Does the new Animal Crossing let you change your name? I need to know...

Does the new Animal Crossing let you change your name? I need to know. It would be weird if it let you change literally everything else but not your name, but I need to make sure.

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Probably not, the villagers would be confused.

Yet you can magically alter the entire layout of the island and that's not confusing to them?

There is plausible deniability in that, if you change your name there isn't. They can just pretend nothing has changed if you change the town without giving it away, not so In changing your name. You can't be called "Mike" and have them call you that for years and then suddenly start calling you "Tim" without breaking immersion.

Well, that logic does not make sense, but I feel it is pointless to continue discussing it since you don't actually know for sure. I'll wait and see if there's anyone who does know for sure.

That is dumb. You are dumb. It's a game first. Not some super realistic simulation.

Sorry man no one can say but I doubt it.

What do you mean no one can say? People literally have the game already.



Why would you change your name? Are you telling me people don’t just use their real names?

Why would you use your real name in a game with online?

What’s going to happen if some guy god knows where knows your first name?

Only a tranny can have the kind of spastic
mindset to feel a need to change their name every 5 minutes.

Why take the risk?

Cause who knows how many people have the same name and who cares you're supposed to self inset into Animal Crossing it isn't an MMO

You're not "supposed" to play it a certain way. You play it how you feel like.

I just want stuff to do for a year, it's like a new AC game comes out just when I need to cope with depression, New Leaf basically saved my life.
Well, this time it will be AC, coke and rum, fruit vodka, on top of the meds I'm taking.


Man I can't even find anyone talking about this on GameFAQs. This is weird considering we know so many other things. I don't intend to change my name anyway but this makes me really curious.

Even for people who use their real names, Animal Crossing is a game people keep coming back to years later so it's possible they may change their legal name IRL and want to change it in Animal Crossing.. And no, it's not just a trans thing since I know that's all some people on Yas Forums can think about these days. Some people don't like the name they were given and decide to change their name.

It's good timing that it's coming out right as the coronavirus is getting pretty bad. Not to say I want it to be bad, I'd prefer it wasn't a problem at all. But at least it will be something to do while we're stuck at home.

I don't care about a fake virus and I don't leave the house since 7 years, I just want to do some comfy work and pretend villagers are my friends, drinking should enhance the experience

Thank God you don't go out of the house with an attitude like that, you'd just make things worse.

>magically alter
Fucking smelly retard asshole faggot cunt nigger. It's not magical since you do it physically and you need a permit and everything. How about you legally change your name to "Foreskin Face" because your're being a guiclignm fgickf

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Do you have to say the N word?

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I... didun mean no harm

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>still no leak


Think before you speak. Who would be able to get it with this coronavirus going around?

Those who download the digital version ?

The digital version cannot be leaked.

Imagine going to a island that's owned by xxxINS3ANEGAMERxx69

fucking stores all closed anyway who cares about retailers at this point
FUCK let me play

does it let me be a cute girl(male)?

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Digital download or cartridge boys?

Even though i got steam i still hate digital downloads on console games as i feel it's going to get abandoned in 2 gens or something

Don't buy cartridge online. Worst mistake of my life.

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>digital where I dont have to go outside and get corona
>physical where I get corona
yeah hard choice m8

Where i live in Australia it's usually 2 days express, unless they use 1 specific courier or like 4-5 days regular so i never pre order for delivery as it's release date is a friday.

I'll be able to pick up in store


The limit is ten letters so it would be xxxINS3AN.

How did you do that? I preordered it tonight and it's expected to arrive day of.

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just because there are a few cases doesnt change the fact that the virus grows fast and if you go outside to buy the game you are at risk. all coutries had only a few cases before it exploded and was everywhere

Cancel it
>Buy/preorder it digital at Best Buy
>get code and immediately preload it
>get 300 gold coins for going digital
>BB gives you $10 for preordering the game

AC physical is a fucking meme

I foolishly bought Pokemon physical online and this was before coronavirus, it took an entire week after release date to arrive with the free shipping. Might be better if you pay for shipping but yeah I am just going to the store if I want to buy physical games on launch from now on.

lol american's pay $60 for games , thought was like $49 for you guys

$69 in Australia including 10% tax

Yes, actually, but New Leaf also let male characters wear skirts and dresses so that isn't a new thing to the series. That feature is still in New Horizons, but it's also the first game in the series where you can freely change between male and female at any time.

