The exact moment Sonic the Hedgehog died

The exact moment Sonic the Hedgehog died

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Can't say you're wrong.

Sonic Unleashed should've sold more than Mario Galaxy or Twilight Princess. The budget was roughly the same. Instead, it failed because they couldn't make the werehog levels a little easier or normie-friendly. Also, sonic autists don't have a whole lot of money and aren't numerous.

Sonic colors was a huge dive in quality. You knew they spent little on this and it showed. Damn, I of only Unleashed succeeded, sonic would probably be still a powerhouse.

Explain, besides the fact Sonic was taking more stuff from Mario.

The moment he got a rare good 3D game?

never finished the game. i just could not get into it and i disliked the wisps. hate they bring those things back every game now.


ST just can't help but keep reminding us of their failures
same goes for zavok, sonic lost world was a complete flop but they just keep bringing him back for whatever reason

>No mention of 06 and Genesis

Nigga what? Sonic's 15th year had to be his lowest and oh yeah Shadow the Edgehog came out a year before.

Sonic fanbase on Yas Forums is in peak contrarian mode. Apparently Black Knight was also a good game.

That's not Sonic 06 or Heroes. Colors was actually decent.

Compared to what came before it Black Knight was another Sonic 3.

This game was good you faggot, go back and play the ds version.

>Sonic Unleashed should've sold more than Mario Galaxy or Twilight Princess.
is this delusion? you cant be serious.

I haven’t played Sonic in forever but wasnt Colors well-received by Sonic fans? When I played it at launch I thought it was pretty good, the DS version went above and beyond as well iirc

colors did more for sonic than that cringe fest we had in the past. It was 06 that ruined sonic.

yeah it was. There was someone on who legitamatly thought that unleashed was good when only half of it was decent.

>hating on Colors
Colors was exactly the game we needed at the time. People wanted Unleashed Day Time: the Game, and they got it. Don't blame it for future failures that couldn't improve on a good formula like Lost World and Forces

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Sonic Colors basically sealed the fate of sonic as reddit nu-wahoo tripe instead of based speed autism.

Some people hate it now mostly because of elements from it that persisted for no good reason in subsequent games like the Wisps, the blend of 2D and 3D (even worse since future games went on to feature classic Sonic who plays entirely in 2D on top of that) and the writing style.

rather have that then speed autism

Though I should add that Unleashed already had the 2D segments. They were just more prominent in Colors and then Generations/Forces went overboard due to classic Sonic.

>wasnt Colors well-received by Sonic fans?
And that all goes back to OP's point. It's responsible for alot of what's wrong with the games now. Shitty 2D sections, Wisps shoehorned into everything and stupid kiddie humor dialogue

>Instead, it failed because they couldn't make the werehog levels a little easier or normie-friendly.

They just fucking sucked to play and were slow. Worse than shit like Knack. What the fuck is this delusion?

The exact moment Sonic the Hedgehog died

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i would say that was the downfall

How does Colors doing those decently make it the problem for every other future game shittily shoehorning those elements in?

Absolute state of Sonic furries.

Heroes was good and Colors was shit. 06 crippled this franchise, but Colors and it's reception killed it.

People meme about the bad 2D sections but they were better than fucking Unleashed's Night sections.

They weren't TRYING to be classic sonic either, which is the problem you get in stuff like Forces, where the emulate old 2D sonic elements poorly

well, colors did things right but then they got lazy put sonic on a track and made the platforming suck even harder. Colors. brought back attitude sonic too.

right? delusion is real

The success of sonic colors led directly into sonic forces, as the incompetents at sonic team failed to understand what had brought them success with colors and instead made cheap knock offs of their own game, with all the quality that implies.

i guarantee post count didn't go up for these


For the past 2 months, we've had Sonic threads every 12 hours filled with sonicfags calling Colors bad while also defending 06, Shadow, the storybook games, and Unleashed while also calling Colors and Generations bad. Did some sonic forum go down to cause a bunch of contrarian Sonic drones to come to Yas Forums or is it just one guy making these same threads over and over again?

