I fucking hate that you're forced to play Battle Royale games if you want to play competitive FPS nowadays

I fucking hate that you're forced to play Battle Royale games if you want to play competitive FPS nowadays

Is there anything else out there that isn't dead or played out to death like CSGO and Siege?

All I want is some solo, skill based, optimized, non RNG comp FPS game.

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I dunno, I bit the bullet and tried out the CoD BR seeing as it's free. Not really a fan of the genre but it's the least shit one I've played of the lot.
If you die, you get a chance to respawn by fighting someone 1v1 in an arena, otherwise your team can buy you back in. Of course in either case you come back with just your handgun and people can see you dropping in.

You're still going to roll the dice with shitty/good teammates. You can't solo a full squad yourself.

>You can't solo a full squad yourself.
Depends entirely on how good you are, how good they are, and how you're engaging them.
I got paired with a couple of french faggots who hopped into a car and left me behind, still got the drop on a squad and downed them all because two of them walked into my shotgun and the other panicked and tried to run away while being hosed with an SMG.

>You can't solo a full squad yourself.
sure you can, you just need to be constantly on the move or snipe the squad.
i do agree they meed to add a Solo mode

What is everyones problem with BR? I think it's a really fun game mode, and honestly pretty unique comparatively to whats been out for the last like 20 fucking years.

PUBG is especially good, which can be hard to swallow, but when the game is working 100% as intended, it's seriously fantastic. The gunplay is good but challenging and rewarding and not retarded and obtuse for no reason like CSGO and it isn't too simplistic like CoD. There's plenty of weapons in game and they're mostly all viable so you can carve out your own favorite gun, attachments, and playstyles. The equipment in game is all good and useful and is balanced pretty well since armor and helmets have good amounts of HP and damage reduction so they last and are useful, unlike in other BRs were they're just a number and go away easily or are basically worthless like in CoDBR. And so on.

PUBG is the best BR there is, when its working perfectly, but it's usually just a mess of a game. CoD BR is pretty good but has problems. Fortnite just sucks ass all around. I didn't play the BF BR, and Apex Legends is just a worse Titanfall in every way so there's no reason to play it.

But what's so wrong with BR mode as a concept? People on Yas Forums have hated it since day 1. If it's because of things like campers or whatever, like you wouldn't find that in any other game or comp FPS? Or is it just the mode itself? 1-4 VS 100? It's more fun than single life game modes like Siege or CSGO (in my opinion) since in those games you're just stuck sitting there doing fuck all for the entire round if you die early but you can't leave the game to start a new one. And unlike regular TDM where there's no care put into the gameplay since you can just die over and over, BR forces you to play better and smarter to win.

Battlefield V. Can wreck while solo, skill based shooting and vehicles. An example is angling your tank to deflect shots and using terrain, managing ammo and repairs. Gitting gud with planes and become the sever's bane. Doing well as infantry during combined arms battles and taking down planes, hopping in AA guns, and capping objectives without getting wrecked takes skill. Looks good and runs well. The BR mode is mostly ignored.

taking down tanks*

Theres also Mordhau, First Person Sword combat which is skill based.

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>All I want is some solo, skill based, optimized, non RNG comp FPS game.
Diabotical is coming out soon, isn't it? Just try getting in the beta, bro
My issue with BR stems from a few factors:
Little to no strategy due to the RNG
RNG in itself can make for losing situations no matter how decent you are
There's way too much downtime where you're basically not thinking about anything or actually playing anything other than an overrated walking simulator
More than anything it's the thrid I have issues with, I can play slow paced games (sank 10k hours into Siege over the course of half a decade) and enjoy the shit out of them, but when you're not actively strategizing or thinking about your next move and there's active downtime with nothing to do in your shooter you kinda know that's pretty fucked

Because BR is not skill based but luck based

RNG on circle
RNG on drop
RNG on loot
RNG on attachments
RNG on rotation
RNG on getting a good team
RNG on everything

Even if you win you don't feel like you earned it and you know that everyone else just got fucked.

Quake Champions is your best bet.

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what the fuck is up with you autistic POS always bitching and complaining about a popular genre of games just because is more popular than your shitty taste in game KYS

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I wanna hop in and play the way I want, with the loadout I want. IN BRs you're always dependent on rng to give you the guns and attachments you want.
Then you have shit like armor and health items which force an annoying battle of attrition and slow the game down to a crawl.
I wanna play an FPS game to shoot people, not to scavenge for 10 minutes, then fight for 2 and after that run/drive around for another 5.

But the RNG is an inherent part of the games mode/style. You're fighting the RNG as part of the game to test your skills in the game. And you can make the game less RNG by doing skillful things like thinking about where to drop, how to play, when to engage enemies to secure their loot/etc. And sure, sometimes the RNG just fucks you no matter what and you'll lose no matter how hard you try and it sucks but it happens. But other times it can prove to be a fantastic experience. One of the best recent gaming moments for me and my friends was dropping as a 4 man in PUBG on miramar. We got RNG fucked all fucking game. No good loot, no good circle, nothing. We were basically hobos on the prowl with 9mm SMGs and level 1 armor. Through trying hard as fuck, being smart, and making plays, we managed to win the game against everyone else who were all definitely more geared than we were. It was hilarious and fun, all thanks to the RNG.