What? That's not fair.

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why not just buy it on nintendo eshop? it's literally all the same

where's the damn xci

not him but he just said he got $10 voucher coins

Where is the qol shit like sort function alphabetical or by type. Give me auto stack also.

Do you have prime or did you pay for shipping?
handheld games are about 40 bucks while console games are 60.

Autostack is in although it looks like it might not apply to Bells for some reason

Finally furnishing outside is great, fuck awkwardness of having outdoor items in a room inside.

it's not about it being a "super realistic simulation" you dumb fuck. if you've ever actually played a nintendo game, you'd know they do pay attention to little things like this. think how characters in zelda say shit like "you can hold B to charge your sword... whatever that means!"

I can't wait it's going to be so comfy
Plus being able to invite random virgins from Yas Forums to my Island without worrying about them chopping my trees or trampling my flowers will be fun fun fun

"Virgins from Yas Forums", eh?

Most games these days have an ability to change your name freely. Splatoon for example, you can change your name any time and it doesn't mind. The reason I use that as an example is because Splatoon is quite literally made by the Animal Crossing devs. So my point is they would have no problem explaining name changes in game, if they wanted to include such a feature.

I figured they'd put in something like that, but I hadn't heard about it. How does it work? They just can't affect your town, or you can turn it off and on, or what?

They can't do anything like that unless you specifically set them as 'best friends'. :-)
sorry I just prefer to play with my own kind. Can't have Chad stealing my villager waifu

Other players visiting your town can't affect your town in a negative/griefing way, like trampling flowers or chopping down trees, unless you go to their name in the player list and specifically mark them as a "best friend". Best friends can do all that stuff. That way you can let people you actually trust do shit in your town, but prevent shitposters to fuck things up.

We don't know that, they could have a line of dialogue about how it's changed.


I see. Does that include picking up stuff on the ground? I was in a habit of just tossing stuff on the ground in the old days but if I'm going to play online I'm going to break that habit and sell stuff I don't need instead of hoarding.


Not sure but probably because if you drop stuff on the ground it will turn into furniture now rather than just a leaf on the floor.

>Swear to buying games physical my entire life
>Want that full game shelf
>Switch comes out
>Tons of games releasing on the eshop without a physical release
>Start buying more games digitally
>Animal Crossing soon
>Actually considering buying it digital so I can start it up immediately after I wake up and it's on my switch at all times
I can't believe I'm actually changing my buying habits because of the Switch. Feels weird.

You still can, in the menu you can pick "place" or "drop"

Ah. And you can put it ANYWHERE in town, not just next to your house? Because I would make an area of my town that is just an enormous clothing closet.

...Unless they changed how clothes work too? There is a lot I don't know about this game despite having already bought it.

Oh yeah, forgot about that. I would imagine if you drop the leaf on the floor that anyone could pick it up. If not you wouldn't be able to trade with anyone unless they were your best friends...but we'll find out soon I suppose!
Hopefully they've increased storage again so we don't have to struggle with our hoarding problems.

Ironically if it was any console other than the Switch you could buy it physical and then install it to your console so that you no longer need the cartridge, but naturally the Switch doesn't do that.

as opposed to Steam?
the whole industry has shifted towards digital distribution.
it's actually not weird anymore.
you having bought physical copies of games before makes you a good person, though. don't feel bad. it was inevitable at some point.

Are you guys gonna play the game in Northern or Southern hemisphere mode?

Go digital. While physical is nice, AC is something you boot up everyday - so it's nice to not swap cartridges everytime even if it takes just a few seconds.