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The game wasn't terrible, but I don't see the point in making sonic 3D when everyone knew how cool his 2D games were, I don't remember anyone in my friend groups playing sonic adventure over something like Crash, Tail Concerto, Mario 64, Banjo, Spyro, etc
It was kinda weird jumping into an already filled market when sonic would be just fine with continuing as 2D, see Sonic Mania

they just didnt care. they knew OC character would sell the game for them they didnt have to put so much work into it.

It's the fucking sonic general on /vg/ leaking out to this place.

>defending 06
only children do this

I'll defend Generations due to the better controls, and featuring some of the best 3D Sonic levels, but Colors's day sections were a straight downgrade from unleashed, ESPECIALLY with the DLC of Unleashed showing how a linear boost level and a short gimmick boost level should be done, but instead we got this slow 2D garbage.

>Tail Concerto
5 people in the world know what that game is, and that's after it got it's sequel in Solatorobo. There were definitely more people playing the new sanic over some unknown company's pet project.


It's 2 things:
1. Adventurefags failed to push their "classicpedo" meme a few months ago and are now attacking the well-liked modern games to compensate.
2. Adventurefags and storyfags got laughed out of /vg/'s Sonic general and are now coming to Yas Forums thinking they won't be mocked here too.
I'm not joking.

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You forgot your wojak, OP. Maybe you'll remember next time you make this thread again in a few hours.

It's not that obscure

I loved the Japanese demo that was on the PlayStation underground disk.

You're thinking of Generations.

Compared to everything else mentioned, it was.

What said is more accurate. It's actually just an angry /vg/ reject making these threads after being ridiculed in /sthg/.

Not him but they technically did try new things. Lost World was after Generations and gave up boost and tried to focus on parkour. And whether you like it or not, it was a thing that happened.

well here is the thing when I say downfall. It was where people looked into design rather than mechanics. Sonic was about going fast roller coaster ride, but then it turned into Focus on Sonics life. Gameplay suffered but not too much. Then 2 came about and improved on the sonic sections but the rest wasnt fun for a lot of people. They were still in the narrative if sonic rather than making a fun experience. 06 was the low point and they knew sonic just being there sold. Dont worry about playing as him just worry about building more useless character shit that doesnt stick.
Colors brings back some aspects with speed and the wisps were a great addition for power ups like mario but it would have been better to keep momentum going rather than platform jungle to which is more suited to mario.
Sonic as a character changed in adventure. Colors brought back the attitude that Sonic should have.

Generations had 10x less dialogue than Colors, and it mostly consisted of "What's this new threat we're facing?" or "Remember this place?", but Colors is in the same boat as Lost World and Forces with it's unfunny jokes and flanderization.

>Heroes was good
You have bad opinions. Goodbye.

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Doesn't mean it's automatically good, either. Get your head out of your ass.

>unfunny jokes and flanderization
sonic was a joke before colors. he was the flanders in adventure and on. what the fuck you talking about?

>Colors brought back the attitude that Sonic should have
woah dude memes

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>the DLC of Unleashed
nobody bought the Unleashed DLC, user

Sonic lost his soul once he started being self-aware to how awful he is

your arguement is nothing but a meme. His entire persona was snarky and attitude. Not what adventure made him out to be, that was flanderization.

It's a good game by itself, but stuff like the wisps, overabundance of 2D sections, and the terrible, kiddy-tier writing shouldn't have stuck around.

Based as fuck, fuck Colors for completely squandering the massive potential this franchise had going from Unleashed, and fuck westcucks who never played past Sonic 2 and their nostalgiafaggotry for removing any semblance of good story, canon, human characters, etc. and forcing us to play Green Hill and Chemical Plant over and over again until the heat death of the universe

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>People blame Colors for the "humor," and having 2D sections, but gloss over the fact those aspects started in Unleashed.
Stop being disingenuous and admit the game you constantly put on a pedestal was the origin of the things you nag on in later material.

>kiddy-tier writing
that was sonic adventure. All of it was fan fiction kiddy tier shit.

>The budget was roughly the same.
So? Big games that aren't as good as other big games shouldn't do as well as the better ones anyway.
>easier or normie-friendly
Odd way to spell "fun or interesting."
>Also, sonic autists don't have a whole lot of money and aren't numerous.
Was the whole post bait? Did I just get baited super hard?