Monster Hunter

What's its fucking problem?

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someone called him the n-word

he got the 5th gen treatment and now relies on nothing but AOE spam to do damage

Am I stacking too many defensive skills?
Also, why haven't you taken the SnS pill yet, user? Pseudo-one-hit tenderize and Perfect Rush make a great weapon even better.

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I hope bagel returns as an invader when they bring the remaining monsters from world to MR.

I liked Bazel as an invader but i doubt it will be one of the HR monsters coming back and much less as a permanent invader.

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He let more of frontiers bullshit slip out
Any defensive skills are all about your comfortzone, don't feel bad about dropping a bit of damage if it means better uptime and less death, not everyone can or needs to run glass and no amount of number changing will make sns feel like not a flimsy chore to play

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That's a pretty good build, but i prefer going for Elemental SnS honestly.

Invaders are a great way of making me hate a monster. Jho was generally fine because roaming is his entire schtick and he could pop out of the ground right under you to invade. Banbaro is funny because the big woolly moose doesn't belong in half the locales he invades, and has no actual reason for being there. Bazel is just fucking annoying, dive bombing right in the middle of whatever you were fighting and being a flier, will not fuck off. I dreaded Jho. I don't Bazel.

Is Valor or Guild longsword better?
>t. hasn't played since freedom 2

adept, the anime counters are fucking amazing, and the concept of counter longsword so good it became part of its core in world

Valor valor valor
Like it's not even funny, Valor Longsword breaks the game

valor gives you a parry, it's insanely broken

He’s just a jerk

I am retarded. I can get it to charge to Blue, but then I just whack the monster. How do you do the counter? I'm still very early on but longsword seemed like a good casual weapon.


when you're in valor mode your r attack has a counter when you first press the button

he is easy lol

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What the fuck is THEIR problem?

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They don't like cameras

All large monsters and hunters

They're fine as long as you don't attack them. Unlike in older games where they'd try to hit you on sight.Gastodon on the other hand can fuck right off

>How do you do the counter?
The first few frames of the spirit slash have a guard point. Just press R before the monster hits you.

These guys and the aptonoth are annoying as fuck
>In the middle of a fight with monster
>These guys up and run in between me and my target
>Take the hits meant for the monster and obscure my vision
>Monster clips through them anyways and hits me

Never had any issue with Apceros in this game, if anything they've been helpful because large monsters can just get stuck on them.
Girros, Vespoids, and especially Barnos can fuck off though.

They REALLY fucking hate it when you try to fish out Plesioth.

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Post kill/death screens

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Okay, I will try it. Any good early game armor sets I should look for in GU?

How often do you use demon / attacks potions?
It is really useful?

Bna legs and cenataur arms give razor sharp. Add Garuga mask and you get earplugs too. Classic MHFU set.

Real early, eh, stack bulldrome and velociprey for attack boosts.

Nu-mh has no deaths for some reason
No really, I have never heard of a hunter dying in 3,4 or xx.
Unlike webm related, straight up vaporized.

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Constantly, along with seeds

you notice it, its not a massive difference unless you take megas, but you will notice it and now my autism won't let me be without

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If you don't mind clownsuiting then the classic Bujabujabu set will help offset your weak LR damage to get to HR faster. That's
>Bulldrome Cap
>Jaggi Chest
>Bulldrome Arms
>Jaggi Waist
>Bulldrome Legs
And throw in four crafted Attack jewels, and you'll get Attack Up L.

Bulldrome head/gloves/legs + Jaggi chest/waist with some attack gems. Gives you Attack Up L super early so you can shit all over low rank.

It's not too hard to upkeep all the ingredients?

Is that... an edf reference?!

>Decide to try DB for the first time since MHFU
>It's fun as fuck
>Realise that I will have to grind each element individually as well as each elemental armor as well


Has the Switch Axe ever been good? I'm thinking about replaying 3U and maining the SA, but then I was like, it was total shit in Tri, above average in P3rd, decent in 3U, below average in 4U and then average in XX.

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They're more useful early on and fall off as the game goes on because they add a straight +5/+7 to your true raw, which is better at the beginning of the game because your raw is relatively low (generally in the 100-150 range). Once you get to the point where your true raw is higher (200-250 range) it's probably not worth using them.

