DOOM Eternal
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Good on you.
>that joe rogan interview
lol. Joe was bored he straight up ignored the guy
>hyped as humanly possible
>watch the tv trailer out curiosity, can't be that bad
>actually lost some hype
Did they do it on purpose? Is a Yas Forums contrarian in charge of bethesda marketing?
Bethesda doing its usual thing, aka having no idea what to do with its IPs. Compare it to every other trailer thus far, and you can tell that TV spot's probably the only of its kind that didn't get ratified through id directly.
A reviewer took 18 hours to complete the campaign. Not stated if that is 100% completion.
please look at this mod
>I am so hyped for this mindless bing bing wahoo shooter
real gamers are waiting for last of us 2 and cyberpunk 2077
I just beat Doom 2016, pretty good for a reboot keeps true to the original while adding more.
There's definitely a lot that can be improved for Eternal. The arena design isn't that bad, they do a good job of making you feel like you're not just trapped in a cage even though you are.
The worst part about it though is trying to find the last imp that's keeping you from progressing.
There's some weird hitbox things too.
If you get hit in the air by a lost soul or a Cacaodemon blast you go to a dead stop and fall straight down.
The worst thing for me easily is the Pinky Demons.
I don't know what it is but their hitbox is gigantic and their back vulnerability slot is so infuriatingly tiny. I cannot tell you how many times I've died jumping over a Pinky only for the game to say, nuhuh you're not high enough over him that'll be 50 percent of your healthbar.
It will never not be frustrating.
I also had to reload a level because a progression trigger didn't work and I was stuck in a room forever, I don't know what that was about.
I also had my save corrupted when I first played, one of the big reasons why I didn't finish it when it came out.
Game gets a little easy towards the end though, you're so decked out that everything just kind of melts.
I'd probably give it around a 7 out of 10, really fun, good revival, just with a lot of things here or there that holds it back.
I beat it in preparation for Eternal, I'm very excited for that.
It seems like they really ironed out a lot of the kinks and has a lot more budget behind it.
They've shown off, what, like the entire game now?
They seem very confident in it and I'm glad to see a company really open to throwing their game around before release, makes dropping 60 bucks on something brand new way easier to swallow.
Whats is your favorite weapons and mods? Mine is gauss with siege mod and super shotgun.
The Siege Gauss just breaks the game, making it infinitely useful.
I really enjoyed getting the master micro missiles, they aren't very strong but being able to shoot out hundreds of little explosive streamers always feels very satisfying. I'd probably say that, but the double double barreled shotgun is always fun.
Seeing the chain-shotgun and that the explosive shot starts with 3 instead of 1 in Eternal, I nearly shat my pants.
I'm glad to see they noticed that you can coast with 1 or 2 weapons in D44M and gave every weapon a use or counter to an enemy in Eternal.
Seeing how the plasma rifle makes shotgunners shield explode is a mega nut.
>last of us 2
This isn't Yas Forums, you dolt.
the microwave beam compared to the stun bomb
and the ballista's mods compared to the gauss gun's really seem like downgrades
i mean i get it for balance and all that but fuck, give us at least some familiar game-breakage
can you preload yet?
48 hours before release.
How does Yas Forums feel about the battle mode?
I kind of wrote it off until I saw the Pax Panel showing it off, it's way more in-depth than I thought. Seems fun, if anything it'll be great practice for invasion when that drops later.
Haven't looked much into it but it sounds interesting, i'll probably have fun with it. I hope they bring back arcade mode though, i spent most of my game time there. Maybe Eternal won't need it as much, but it'd be a shame not to have it.
i'm probably overthinking it but i don't understand the demons
are they really fuckers from the christian afterlife or just invaders from another dimension? and if they're the former, who are they being led by, if anyone? what's their deal, coming to earth and killing everyone?
>real gamers
>the game barely have any gameplay and it's just a glorified movie
>are they really fuckers from the christian afterlife or just invaders from another dimension?
It's a mix of both. There's a slight, scientific bend to how Hell and its corruption works.
>who are they being led by, if anyone?
Hell has its penultimate ruler, though idk if I can go into details. That'd be leaked artbook spoilers, and I have no clue if mods sweep those up.
Fuck, forgot to address this bit too.
>what's their deal, coming to earth and killing everyone?
Humans are good for menial, slave labor and delicious souls.
It was stated in the comment, it was a normal playthrough, he got some secrets but didn't look for everything
Any of y'all think if Crash makes an appearance?
