I don't mean to be rude but how the fuck can you talk about video games when the world is ending?

I don't mean to be rude but how the fuck can you talk about video games when the world is ending?

There's a fucking virus that's a cross between HIV and SARS that you get from people BREATHING ON YOU.

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Other urls found in this thread:


dont care

Why would I give a single fuck?

It is outside of any of our control short of staying indoors.

Because 3.6% of the population dying wouldn't end the world. It's a massive number, but very far from apocalypse status.

introvert, ergo i dont care

I'm not a boomer

It's just a flu bro.

Official instructions are to stay inside and basically wait it out in quarantine. What are you gonna do while quarantined?

i will die as i live

>a cross between HIV and SARS
this is literally swine flu 2.0

I know, right. I walked into a GameStop, except instead of the usual smell of piss, there was an even weirder smell. The smell of an actual sealed new game. I could barely stand at the thought of getting a deal in a GameStop.

Attached: Sealed Game in GameStop.webm (1000x563, 483.59K)

>tfw i work part time in groceries and if I get sick it will burn up my entire years worth of sick leave.
I get only 7 days for the entire year, and I don't get statutory sick pay unless I'm ill for at least 7 days.
So I will be working as long as I am physically able to, infected or not.
Because if everything blows over and I get ill with something else like a stomach bug I will get disciplinaries every time I'm off sick doctors note or not.
You want someone to blame for that, blame retail and its absurdly draconian beurocracy taking more and more basic rights away from staff.
Going into work later. I got a stuffed up nose. Been sneezing a few times last night. Its probably a cold but you never know.
(Then again I had a really bad cold over Christmas that aligns with the corona symptoms I read in some guys corona diary l so I might have already had it)
Also its good to talk about something you like and avoid panicking.
Running around like a headless chicken worrying about shit achieves nothing ultimately.

Because it can't be helped apart from everyone adhering to rules and/or staying home.
If you want to wallow in self-pity and/or cultivate your little messiah complex by stockpiling food, then go do it elsewhere, polposter.
Move the fuck along, this is a videogame board.

>10 seasons later
>show is still good

I'm already dead inside
What does it matter if my body goes too?

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Believe me I'm not thrilled that I wasted 10 years on this shithole and vidya but there isn't much I can do about it now. Other than hope to make it through till there is at least some amount of normalcy and try to do better.

Why shouldn't we be talking about vydia? I'm not going to fix the fucking disease. Eat well, work out in your home, play vydia, and hope your immune system is a boss and you live through an infection - cause you will get one, at some point.

Only people who don't believe they're mortal let this virus affect them more than necessary.

It's a topical board, it's for videogame discussion. It's not a chatroom for you to find other fat kids and have someone to talk to. If you're not discussing the topic at hand, kindly fuck off to some other board.
The only retard here who need to check his priorities is you.

No, it's a global pandemic now, update your propaganda talking points.

I'm not a boomer so I'll probably be fine if I get it, and I don't go outside anyway. If I do get it the consequence will be isolation, which means lots of vidya anyway.
So I just play vidya and don't worry about it.

Aren't you glad you voted to erradicate medicare for all? Now you're going to die standing, but imagine those liberal tears lmao.
fucken owned

>it can't be helped

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Back to Yas Forums with you, niggerfaggot

>literal boomer remover on a world tour
>still too poor to afford a house

Medicare for all wouldn't stop us from running out of ventilators like italy.

>fewer than 200,000 cased globally.
>47 million people in the US alone get the flu every year
>only 10% of people with Corona virus even need to be hospitalized
>fatality rate less than even 0.5% for anyone under 60 years old
Enjoy your media induced hysteria, boomer.

cheer up it'll all be over soon


okay boomer, keep taking out loans to buy out all the toilet paper


- Trump fired the pandademic team a year before Corona virus
- Cut Medicare access
- Cut funding for healthcare incentives for the poor
So now we have a bunch of undocumented sick people that could have been maintained if Obama was in charge.

bruh, I'm coughing and convinced I already have the virus considering the way the count went from dozens to hundreds within a few days in my city but I only have like a one in a thousand chance of dying from this

because it's a virus that's going to dissappear as quickly as it arrived.

So shut the fuck up, Go to the winchester..

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My country has public health and it sucks either way. This won't help your narrative.

M4A isn't a liberal policy, it's a leftist policy. The liberal candidate is the one that promised to veto it. Please be more accurate in the future.

you'll know when i'm dead because the quality of the board will improve noticeably


>almost every single government in the world has handled the virus outbreak with genuinely astounding levels of incompetency
>when this all blows over they'll turn around insisting that they saved us all
>and idiots will fucking believe them
I want off this fucking ride goddamn it

Attached: The+day+is+saved_e897e1_5308596.jpg (640x955, 74.55K)

Because I'm not Larry David years old so I'm probably going to be fine even if I do catch it. Staying the fuck away from my parents for the next month or two though.

