How do you feel about grabs, honestly?
How do you feel about grabs, honestly?
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In Nioh 2? In terms of hit detection, they're mostly fine. In terms of damage they do, I think they're a bit too high, but at least it's not Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 levels of bullshit where basically every grab is either a one-shot or a near one-shot on Master Ninja difficulty.
I don't have a problem with them normally but sometimes enemies will just bust one instantly.
>burst counter big skeleton axe warrior
>he immediately does a grab while seemingly ignoring the stagger animation
currently at a point in the game where everything has almost 10x as much hp as it used to, tonfa is doing next to no damage
seems like they wanted the enemy ki system to be like Sekiro a bit too much, its all about breaking ki and doing finishers later in the game apparently
Not sure if its any different with the other weapons, I see odachi a lot so I might switch over to that
I take back my words
Less tengus and snakes made forest and rivers play better
Snake girls and red kappas grabs are bullshit
Post some characters. I need inspiration to make mine. Does character creation still give you codes that let you easily re-create other characters?
I’m doing a ninjitsu / kusa build. I’m on the second map so not sure how far I’m into the game but almost every enemy grab one-shots me.
Is it bad that I love to bait yokai into grabbing npc companions and watch them suffer
I swear to god if I see another Gaki I'm gonna storm Team Ninja's office and make them pay.
And just adding on to my point; I think some of the enemies, like the snake chick, have silly grab windows or make you fight in really cramped corridors that can make it rage inducing. I also suck at the game and my rolls aren’t always on point so it could just be me
>beat Golden boy
>want to use elephant bro
>need 6 more fucking points in either Courage or Skill to get all effects
>the two least used stats for my build
How do I git gud with the katana? I feel like it tickles for damage unless I use high stance which makes gameplay clunky as fuck.
Should I just git gud with high stance, or is there any other magical recipes for good damage?
grabs should be punishable by yokai counter
You realize that stances aren't things you are locked into, right? Constantly switch back and forth between them.
Stay in low stance to evade and immediately switch to high stance while evading so that you can use high stance punishes when you finish the dodge. Switch to mid stance to parry and then switch to high stance to do damage. Have your pressure attacks like ki dispersal and kick mapped to low stance so that you can spam them while being safe.
jesus christ, i play this way too slow and safe.
Poor horse didn't stand a chance.
How should you level stats? Levelling stats seem way slower than in From software's games so I guess one point is much more of an investment here.
So far I'm using katana. I'm only three missions in. I'm trying to use medium armour, so right now I'm leveling lots of heart and courage for good ki recovery and katana damage.
I feel like this game is way to fucking bullshit with the speed of enemy attacks they can literally chain hit you 3-4 times in a row in the same hitstun and kill you instantly and there's NOTHING you can do about it. Also why does everything do such insanely high damage to you?
where do i find omnyo mages so i can unlock the mission
what the fuck is the Amrita Gauge and how does it affect stats Ninjutsu Bonus (Amrita Gauge) i have two accessories with B+ and am unsure whether its worth it.
fucking block, retard.
You can level up really fast by selling all the shit you don't need at the Kodama Offering menu. Each time my inventory has reached like 500/500, I just go to the nearest shrine and sell everything in like 5-6 seconds and I have enough amrita to level up at least once.
gj man
>doing torii gate coop and larping as a superhero
feels good lads
Allocate stats however you want, choose a weapon or two plus armour class and go for broke with the relevant stats.
You can reset whenever, and nothing matters all that much anyway. There's like a soft cap at 20 though, so keep that in mind.
>Levelling stats seem way slower than in From software's games
Not even remotely true.
>and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
Block then dodge, or use Yokai shift.
>Also why does everything do such insanely high damage to you?
Because fuck (you).
I don't know why but co-op in this game is way more fun than it was in Nioh 1.
Okay thanks. Regarding "Not even remotely true.", maybe I'm just doing it wrong, but in Dark Souls it feels like at least in the early game I could easy rack up points for 5-6 levels in just 10-20 minutes. In Nioh 2 I spend like 30 minutes just for one level.
The only acceptable grab is Okatsu thigh-locking your head
Leveling was slow in nioh 1 though. I couldn't keep up with the level recommendation on main missions, and grinding was slow.
been waiting for about 20 or so minutes at the Boss of Bird in a Cage, no one looking to coop this late i suppose. dead fucking game.
