Why does everything have to be so political nowadays?

Why does everything have to be so political nowadays?

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I remember this shit. Although to be fair Marvel died years and years ago.

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Comics were always a political tool brainwash young generations

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bruh it's crazy when you think about it, cartoons and everything ever produced for television is propaganda too. the only propaganda free culture from pre-world war 1 and from then on all creativity is just fuel for the machine.

I wonder what the original writer thinks of people unironically using this image for their nazi larping discords

Hey now! I solicited those opinions on Israel.

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All children’s comics, shows, schooling, etc. are literal propaganda that parents never consider or question, they just park them in front of the entertainment center and let some random cartoonist’s worldview get beamed directly into their kid’s head. Then years later wonder why their child is sarcastically talking back to them like they’re on their own Disney show

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Well Yas Forums?

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Why are you defending a pedophile?

>Of all the potential targets for propaganda, children are the most vulnerable because they are the least prepared with the critical reasoning and contextual comprehension they need to determine whether a message is propaganda or not. The attention children give their environment during development, due to the process of developing their understanding of the world, causes them to absorb propaganda indiscriminately. Also, children are highly imitative: studies by Albert Bandura, Dorothea Ross and Sheila A. Ross in the 1960s indicated that, to a degree, socialization, formal education and standardized television programming can be seen as using propaganda for the purpose of indoctrination. The use of propaganda in schools was highly prevalent during the 1930s and 1940s in Germany in the form of the Hitler Youth.

Oh, so if I jack off with my left hand instead of my right it means I'm a left-leaning liberal?

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Why would a Norse God have any opinion on Israel?

Because that is how they control you.
You must have noticed this by now?

>unsolicited opinions on Israel
Why does the j-minority make it so obvious?

Be honest, is this shit real? Looks like some tardy Yas Forums shitposter would make up for (you)s

Probably the same thoughts as the director of American History X when he sees people unironically argue that the film is pro-nazi.

If you are going to use Marvel pages as a bait just post that one America page

why would some norse god have opinion about israel, are they actually trying this hard to play victim even when there wasn't any crime?

>"oh shit nigger this shit i wrote sounds too rational actually"
>"what should we do?"
>next page shows red skull strapping suicide vests on his recruits

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Yes, commie.

Some parents did try to fight it with the "go play outside" thing but it never worked out.

We have a huge population of very religious and spiritual people in burgerland and in the last two decades there has been a crisis of faith where a lot of these people became atheistic, but still have an existential need for an all-encompassing, omnipotent figure in their life. Politics is the only thing that fills that gap while still being atheistic.

Because it's easier to make a thread with an off topic image that was printed several years ago and was mocked so badly that it lead to the cancellation of the comic and the writer had a miniature breakdown that was so bad she had to leave Marvel and work for DC.

Yas Forums here.

Yes, it's real. There's a (((reason))) why comics are the lowest selling medium in existence.

They do it all the time, the same happened with that German movie about Hitler being teleported to the future.
He starts making so much sense halfway through the movie they have him shoot a fucking dog out of nowhere in cold blood, a dog, the man that loved animals more than people.

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It's real.

>don't want mentally ill people to be mentally ill
Well, yeah.

I mean it's not that weird, you gotta have charisma if you're gonna be a big bad. Where else would you recruit all those cannon fodder?

US comics in the last two decades have been worse than anything you could imagine as a joke.

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True. The only comics I read during their SJW era was the Gwen pool comics.main story is great, Her guest appearance in other comics for shit because the writers fucked up her character(except her appearance In superior Spiderman And DPKMUA Those were good) I hope they continue the series. I really want to see what happens next with her and her brother

The sad thing about this is that the panels and angles are better than most comics. It's a shame that the art is literally nauseating to look at.

>was mocked so badly that it lead to the cancellation of the comic and the writer had a miniature breakdown that was so bad she had to leave Marvel and work for DC.


Why does the art style scream Tumblr art

why would a divine entity would care about some specific religion?



when you work on very simplistic style and basic coloring, you can compensate with angles, though it still looks so boring

Women and limp wristed men who get into the media business as writers because its a subjective medium thus anyone can get a position as long as they can sufficiently bullshit that their works have a deep, heartfelt theme or message and use it to vent their opinions in an impotent rage they cannot express in real life because they are too weak or stupid to do so without setting up convoluted situations of their own design in the forms of media they work in.

Post the one where female thor punches some dude for saying what everyone is thinking

BOOM that's how you realize that going full politic is wrong.

liberals always turn artforms and entertainment that they didn`t create into proganda tools, they also as a result fire a lot of talented people who have the "wrong opinion" and instead hire people based on identity politcs and nepotism which leads to overall decline in quality

I have got you user

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man they sure got him good by presenting a completely justified, rational argument
let me guess, he gets fucking OWNED on the very next page and nothing he says is refuted but boy is he dumb and OWNED

It's libtard tactics 101. They start up slow to ease you into bluepilliing, but then BAM throw you a curve ball and start strawmanning.

Might as well post this. Can you spot the troll?

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I wonder when being politically correct became 'chic'.

making a game not political is in itself political

>get your own identity
This is the worst thing about capeshit and its sliding timeline.
>OC dies, someone else took their place
>OC came back again anyway

I am guessing it's Maira, all of them looks genuine to me tbqh


Around 2008 or so.

is right. That and comparing it to The Room. Yas Forums storytimes of the series were the best. Fun at the comic's expense.

read what C.O. wrote again

Most modern American comics artists are hired from tumblr with no prior working experience or training.

No, I'm not making that up.

I can barely stand to visit Yas Forums any more because it's nothing but this shit and the rest is Steven Universe threads, the ultimate SJW mesbian trash. Usually 10-14 threads at any given time.

I fucking hate it. Imageboard culture is more or less dead, supplanted by people who should never have been here. But the alternative is going to a forum and having to engage in all the bullshit a permanent account forces on you, so not like there's a choice either. I'm too old and used to this to just stop using imageboards altogether.

It's more like the last decade. The 2000s was still OK-ish for comics.

by "The Room" do you mean Wiseau's film or some comic series?

I was on Yas Forums when that shit came out. Like the whole board for a day was just everybody laughing at the retards that printed that.

he meant the wiseau series
everything he wrote has a double meaning, he's 'beyond belief at what he's seen printed' because it's so fucking bad, not because it's good

Yeah, Yas Forums is the worst board on Yas Forums. 90% of it is just sjw faggotry. They should change the board to /sjw/ because that's what it is.

Just be glad you're not into comics.
This is the baseline now.

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Aren't the fanbase to blame as well? People can't seem to let go of their heroes so they keep coming back. Not even a legacy is created or passed down.

stop going to Yas Forums you dumbass, if you don't have any interest outside of western comics or the other boards then you have my condolences.