What the fuck am I doing wrong...

What the fuck am I doing wrong? Everyone says this game is the easiest shit ever but I can't get past chapter fucking 17 in either story. Why does it take 4 fucking units to kill one grunt unit after chapter 10? Why does fucking Masaki in his fancy super robot get killed in 3 hits? Why give me all these scrub units who aren't worth leveling? Why should I bother telling anyone to attack anything at all when the AI ALWAYS gets a free 100% counter?
Seriously what the fuck am I doing wrong?

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Abuse spirit you retard

Abuse skills more, there is a bunch of 100% dodge, heal, always crit and such.

The game only punishes players when aproaching the end of it.

Yeah I get that but why does fucking everything have 8k HP when I can barely break 5k damage with a maxed R95 machine gun? Why do I constantly feel like I'm wasting spirits on fodder and then Tempest just fucks me sideways?
I need recommended minimum stats and shit, also who should I give the repair kit to? Healing in this game seems garbage

OG1 is kinda harder than the other SJW because you have grunts mostly instead of main character mechs.

Still, you want to focus on team attack or support attack and use spirit (hotblood, focus).

Also, spend money on upgrading your weapons.

are you a fucking brainlet?
I beat this game on an emulator when it originally came out
I never ever felt any kind of trouble like you are having with this game
what the FUCK is up with your low IQ generation?


Dunno m8. Standard super robo tactics work here. Upgrade armour for your super robots (and Alteisen), upgrade evasion for your dodgy cunts.
>Why does fucking Masaki in his fancy super robot get killed in 3 hits?
Cybuster is one of those funny hybrid types. It doesn't have tuff e nuff armour nor is it dodgy enough to focus on a single upgrade path. If you want it to be viable you have to spend a lot on it. It's kind of shitty in Original Generation. Real let down as it used to be strong in the old games.
>when the AI ALWAYS gets a free 100% counter?
You're not upgrading evasion on your dodgy cunts and using evasion up parts, obviously. Otherwise it'd be miss, miss, miss like Morrowind at level 1. And if it's a super robot with armour upgrades and parts, who cares? 10 damage forever. Drink milk.

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if you guys give the 'tard advice, he might as well not play the game anymore, it's more like he's just a robot going through the motions of following an instruction manual

Have hybrids ever really been good in SRW before? I always remember them being either super fucking OP gamebreaking, or absolutely useless. Well, besides Alteisen, though Kyosuke is a great pilot which helps things too.

>maxed R95 machine gun?
Why would you...
Look, upgrading that thing a few bars is a good early game strategy sure enough but it is obviously not a good weapon in the long run. Sounds to me like you've wasted a lot of money of useless shit. What are you bloody doing? Upgrade the weapons on your unique units, for crying out loud.


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Play a SRW with soul

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I cleared the entire game without upgrading a single weapon. As long as you use your spirits and support attacks properly the game's fairly straight forward.

>Its kinda shitty in Original Generation
False, it has excellent stats overall and its damage output is pretty good. Its only mediocre in OG2/OGG because of upgrade creep before returning to form in 2nd OG/MD although Masaki joins really late there. As for OG1 GBA, Masaki's stat line/spirits lean towards evasion so you're supposed to build him there and supplement with evasion parts. Then when you get the Hero's Mark/Soul of Steel then you give it to him because Cybuster/Alteisen/Valsione are the units who make the best use of their bonuses due to their hybrid nature.


English version of the remake and gaiden when?

Thank you, what weapons?
Just leave nigger, I'm trying to fucking learn something excuse me for asking a goddamn vidya question on a vidya board. Yes, I'm fucking bad at this, hence my question.
See ^
Thank you, this is the advice I need.
I've tried to play this game a dozen times since I was in HS back in '06, after 14 fucking years I still don't get it so excuse me for asking people who do.
I've heard that advice numerous times, thanks for clarifying those anons were retards.
Believe me I really want to git gud at this, I'm just a Fire Emblem/FF Tictacs scrub so this TBS meets Armored Core genre has been a bit hard to get into

>Have hybrids ever really been good in SRW before?
Not really, but it's all about using your favourites usually, so who cares? Kotestu Jeeg is pretty useless, but how cool is he? He's cool.

In 3 and EX pretty much every unit functions as a hybrid though, so you've not much choice but to upgrade armour on your higher evasion units because they won't dodge consistantly. And those are the games where Cybuster is king, with it's semi okay armour and semi okay evasion. After 4 when a much clearer void appears between dodgy real types and tuff super robots hybrids become less and less useful with each game.

Man, I'm laughing my ass off at the ship powercreep in the new games.
>hey, remember the time the Nadesico could solo a game in it's base form and then gets upgraded to the Nadesico Y
>let's powercreep it with the Yamato
>and you also get the Nadesico Y which you can deploy alongside the Yamato
We /super ship wars/ now.

Make sure not to dump any money into the R-1, R-2 or R-3 because once they combine they lose all upgrades. As a tradeoff the SRX is the strongest thing you get.

For me it's J

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Dump money into the team attack so you can absolutely abuse it

Might as well call it Super Zeorymer Wars

Or Super Tekkaman Wars

Super Reinforcement Wars

It's actually Super Granteed Wars on my end

Actually user, that's pretty bad advice because you get the R-Series for most of the game and SRX just for the last few stages. Additionally, you can just decombine the SRX have Rai/Aya fire off the combo attack and recombine with Ryusei to fire off its strongest attack for more damage overall. In Kyosuke's route, SRX isn't permanent so you have to upgrade the R-Series there.