How you kiking the game so far anons?
Can't wait for my copy to arrive
I've spent more time helping people through random encounters than I actually advancing the game
shits too fun, get summoned instantly too even this late at night
it's more like for every 100 shitters wanting to be carried there is 1 person wanting to carry them. you could always post a password here or in the general, like some people already have.
You get Amrita fast naturally and the first couple levels basically happen before you reach Mezuki, while when you actually farm it's way easier than Souls especially if you do side missions as they appear.
Besides, levels aren't as important as they seem. A level 50 doesn't have a massive advantage over a level 20, your equipment is far more important.
>I couldn't keep up with the level recommendation
The level recommendations are not really accurate, and they get to mean nothing at all the more you progress.
>level recommendation
Means jack shit. By the time you get to Way of the Nioh, some of the level recommendations go to over 1,000.
>hit guy with massive chain of tonfa hits
>did about 100 damage total
pretty painful right now
Do I have to keep fighting Hanzo to get his Iga jonin smithing text to drop or does it just appear later anyways?
>how do you feel about attacks with windups and flashes my grandpa can dodge
What filted you?
Happens way too often and does slightly too much damage for what are drawn out attack animations that bypass guards. Enemies don't really have a problem breaking your ki, so grabs don't serve a purpose beyond eye candy. At least it's shorter than many other games with grapple animations.
Tonfas are for Ki damage, smoothbrain. When they lose their Ki and are stagger, switch to a heavy hitting weapon.
>How do you feel about grabs, honestly?
indifferent? do u think the hitbox is wonky or something?
Should you use two different weapons or is it fine to stick to one? I'm a katana fag right now, but should I get something to complement it?
Is there a way to reset allocating skill points in onmyo/ninjitsu?
Also man, fighting Nobunaga made me really appreciate being able to feral burst dodge. Makes his fire rushdown manageable, they're not just for countering. Same with using phantom burst to cancel the endlag on jutsu
im on turtle man right now, he is pretty resilient to any attempt I make at breaking his ki unfortunately
Nice spoiler, faggot
anyone know a good place to grind for amarita? i just got the escorting wolf spirit.
It's not even story related nigger
A single Tonfa hit does 100 damage though.
Do co-op
Does Ranged Weapon Attack (such as Deadly Eye in the Samurai Skills) increase shuriken and kunai damage as well? Or only bows and rifles?
Yes but the bad guy has no Ki now right? That is when you hit him with those 6k ninjitsj nukes.
the Dojo menu is for resetting skill points
Pretty sure no, but there's a mystic art that increases thrown weapon damage
Kanabo is in as an axe.
this particular boss does not stagger when his ki runs out, he pretty much goes right into his dark realm
I ended up beating him by blowing his ass up with all my massive bombs but it was close
Grabs are fine when you're fighting a enemy one on one, but are a pain in the ass when fighting against 2 or more enemies
Grabs are massively telegraphed and usually easy to avoid, but when you're focusing on a separate enemy they become way more difficult to avoid.
Also, grabs don't usually instant kill you but do leave you open to be killed by a second attack, so while you get a moment of reprieve after being grabbed 1 v 1 where you can pop an elixir or something, 2 v 1 can have you being hit by the second enemy after the first enemy landed the grab but before you can move again
What is the tier list of weapons in this game ?
>Bare fisted>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all
Don't know if it's just wonky programming or not but I've been hit the the instant grab from the skeleton soldiers several time.
>ki break skeleton
>knock it down
>grapple it
>instantly pops back up and goes directly into grab with no wind-up or anything
Anyone know if there is inheritables for armor? I've haven't come across any pieces that have any, just weapons.
No, you're just ahead of the curve user. I never summoned a single visitor in my entire playthrough thus far despite constantly having cups up. I went to visitor and 95% of them were still in the first level. From my visitor attempts today, the majority of people are still on The Mysterious One-Night Castle or The Hollow Fortress. Blame yourself for being gud enough to make it that far before most shitters did, I guess.
I think they always do it if you're in the dark realm.
Same, its always snake or ennenra
You have to back the FUCK up, they have a wake up grab, they've evolved
>just reached region 4
Feels good man