PSA for PC gamers

>the upcoming $399 ps5 will render your gpu obsolete with RTX that dont tank fps by half and 12gb vram

Even if you got tricked and got a 2080ti you're fucked because the RTX on it destroys FPS

also high vram usage will become standard now. so any gpu with less than 8gb vram for 1080p will become garbage...

not to mention all games will require SSD now BUT that's not a big problem

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>Console war faggotry
lol go away underage fag

you pc trannies cant even download a launcher thats free. dont call others underage.

Guess how I can tell that everything you know about hardware comes from advertising.

Guess how I can tell that everything you said is cope?

do you have any idea how fucked pc gaming will be?

xbox1x already is more powerful than most gaming pcs'

Why not buy ps5, rip out the graphics card it uses and pop it in my 600 dollar budget PC?

Whats the fucking point, we all gonna die this year

>It'll totally be true THIS time

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nobody but manbabies give a single fuck about rtx bro
>high vram usage will become standard now
oh no, the graphics will be better! whatever shall I do?
>all games will require SSD
It costs like 120$ for a cheap but good enough 1tb SSD, and the prices go down significantly year over year

>mfw consoletards think that pc masterrace don't wholehearteadly welcome new console releases that always come with huge visual quality jumps

>mfw consoletards think that pc masterrace don't wholehearteadly welcome new console releases that always come with huge visual quality jumps
Fucking this I am god damn ready. Consoles are always holding graphics back.

Most gaming PCs only play LoL, Dota and CS:GO, just like most console owners only play FIFA and CoD. X1X GPU being around the same level as GPUs common among people who play more than esports games means nothing when it's held back by a shitty CPU and thus only runs extremely well optimized first-party games at 60 FPS (which work great on PC too) and all third-party titles are instead 30. PC doesn't have this problem since 4K isn't being forced on us and we can easily go 1080p60fps instead.

>PC doesn't have this problem since 4K isn't being forced on us and we can easily go 1080p60fps instead.

thats the only thing i can hope for....othertwise my 4gb vram gtx980 will go into the trash

Fuck off you're either baiting or an underage fag

PC players love to see consoles catch up because it means innovation. As a PC gaymer I was excited to learn the new consoles will support ray tracing. Not because I give a shit about consoles but because it cements the technology as an industry standard

I'm still rocking a GTX 970 because it's good enough for just about everything 1080@60. I just want to play games I could not give less of a fuck who has the best hardware or (((exclusives)))

What's there to "hope" for? You think resolution settings will magically disappear from games because uhhhhhh new consoles?

user, not each pc player/owner is a streamdrone. but every consolewarfag is a consolewarfag.

games will be created with 12gb vram in mind (consoles)

lets hope we get good ports that wont need minimum 8gb vram for 1080p

How can people remain so willfully ignorant when we have history and free information on the internet to view.

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Okay I'll just wait for the 3000 cards

die on a fire tripnigger

have fun paying $800 MINIMUM alone on gpu to compete with a $399 system

"Those who can't remember history are doomed to repeat it"

Though I guess it's not your fault, you really look like you're too young to remember the year preceding PS4 launch.

Nothing is going to change with next gen.

Current gen was last gen graphics at ultra settings at 1080p 30fps(sometimes 60).

This upcoming gen will be exactly the same but 4k. So once again it'll be cheap to game on PC, I'll only have to buy 1 GPU just like I did this gen.

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>$399 ps5

VRAM isn't only increased by resolution but by textures and other effects as well. I can get to ~5 GB pretty easily on my RX 580 and it will only get higher over time.

Wait so I don't understand how consoles work. I only owned a 360 and didn't touch it after I built my budget PC. If the new consoles are so powerful and are sold at a loss, how viable would it be to disassemble it and use it in your PC? Are console GPUs different from PC GPUs? Why would they?

What a stupid fucking thread

Console components are all soldered and proprietary to prevent tampering. Literally impossible to use in a normal PC


>since 4K isn't being forced on us
More like 'since 1080p is STILL the standard after everything (including fucking phones) left it behind long ago.'

>399 ps5
yeah right
>paying up the ass for compatible peripherals, games and access to the internet you ALREADY PAY FOR
i don't understand why console consumers have been so well conditioned to wholeheartedly accept this and even consider it a good deal.

my guess is ill have to lower texture detail in ports

wow 5gb..horryifying....which games?

console internals are custom hardware. system on a chip designed from scratch. non compatable with any pcs

Yeah, but it's also a standard alongside 60+ FPS since like 20 years ago, while consoles STILL didn't leave 30 FPS behind.

>I just want to play games I could not give less of a fuck who has the best hardware or (((exclusives)))
DESU some exclusives are a pretty big deal, and the less there are of them the better.
I can hardly wait for that huntress-girl-and-mecha-dinosaurs game, especially with how uninspired 2019 was games-wise.

Ubisoft games and CoD:MW are the ones I remember since they have neat VRAM usage bars in settings. There are probably others that go beyond 4GB too but I just don't bother checking.

Imagine being so close to those digits. How do you live with such shame

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>good ports
it's like you just woke up from a 10 year long coma
just buy a good gpu rather than hope for a miracle

>just buy a good gpu rather than hope for a miracle

my system is 12 years old bitch ass nikka. i cant upgrade from a gtx980. modern gpus wont be detected

cpu is x5670 with 16gb ddr3

>buys system at launch
>buys psplus every year during lifecycle

Or buy any graphics card anywhere between $250 to $800 depending on what your budget is and still outperform the shitty console, then not have to pay to use your own internet.