Shut the fuck up

how can we get that number up?

No. No it won't.

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Because it is out of my control. What I can control is my reaction to it, and I choose to relax and play video games.

>Mortality rate lower than 5%
I have higher chance to be robbed and stabbed by random nigger or be shot by edge incarnate kid on the street than getting killed by covid-19.

And what do you recommend we do, genius?

yeah, stay inside you old fuck, you should actually be worried.

everyone born in the latter half of the century who has never heard that song before is fine, though

the virus will mutate and becomes stronger
this is THE happening, we are all fucking doomed unironically world will never be the same after this

It only kills old farts on death's door, media is fear-mongering the public into believing it's the end of the world. Humans have dealt with viruses since the dawn of time and 99% of us who get sick will recover in a few weeks and be immune, just fucking go to work because this virus is not going to kill you retards.

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>What I can control is my reaction to it
Shhh, people aren't supposed to know this

>all this time and people still only talk about the death rates
Your country is going to initiate an unprecedented amount of draconian measures to "combat the virus" and you're obediently letting it happen because you're too fixated on the virus itself

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>"it's just the flu, bro" says increasingly worried chinese shill for the 45th time in two months

If we're gonna be quarantined for a month we might as well have some vidya to play

>Go to the Winchester

With most of the party dying.

If the world really was ending then there's nothing you can do about it.
So you might as well relax and enjoy these supposed end of times.

nigger it's been in the US since december, nobody cared until now because everyone LITERALLY THOUGHT IT WAS JUST THE FUCKING FLU

I don't mean to be rude, but how can you be such a scared chickenshit?

>All anybody cares about is the death rate
>Nobody's talking about the stress on the medical system
>Nobody's talking about supply lines getting interrupted.
>Nobody's talking about the long-term lung damage
This is going to go so, so, so, so, so, so very badly.

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People who have recovered from the virus present reduced lung capacity and respiratory issues. The only mongering going on here is the Russian narrative you're trying to push. Congrats on being a mouthpiece for the kremlin, retard, you're doing an amazing job barking those talking points.

Nah, my country is going to continue to let people get infected while also leaving the borders open for more rapefugees.
I wish i was joking.

Why don't you sad fucks go scream at Yas Forums instead of shitting every other board?
Oh right, because you get proven wrong and ridiculed out of the board every time

Tough it out, or ask a coworker to loan you his sick days. You wouldn't want daddy Bezos to be even a little bit less rich than he is, would you?

Mutation goes both ways, it far more likely to mutate into a less lethal form.

Real life is going to become like the beta for HL2, which was kino.

>been NEET for the longest time
>now family gets to be NEET with me
I don't think I like this.

We're gonna waste a colossal amount of money on fighting a virus which is absofuckinglutely not lethal for us unless you have serious medical issues or are an ancient boomer who smokes a pack a day and is obese.


why not throw in the bubonic plague while you're making shit up

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I just really fucking love video games, dude

Good, I hope it fucking wipes us out. The Earth has the plastic it wanted. Doesn't need us anymore.

>nobody's talking about the Fed pumping trillions of dollars into the economy
>nobody's talking about the increasingly draconian measures and infringements on human rights being put in place as a response
>nobody's talking about the media politicizing the virus, using it as a launchpad for insane legislation, and making it look like a joke to the public

Are they healthy? Do they have preexisting conditions? Are they obese? Do they smoke? Do they live in a smog-filled polluted shithole? But go hide in your bunker if you want.

Cant wait for some /k/ retard to try starting a civil war after his city gets marshal law

I stockpiled for a two-month enforced quarantine, but the more I think about it the more I realize I should have stockpiled for six months to a year. But I'm too chickenshit to leave the house anymore and the lockdown is coming soon anyway.

It's funny how quickly everything changed. You always had a sense the state of the world was fragile but actually seeing it is another thing.




Normally I'd make fun of you yuropoors but at this point I'm genuinely sorry

It's a video game board.
I don't care if the planet is being eradicated by a an oncoming meteor. You talk about video games.

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grow up manchild

More than the fact that there's basically a major shooting every month, more than all the government corruption and incompetency, more than our disgustingly anti-consumer and anti-worker culture, the handling of this shit is seriously making me consider leaving the US. Not just the government's response, but the fucking stupidity and selfishness of the average American.

So what happens when the virus inevitably causes the video game market to crash and all development on future titles are halted?

Please let this happen.

The stupidity of the average American can partially be chalked down to the way the media and government has been talking about it.
When you have your president going around saying "it's just a flu bro" until the last second then no shit people are going to echo his attitude.

there's literally nothing I can do about it aside from washing my hands/face and avoiding social contact, so why would I add to the general stress by needless worry. I'll just play my vidya instead.