I like KanColle!

I like KanColle!

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I love Tenryuu!

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What do you like about it?

Azur Lane is better though

i remember when this was insanely popular like5 years ago. What happened?

It's enjoyable and my fleet has grown on me.
Coomers left to other series, but there's still a very dedicated KanColle playerbase.

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When shipthis getting more kraut boats?
It's still is. but the western audience flocked to mao lane due to english translation and better gameplay because spreadsheets is too hard for your average coomer.

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When can I build an abyssal fleet and play the villain?

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>play as villain

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I want to stuff this Turkey

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hung up my admiral cap a long time ago
I got hired by G&K and now I'm running robots
watching squares shoot lines and a couple of cgs didn't cut it for me after four years of kancolle

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I love shimakaze! he's so cute!
I love max! he's so cute too!
Kancolle truly is a trap lovers paradise

No, you like hentai

In kancolle phase three. featuring capture the enemy mechanic and mindbreak them into submission to become part of your kanmasu minigame.

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They’re best as girls.

I'm a dedicated admiral.

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What game?

Yes, girls (male)
I'm starting to think most of the cast is

I don't know what the fuck this shit is at all but I can't tell you how many times I've busted a nut to Takao and Kashima


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the only "gacha" (because it really isn't) game that has an actually story, QoL improvements, and devs that give a shit about its playerbase with great gameplay.
Girls Frontline

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Has some pretty great futa stuff.

For me it's Yuugumo-kata

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Azur lane also has far better designs, but muh chinks right bro?

azur lane does not have better designs at all. It's so goddamn soulless.
KanColle designs can get sexy, but I like the fact that a lot of them are actually very traditional and comfy, especially the potato ones

>mao lane
>better designs
only if you like generic sluts that is.

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>posts generic slut
What the fuck does this even mean in terms of character design? Either way there isn't a single kancolle frenchfry that looks as soulful and badass as Washington does.

I drive past a shipyard where she was repaired every day

kys chink shill

Do KC fans even exist? I thought most of them went to AL, FGO or GFL.

Great argument, pityfag. You don't need to pretend to like jap shit because we blew up their country last century.

he probably meant that they have historical bits into their designs and don't look like whores
>soulful and badass

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Migrate to 2ch.

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How was the Vita game? Worth playing? I might go seek it out.
Man, it's crazy here in Tokyo. Xbox literally doesn't exist but there is still a wall of vita games in every game store.

Say something nice about my girlfriend Hamakaze.

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It's fine as long you can read moon or just wanting to play KC outside of the browser. IIRC the game physical/digital sells were discontinued like two years ago. so it might be expensive to get your hands on a sealed copy.

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its still super popular
just not in the west

Your girlfriend has fantastic feeling breasts, I was very happy with them, and I made sure to clean up after.

I’m glad you’re happy user.

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I married Shigure back in 2014 and I still love her to this day even though I stopped playing the game ages ago. Can't wait to see her as MC in the upcoming anime.

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When is Season 2 coming out anyway?

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No idea. The trailer for the new season was shown at the end of a concert in January 2019 and it still hasn't been officially released to the public.

Atlanta is kinda cute, post some more of her.

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For me, it’s Nafato

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Too fat

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Fair enough, Yuugumos are very cute.

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No one likes Tenryuu.

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Kantai is only better if you like generic schoolgirls.

Are you sure about that?

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Yes, not a single soul.

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Make a better Kai Ni.

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