Your "$399" console is really an 800 dollar console.

>giving a shit about RTX
Meme shit for memers.

When people say "bad port" they only mean "as shit as the native console version".
Funny OP would name himself 750ti, a dirt-cheap GPU from early PS4 era that ran games better than an actual PS4.

You know every console release we have the same promisses and discussions.
At least hope for stable 60 fps.

>DDR3 system won't detect modern GPU
that's not how it works, retard, every modern GPU will work

pc gaming is superior if only for the fact of emulation. who cares if i cant play the newest game with the highest settings? they suck anyways. im happy with being able to play all the classics on one system.FOR FREE

That was the point I was trying to make. Hats off to MS for bringing all their games to PC. Sony doing the same with some of their exclusives is nice but I just want fucking Bloodborne

>who cares if i cant play the newest game with the highest settings?

purest cope

master race is about outperforming console savagely not coping this hard

>Hats off to MS for bringing all their games to PC

the only reason they did so was to force latest telemetry updates or w10.

all their w7 ports didnt work on my machine coz i refuse telemtry update

Point of PC is to do whatever the hell you wish, you humongous tool.

are you running xp or are you retarded? actually forget i asked

>thinks his opinion has value

yeah then go play shitty boring movie games to dab on the masterrace you faggot

Not when the new line of graphics cards comes out. Consoles drive down the price of hardware.

They're locked down with a proprietary bootrom and bios. Can't just plug it into a stock motherboard.

>$800 being a lot of money
Not everyone is a bottom-feeding retail slave, though.

nope. google it.

uefi bios bulshit. older mobos dont support modern gpu bioses called uefi...only legacy support

Eh I was in the same boat a while ago. Believe me I would love nothing more than to switch to Linux full time (KVM/Proton). But anti-cheat software prevents that from being a reality. I've come to terms with the fact that I'll have to give up some privacy to have modern convenience. Sad but whatever maybe someday

>gpu bioses called uefi
Holy shit

grammer nazi shitter. u get my point fruitcake onions

This how u do it

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My point is that your babble reveals just how little you know.

>muh telemetry
stop being a paranoid retard grandpa

old mobos dont support pure uefi gpus'

u can meme and cope all u want nikka but wont change facts

>bought a new computer slightly over a year ago
>literally the rtx 2080 alone was over 800€ where i live
>could have just waited for a little bit to get BETTER hardware for a one quarter of the cost in PS5
>tfw i fell for the pc gaming meme
this is the last time i get any pc hardware with the new console gen right around the corner

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There's no way you aren't an actual child. Read the rules, site is 18+

you fell for a huge meme

the only way you can redeem yourself is by pirating everything under the sun

the rtx on your $3000 pc will have to be dialed down when playing ps5 ports


Do you think your console doesn't do telemetry?

There's no such thing as pure UEFI GPU. There are specific new GPU models from certain brands that might have problems due to their customized bioses, but everything up to NV's 1000 series and AMD's RX 500 series should be fine. I've heard Sapphire and Powercolor having issues on the AMD side with old PCs so just avoid those (get XFX or MSI for AMD then).

Check the 18 digits

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>falling for the high end meme
>falling for the high end meme at the end of a console cycle

only thing to worry about it amd's 'rdna2' which is completely untested, non standard shit. devs will probably just ditch raytracing on ports

i think we talked before about this. You are a very hard headed clown.

>There's no such thing as pure UEFI GPU

modern gpus dont bother with double bios support. no legacy bios

the rx580 for example cant work on a rampage 2 extreme

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Everyone knows that none of the new-gen consoles will perform on par with 1080ti or maybe even 1070ti. So in that sense, new-gen is already losing to high-end PCs from three years ago.
What's good is that it's pushing RTX into mainstream meaning it'll become less of a meme. Maybe I'll grab the next high-end RTX GPU if the technology evolves enough to warrant it.

Can it play games 60fps?
If not, it is just waste of money.

If your sense of personal identity is tied at all to the products you CONSUME (not create), you're a fucking retard.
This applies to consolefaggotry, music, tv, etc.

And here's an example of 1060 working on legacy bios
People were also able to run RX 460 on legacy bios
>I dont have video proof, but i tested the RX 460 i had on a P45 C51 as well and also it worked as expected. You need to update the bios on that board.

>"hehe, at least i got to play dota at 144 fps and battlefield 5 at 130, for the cheap cost of 2500€ with monitor included"

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>I can't read

>You need to update the bios on that board.

easy to say

ROG dropped support for their older flagship mobos

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What I wonder is how the fuck are they going to put this hardware to a console form factor box and try to keep the thermals down at the same time? My friend's PS4 already sounds like a jet engine, I can only imagine what PS5 will sound like if these are going to be the actual specs.

If 2500 yuro makes you cry, maybe you should leave luxury products to the big boys.

lol you're like a caveman afraid of fire

Unlikely. 60FPS doesnt make for impressive ads, people are watching tv and youtube at 30fps anyway. Graffix sell console games, so developers will just ramp them up and settle for a framerate of 30 rather than set the framerate at 60 and look worse than the other AAA console games it gets compared to.