If you can't fight the RNG and win, outside of a few outliers were the RNG DOES fuck you all game, you can easily win against the odds.

so play any other game? its not like BR is the only game mode to come out. dozens of FPS games get released every year that are exactly what you want. cod, bf, siege, halo (to an extent), and those are just the popular ones, you could easily find dozens and dozens of less popular ones that still fit exactly what you want

playing a br and being mad its a br and not a TDM focused fps is no ones fault but your own

I agree with this sentiment. PUBG could've been the best BR but incompetent devs that don't listen to the community or any criticism is stupid. I guess the grenade changes were good. Then again, my friends and I only play the LITE version since we play on toasters and the steam version is ass.

That's just RNG for rotations.

Also the spotters advantage for PUBG is ridiculous. You're pretty much dead if someone sees you first.

user asked what everyone's problem with BR is.
I explained to him what my problems are.
I don't get the point of your reply.

Diabotical. Staying up in closed beta all week cause covid
I can drop you a key in 3 hours if thread stays alive/you can register and get one.
It's a shitton of fun.

planetside 2 unironically

If QC had a gamemode without active abilities, server browser and endless matches that doesn't kick you out after each game it would be GOTY. As it currently is, there's too much downtime and enjoy getting bukkake'd in your face by fucking sorlak's every. fucking. game.


>Titanfall 2
>Quake Arena, Quake Champions

Natural Selection 2 but it's dying. You won't find anything better than it though.

>CSGO, Siege
Filled with hackers and terrible balance
>Battlefield, ARMA, SQUAD
Not solo
Dead if you aren't playing the latest version within 3 weeks of release
>Q3A, QC, TitanFall 2
What user wants is FFA matches

>what is planetside?
The game has been getting a lot of attention lately. We even had a general here. Do your research, whiny cunt.

I don't hate it, at least not anymore. I get it.

For me when fortnite battle royal first came out I tried it. Dropped down somewhere and died. I was like that's it? I have to leave the game and start a new game up?

I thought that was the stupidest concept ever. Years later people are enjoying this concept of dying, leaving the game and starting up a new one.

I'm still pissed they didn't make VIP assassination the main game mode

None of these is dead you memelord. Can find matches in less than 20s for each. And ArmA can be played solo just fine. Do a 1 man sniper on a TvT/Wasteland server and learn to fly jets and Helicopters.

Pick one and only one.

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ArmA, easy choice.

Infinite modding and mission possibilities. Easy to understand editor.

Never played arma but it looks like peak jank gameplay, how is it so popular?

That's literally what OP is asking for, though?

I miss FireFall

It's fun, support modding, has an ez editor with deep scripting functionality and great combined arms gameplay on huge maps.

Rising Storm games are great but I found it sooooo hard to get into it.
Example - I tried and bought RO2 when it was on free weekend and it was fun playing with people who are noobs like me.
When the noobs left, all that was left were hc players... and the game is unforgiving.
It literally gave me PTSP

>less than 50000 concurrent players


>Battle Royale
Battle Royales are the ultimate casual fun game, and that's a good thing. Playing this shit serious is dumb.

try survarium, small player base but fun

Not anymore. SBMM makes every match an absolute sweatfest.

>play sweaty
>SBMM goes up
>get matched up with other equally skilled sweaty people
Playing this shit serious is dumb.

Yeah but the second it gets implemented the player skillbase stratifies very quickly and you end up with a lot of casual players leaving. COD is the worst offender. Win 2 matches and you will be guaranteed put in a bracket where you will get shat on.

fortnite isn't even an FPS though. and who the hell even plays PUBG anymore? It's always Fortnite, Apex, CoD, or Tarkov which isn't even technically a BR. Hell, CoD stopped being a BR for awhile and only just this week became one again.

You're missing the point. OP complains about the lack of COMPETITIVE shooters, BRs are by nature casual as fuck with all the overehelming RNG. I really like BRs, but when they are used in e-sports it's a complete joke.

>forced to play
>huuur duuur my dumb ass peers are playing them so I gotta play them too
fuck off zoomer retard normalfag

>I fucking hate that you're forced to play Battle Royale games if you want to play competitive FPS nowadays
>but I don't want popular non-BR FPS either
What the fuck do you want then retard?

It's pretty much the only milsim game with that kind of scale

How are you going to play a game when there's nobody to play with dumbass?

Eh, siege works for me.

A popular non-BR FPS that isn't RNG gambling simulator hackerworld or retarded class abilities.

Because I like deathmatch and BR seems to be incredibly boring by comparison.

Imagine being stuck so far up your own ass that you dont play shit with your friends just to make some "point" about it being bad that no one gives a shot about in the first place.

I suppose user having no friends sort of kills my argument out the gate, but then it's just his own problem, and a bigger one at that.

>Dead if you aren't playing the latest version within 3 weeks of release
Bruh MW is alive af

>People on Yas Forums have hated it since day 1.

Rule one of Yas Forums. Popular = bad. That and most of Yas Forums is casualfag garbage.

Running around an empty barren map for 20 minutes is boring

apex is the only BR i like for one simple reason, the game is designed where you can do stuff and play actively without being punished. the first BR i played extensively was blackout, and i think its a fairly good representation of the main issues with the genre. From a strategic stand point, theres literally no reason not to camp a building for a long as the game allows you. making rotations and actively looting too much puts you in massive risk with little to no reward. hell, the genre pretty much discourages fighting if you can just sneak your way into top 5.

in apex, its much harder to be equipped for fighting top 5 unless you actively fought people for loot. and being able to run around without worrying about being insta killed just feels like a god sent in a BR and even if you are downed theres a myriad of tools to stay alive

Diabotical is fun

I hate that multiplayer games now either have all of the players or none of the players, with nothing in-between.


Fuck the open world meme, in THE ASS