What do left-handers use as a WASD equivalent?

What do left-handers use as a WASD equivalent?

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Who cares

My friend is left handed and he uses the WASD setup and right hand mouse.
I know for a fact he's left handed because he chooses to shoot obvious right handed guns with said dominant hand.

seems inefficient

the mouse.

for me it's NIGS

Mouse buttons 4-7.

based retard

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I'm left handed and just use the regular WASD with my left and shoot with my right, however this thread has made me realize that I'm fucking horrible at every shooter I've ever played, no idea why it's never occurred to me to try doing keyboard inputs with my right hand and use my mouse with my left, this is seriously the first time I've ever considered it.

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Most left-handers such as myself play right-handed.

I'm left-handed and tried switching to IJKL or whatever but I am absolutely useless at using movement keys with my right hand

keypad 8456 and keypad enter rebinded to crouch/whatever the ctrl key is

WASD, duh
What we lack in raw aiming skills we make up with strafing.
It's not like scissors, school desks, or the ink and pencil dust getting on our hands when we write on a notebook...

Doesn't matter.

Everyone one knows TFGH is the superior set-up

Now that YOU mentioned it i'm starting to think the same way

Wait, do left handers use the mouse with the left hand? Cuz I'm also a leftie and I have always used the right hand for mouse

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I'm sure OP is meaning the situation in which someone is using the mouse left-handed

I've used my right hand but as I said earlier I'm realizing that this might be the reason why even though I have like 3k hours across all shooters I've always had really bad aim. How good is your aim user?

I have literally only met one left-hander who actually uses the mouse with their left hand. Anyway they would just use arrow keys ya tard.

I know plenty of lefties and they all use the mouse normally with their right hand. Having a dominant hand doesnt mean your other one is unusable

Make sure to turn the sense way the fuck down, too. Wrist-aiming is one of the cardinal sins of FPS games.

The arrows are bad. WASD is ideal because it has the default mod keys accessible, but anything is better than the arrows, that have no accessible binds nearby like F, E, Q, etc

wrist aiming is so comfy tho

I know.

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Couldn't really use the mouse with my left hand when I was very little so I just used my right. Now I still can't really use a pencil with my right all that well but I sure as fuck can use a mouse to draw.

real masters use wrist aiming with 3200 dpi and train their hand to be extremely precise

i have a better question for lefties, which hand do you use for fapping?

Lefty reporting in. We use the arrow keys you tools.




>what is the numpad

wasd with right hand
t. leftie

You're telling me you can't use your mouse left-handed? Git gud nigger.

pretty fucking good, is what

I’ll have you know I’m the same way.
If I’d switch to a left handed setup I’d be 100% worse and it’s too late now

I use WASD with the mouse in my right hand.
Some things just feel natural the right handed way, like firing a rifle.

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>or the ink and pencil dust getting on our hands
Holy fuck, don't remind me. I'd have to rub the eraser along the side of my hand because that shit bothered me.


Left and upside down

left but I'm better at handjobs with my right apparently

>btw I'm a grill :3 tehee xD

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bite me
using this since 1996

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pussy use a real sensitivity like 5000dpi

Looks like an all-around poor solution.

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no i've been infected with the gay at a young age

I used WASD with my right hand mouse with the left, but I'd genuinely be thinking of switching to something further to right If I wasn't using the Steam Controller now.

Left-handed women are my fetish. I'm right-handed though.

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Left handed here, i do this too.

girls don't have cocks, tranny

i use the arrow keys for my right hand,map action buttons to ctrl shift backspace del end and pg up etc and use the mouse on the left side of the keyboard.

same here
been using it since I was 4 years old and can't change

I'm a lefty. I use my left hand for key bindings. What the fuck am I gonna do with the mouse besides move it.

WASD with left hand and mouse with right hand like right-handed people do.
Only odd thing is that I'm not very fast clicker so for example pistols in R6 Siege are worthless to me but I solved that by having fire in spacebar and now I can fire, for me, at inhumane speeds.


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My dad uses arrows for keyboard inputs in FPS games and he's right-handed. I used to do it too, happily I grew out of it to prefer WASD.

Left and whoever says right isn't really a lefty

you become gay by choice. Think about it, you willingly decided to become an inferior being and a disappointment to your parents. Kys faggot

I don't know. Arrows?

Most left handed people use their mouse right handed.

my brother is left handed, he still uses wasd

I use wasd anyway
Imagine getting carpal tunnel in your dominant hand LMAO

Imagine being one of the devils minions.

deluded christcuck