It's the right idea
For all games, multiplayer should be the same as singleplayer but with more players.
One doomguy vs multiple demons is much closer to Doom gameplay than 2016's multiplayer with completely different mechanics.
The fact that they recognise this is really promising.
Nice shill thread
>bought doom eternal collectors edition
>realized it comes with a bethesda code
>dont want to run bethesda launcher
what do i do, just buy doom eternal on steam and sell the game to some idiot that runs it on the bethesda launcher?
Can't you connect the game to your Steam account so you can start it up from there?
reminder to play some WADs to help kill the time
I'm thinking she'll appear in one of the DLC expansions
this is very cool. is this your work?
>le epic female trainer more badass then doomguy
fuck off
>How does Yas Forums feel about the battle mode?
I don't care, there is no IQ/race requirement to play multiplayer games so I don't want to interact with people in game anymore
I know "the developers are [whatever] in interviews" isn't a reliable judge of a game since they're scripted and shit. But how readily Hugo Martin says "yeah Doom 2016 didn't have super good [multiplater, lots of just arena fights, weapons being interchangable, etc]" does give me hope. No way they'd be letting Hugo call parts of doom 16 outright bad if they at least felt like it was an improvement.
If you play as a demon you have to coordinate with people, I don't feel like coordinating with random people, it makes rainbow six siege garbage and will do even more so in this game when it's only 2 players, playing as could be fun though
The only multiplayer aspect of this game I care about is invasion, I hope the SP base don't get too small when the feature is finally released
Is eternal actually going to have levels this times or just a few halfhearted stragglers like last time?
no the code is redeemable only to the launcher and thats it
Can anyone help a nigga out?
Has the song from this part of the launch trailer dropped anywhere yet, or do I need to wait for the soundtrack?
>are they really fuckers from the christian afterlife or just invaders from another dimension?
Well yes, but actually no
Technically speaking, most of the demons in Doom games come from multiple planets and species
Humans for example get mortified and brainwashed, example being Zombie Soldiers, Possessed, Lost souls and the Revenant
Imps, Barons, Doom Hunter, Tyrants and Archviles are native to hell
Marauder and Gargoyles come from Sentinel prime
and multiple other creatures like Cacodemons, Mancubus and Pinky may not be native to Hell, but adapted to such conditions in hell after dying, maybe due to evolution
God tier gameplay
God tier music
God tier graphics
Find a fucking flaw.
mod support still hasn't been confirmed
>more badass than Doomguy
Nice projecting, retard.
An ac thread died for this
Can't believe how little people realized you never need to jump over pinkies or even target the weak spot. You have explosives, use them.
If only the suits at Bethesda weren't so out of touch, then they would have realized pic related is what gamers really want instead of unicorn suits.
what game?
Regular shotgun is still ugly.
>doom fujos
Jesus how pathetic you must be to keep and pist this shit
>are they really fuckers from the christian afterlife or just invaders from another dimension?
They are demons like Diablo or Warhammer demons. Doom has it's own universe and lore. There's going to be angel-like race too, and very far from christian one.
>and if they're the former, who are they being led by, if anyone?
We don't know yet, but id has stated that you go after leaders of Hell in dlcs.
>what's their deal, coming to earth and killing everyone?
They are demons. They enjoy murdering. That's about it.
Sounds like a waste of ammo, i prefer to dodge them at the last second kleer-style and supershotgun them in the back while they're stunned. Or fire a rocket next to them and trigger it just as it gets behind them.
That’s just Bethesda’s marketing team, desu. Id Software had nothing to do with that trailer.
bethesda also showed almost no campaign gameplay before launch in 2016, didnt send out review copies, and clearly expected the game to do terribly while praying they could steal an audience with multiplayer because they thought that was what people wanted
I can't wait to play it, mostly because of the fucking quarantine
No, motherfucker sonytards are the ones waiting for that, and they probably won't even be able to play cyberpunk because their console is a useless piece of shit
It’s probably just his first day
What was up with music choice for the trailer? Are they trying to appeal to a wider audience or have they never actually played a Doom game before?
when is the game coming to switch?
That's a tv spot. It's an ad for tv. Other 2 trailers were great.
No such thing as wasting ammo in D44m.
Ammo is always just a button press away thanks to glory kills and the chainsaw. It's more like having special attacks on a cooldown or something.
>second spoiler