It's Yian Kut-ku time!

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1. farm some guiding lands crystals
2. get shitton of coal
3. do some steamwork
4. get shitton of steam tickets
6. go to elder melder
7. meld steam tickets into mega drugs
8. meanwhile grow mighty seed and godbugs for demon powder
8.1. or just meld some demon powder as well
it's very easy at this point

>meld steam tickets into mega drugs
Fuck why didn't I think of that. Was wondering what I should do with all these useless steam tickets

How do I get the cool shit like Brute Tiggy and Scarred Garuga to show up? Guiding Lands, I know, but what level and what region?

Hi there! Garuga needs level 6 forest and Brute Tigrex needs level 6 rotten! Both are weak to water!

I finally understand why all of you despise bows for fainting so often

>be me
>using Wide Range Speed Eating Hunting Horn Machine build
>respond to Stygian Zinogre
>Ima bout to heal so many asses
>bow is in the team
>bow wakes up Zinogre before im done buffing the whole team
>have to finish dooting under the constant fire of dragon lightning
>constantly monitoring teams heals all while pulling out sweet dodges and doots
>bow gets hit real bad
>no problem ill just Wide Range that mofo
>bow takes a second hit while im chugging healths
>bow dies
>well fuck
>bow gets back just in time for Zinogre to leave the area
>he runs after him
>out of my HH range to buff him again
>first thing he does when confronting Zinogre is take a massive hit
>chugging health like no tomorrow
>2 mins later he faints yet again for the same reason
>rinse and repeat for 3rd and final faint


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Is it a rule in Monster Hunter that black variants of a species are angry, horny females?

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My sweet summer child, just you wait until the actual Safi siege

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I'm so fucking glad I have friends to run it with, my condolences to the pub kids

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>Start a run of Ancient Leschen
>Send out an SOS flare, start buffing up
>Engage the Leschen while I'm waiting for others to show
>I get pinned, that's death
>"Well fuck"
>Two people slowly join, I jump back in
>Leschen stuns me, kills me with root nuke attack
>"This run ain't happening"
>Get back to the fight, finally the other two got there too and one final person starts joining
>Leschen pins me again and nobody saves me, third cart quest fall
>All within the span of the first six minutes

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I dunno if the ones who got variants will make the cut, since the variants replace them completely on the weapon tree. At best they’ll get event quests like regular Deviljho did back in 4U. Themonster with the best chance of getting a full MR version is Kulve.

If kulve returns in MR, I really hope they get rid of the track sniffing and make it so you just fight it in areas 2-4.

Scarred Garuga is Forest level 6 (keep in mind that he’s treated as regular Garuga’s Tempered form as well as his own monster, he will thus always be Tempered). Brute Tigrex is Rotted level 6. Gold Rathian is Wildspire level 6 and/or Volcanic level 6. Silver Rathalos is Coral level 6 or Volcanic level 6. Volcanic region gets both metal Raths, but the chance of them being Tempered is incredibly low even at max level. On the other hand, in the regions where only one of them appears (Wildspire and Coral) at max level they’re far more likely to spawn as Tempered than normal, so keep that in mind when picking regions to level. Zinogre will appear in Forest and Coral starting at level 3, so he’s the easiest to get if you haven’t fought him yet.

If you haven’t done them already the DLC monsters are Rajang and Stygian Zinogre (and Safi’jiiva). If the Admiral has a purple ! above his head in Seliana you can start the DLC hunts.


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learn to be good :)

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IIRC back before Iceborne came out on console they said that if Kulve returns in MR they’ll definitely change how it functions from HR. Safi exists so there’s no reason to have another gacha siege, they’ll probably scrap pursuit levels entirely and have it be a regular hunt.

No one pays attention to these.

Thank you

Can I see your tooting build.

Woman almost always pick bows btw

its wide range free meal you really dont want to see that.

you may

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>Am I stacking too many defensive skills?
You're fine.

There is only one elemental armor set and its silverlos. Nothing comes close.

No such thing as too many defensive skills.

Thanks toot friend

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Only in Iceborne.

I see them go for DBs most of the time