piece of factual information that proves it harms anyone or anything.
u shittin me m8?
unironically, this. but Japanese have been changing little by little from my observation because Japanese feminists are getting stronger and stronger in SNS. now problematic depictitons of anime and manga started to be accused by them as in the west. It will change for 5 years or so, and they will not make an anime like kill-la-kill anymore, and gaming will be affected by this movement as well.
i wish the west was this based
no joke that character design is godawful lmao
>it doesn't count because I don't like his last name
Back this up with evidence Billy.
It doesn't count because I know that buzzfeed is a band of KNOWN LIARS.