It's time to bin those video games and become acculturated with books

It's time to bin those video games and become acculturated with books.

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I listen to audiobooks

I guess that's acceptable.

books are one of kojima's best inventions

>try to experience as many mediums as possible
pretty based

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i already have my own library and read more than i play video games

Ego Hugeman

I don't believe that Kojima has ever read a book in his life.

Kojima started reading at 50. Also, manga doesn't count

What else could have inspired him to write such high prose.

i will buy him a copy of la peste

Recommend me some.

I recommend Master of Puppets by the author Metallica

Blood Meridian

fucking really Kojima?
you're taking credit for inventing the act of reading?
someone please kill this egotistical motherfucker already

t. american

La creatividad .........

Did you guys know that Kojima invented books?

Having a harder and harder time justifying spending 50 or more hours on games that don't do anything for me. I'd rather spend 10 hours to become educated on something.

You guys would suck shit out a rhino's ass if this gook told you to.

stop saying he invented books. he never claimed to. he just thought up all the best stories before having read them in books.

you can never be too knowledgeable about electrical engineering and gardening


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He has to fill the time between watching movies and eating burgers somehow.

For a man who's built his entire career on plagiarizing movies and trotting out trite scripts there's no fucking way he reads regularly.

you morons are going to completely glance over the fact that he explicitly wrote that video games are still ok

I highly doubt Kojima reads on a regular basis.

Rate my shelf.

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have you read everything mentioned in lovecraft's essay on horror in literature
if not you have homework to do

not ok for this situation. he believe there're books on the shelf waiting to be read, even the one you already read.

50 shades of grey read by gilbert godfried

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thats the shelf of a peabrain

>thinking anyone's gonna be impressed by a shelf filled with fiction books

that would actually be an improvement
would listen to

Sorry but I struggle to read long Yas Forums posts let alone an entire book.

Amazing white noise tweet by video game guy.

Hundreds of years of linguistic evolution, all for this.

I hate when people say thing like reading a book is better that watching a movie or gaming.
The truth is that the average book teach you nothing.
There is no difference between playing the witcher or reading a fantasy book.
Best books are the accademic one.

He has - he rips off a bunch of shit from books all the time.

For example, he probably got the idea for the parasites in MGSV from Hothouse - where a parasite attaches to a human in the novel an increases their intelligence enabling them to speak ect.

It's a cool book and I recommend it, and so does Kojima because as part of a promotion in Japan his name was slapped on some books that he recommended.

all books are fiction as all men are liars

books have better formatting

>wants to be a movie director
>no one dumb enough to let him make a movie
>makes movie games
>they go downhill the more control he has
>reeeee movies and games are worse than books
So is he going to make a novel for Death Stranding 2? Just working on getting some sales scared up?

he truly is a hack

I would rather read a book than play death stranding

The only thing more pretentious than talking about your books is making fun of books because they're fiction.
You are such a stupid faggot it's impressive how you managed to make that fag and his pleb taste look good in comparison.
Don't ever leave /lit/ ever again.

I can make so much money right now though


I came up with that thing called "book"

>he follows Kojima just to screencap his Twitter

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Reverse Transmission - not so much an audiobook as it is an audio drama - it's about 2 hours or so long +supplemental material in the form of an ARG and it's pretty good.

Quick synopsis is its about a girl who gets a job to sit inside a self driving taxi to do literally nothing, and then the car starts running people down. The premise is a bit on the nose but its more interesting just by how the story is presented and produced.

You can snag it on Audible for free by signing up and then canceling immediately after grabbing everything you want.with your two free tokens - Reverse Transmission doesn't cost a token either.

While were on the subject of books and the Wuhan plague. Read "The Ways that are dark" by Ralph Townsend, its a book about China in the 1920/1930s

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He's saying that if you read some books instead of playing games, your INT might be high enough to enjoy Death Stranding.

user, it exists.

Books are trash as much as video games and movies. Fucking shitty cuck hobbies

why was he such an asshole to hater and joost?

What are some non cucked hobbies. Bow hunting on DMT?

is this something i knew and forgot about due to senility? imagine writing a book and gilbert gottfried reading it aloud is already the only good part.

archery is a good hobby. i don't know about bow hunting but i'd skip using drugs

>Implying she gave a shit about its quality
The only reason it got popular is because the general population has no idea what real BDSM is like

>start reading pic related before bed a few weeks ago

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peak wojak soi

Is Kojima autistic? No meme

I bet the Bible is on your shelf.

Here's your next book.

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imagine not owning a bible. i bet you don't even have your own copy of the book of mormon either.

hes not autistic, just japanese

Aren't those the same thing?

No you're confusing it with German

Same lol

The series better it was on national geographic