OG is an Advance game, that's an "old" game at this point. The shit before it is prehistoric.

it's a fucking video game, you nigger
it's designed so literal kids can play and finish it
the fact that you're struggling with it indicates that you're below a fucking kid
that's how mentally handicapped you are

>Thank you, what weapons?
It's been a while, but you just need to upgrade the strongest attack of each unique mech like R1's T-link sword.

Though at the beginning, upgrading the M95 machine gun for some tiers also work.

Kinda understandable in V due to the plot, Not as true in X and T though.

Super Nadesico Wars, brah
J is the game where the battleship is so OP that it can solo the game.

There's quite a few units with hybrid statlines that function well but it entirely depends on what skills/abilities that the pilot/unit in question has or the way that the game is balanced. There are games like R/D/OG2 for example where reals or hybrids are better off than pure supers late game defensively since evasion tanking is superior to raw tanking due to enemy strength or lack of proper defensive spirits.

That's usually the case but not always especially for units that have combo attacks.

J is an easy game in general. If it wasn't for the AI routine, anyone could solo the game.

OP here, thank you all for the advice, I'll admit I've been getting most of my advice from shitty Gamefaqs guides which are clearly useless, and SRW is such a niche series that I can't ever get any intelligent tips from real niggas who know this series like you guys

>doesn't have Getter Robo

Why the fuck. I thought it was a permanent installment in the series at this point nowadays.

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Yeah the one shitty Gamefaqs tip I actually appreciated was 'pump up Grungust's Darkness Slash


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>doesn't have Getter Robo
Thank god. Maybe I don't want Getter taking up a slot every SRW

Fuck you nigga, the selection in X sucks ass.

Any place it could have taken in the plot was filled by the other supers desu senpai.

I'll always love how both the US and Japan agree that 'real men wear mustaches'

>reach the true final boss of OG2
>defeat it in a single turn through continuously using the Tenjou Tenga Ichigeki Hissatsu Hou
Absolutely satisfying. Until that point I hadn't really grasped the mechanics of SRW.

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Instead of milkman over hear its pretty viable to all in Evasion on core robots, even Super Robots but honestly you only need 1 or 2 super robots with both stats.The problem you have is investment into the wrong things. Core weapon upgrades on your most powerful mechs is key, and even then 5-7 mechs should ever be the focus of your funds. It's risky as fuck using new pilots in their first missions if they've run out of juice. Always use the pairs system brah.

>No gimmicks
>No special mech
>Just a simple Gespenst

The only permanent installments are Gundam and Mazinger. Everything else is up to the whims of the devs.

SP Regen on everyone
Attacker on characters with offensive spirit sets (So everyone but Aya/Garnet/Russel/Lefina/Radha)
If they're plot important/has a unique mech then they're generally worth training/investing in. Also, OG1 lets you deploy a large chunk of characters so don't stress out too much over it. I think at the end you get to deploy about 80% of the cast.
Try to at least kill all of the bosses with Luck/Bless casted on the person doing the killing blow. Throw in Gain/Cheer if you have extra money.
I think OG1 gives you a total of 2 Repair/Resupply modules in the game, give them to your support characters so they can get experience without having to fight, extremely important for the weaker ones like Garnet and Radha.
I can't really think of anything else to say without giving away the rest of the game to you.

Honestly m95 upgrades scale for like 2-3 missions, but are then useful for any new pilots with their shit as fuck hit. Only ever got 2 half tier upgraded ones from memory.

This is what you sound like, just leave you cur.

What are the chances of SRWT coming to PC?

You really do suck, you must've not real the manual.

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I really enjoyed my playthroughs of Z2 1 and 2.
>first gen gundam wing
>code geass storyline
>All Armageddon Getters
>Gurren Lagann
>fucking VOTOMS
Only disappointing part was how easy it was, last boss pretty much dies in one turn in both games. The mission where you lose access to your skills in Z2.2 was harder.
I loved J but I kinda didn't like most G-Gundam units, It's a nightmare keeping them alive when they're real robots trying to be super having shit dodge.
I knew I was in for a ride when Domon debuted chasing after the Devil Gundam and gets one shotted the next turn forcing me to start over.

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How did Moon Dwellers handle the cast?

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If I have to hear Z2 Heats one more fucking time I will bomb Banpresto

I'm emulating, otherwise I would've

The Gundam fighters in J are an idiot filter to see if you pay attention to terrain or not. They fly but have B Air by default reducing their accuracy and evasion.

Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is up with this guy? I played Alpha and I still fail to understand him.

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Did you get the basics covered at least? Like tiles that give you bonuses? Always hit avoid on the enemies turn and use support defense.

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user you are a true gentleman, this is excellent coaching, particularly the Luck/Bless tip, I get so caught up wiping out each unit on the map that I undervalue individual combat

We have been able to use custom tracks since 3 games ago.

God I hope Gideon gets corona.

I still need to hear the song before I can do it.

Yeah Support Defense and Avoid have helped me a lot during the later stages, I'm just noticing my damage is shit, thus I'm not killing multiple units a turn, thus I'm taking more retaliatory attacks

great IMO, they found a lot of very fitting voice actors for the role. Toyama is great as the red head.

The only complaint I have with MD is that the remix of the J tracks are not that great, Moon Knights' MD remix is really good but it doesn't have the same tone as in J.

>pretty viable to all in Evasion on core robots, even Super Robots
Now, I don't get that. Not in OG1. You're guarenteed to take 10 damage from everything that's not a big bad boss that you'd use spirits to protect against anyway, and you know a super type won't dodge consistantly enough, so you'll have to put money in armour too. Why waste the money on a half-arse path when you can go all in and be more effective?
> Always use the pairs system
Oh man, we're not even talking about the same game here. That's a remake thing.

OP, which SRW girl would you fuck? For me it's Latooni.