What's your thought on Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers expansion Yas Forums? Is it a success? Or is it a major flop?

What's your thought on Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers expansion Yas Forums? Is it a success? Or is it a major flop?

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It's a success both commercially and in terms of the quality of the game, but development pressure from the FF7 remake and squares shitty management means none of the funding gained from the success is being reinvested, so the content past the expansion launch has had a lot less volume. Basically a "Wow, what a great success the expansion was. Now to twiddle our thumbs and piss away that goodwill instead of improving on it."

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>Playing MMORPGs

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It's a success for no other reason that it's an online RPG that doesn't feel like shit to play in an age where every other online RPG feels like shit to play. It is not however a good game, it's simply very pretty bar filling simulator flip flopping between trivial gameplay and highly competitive team jump rope that, overall, doesn't respect your time not deliver enough quality content to pay 12 buckaroos monthly for.

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Where did all the funds go?

I don't think ShB can be considered a flop in any way. My only worry is that it will be XIV's highpoint unless we kill Zenos before 6.0.

It's not a problem of funds, only brainlets think that, it's a problem of having to keep a release schedule they haven't been on for years. In software development you can't just throw money at a problem until it goes away.


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Are there macros for the special stuffs now or its all by hands?

Zenos is Emet's backup plan. nuAsahi mentions that him remembering Amaurot was Emet's doing.

Into the development of the FF7 remake. It's honestly more a problem of the number of devs present, which is partially funding, the lack of viable people to hire for the work in japan, and the fact devs are siphoned to work on other projects by square.

Expert recipes have to be done manually. The 80 normal scrip item is easily macro'd.

2 weeks from Tuesday i think.

The issue is them having a skeleton crew trying to churn out content at a constant pace. They don't need more funding, they need more staff.

It's not a fucking skeleton crew, they've got new content designers, art designers out the ass, just open the game credits and stop sucking Yoshi's cock.

I’ve also heard that Squeenix is hurting for programmers and other staff despite all positions being very well compensated.

I wonder if it’s everyone going to work on gacha or if there’s something about the company that makes people think twice about working there?

Most big firms are known for having a shitty work atmosphere and terrible hours so people tend to avoid working for them if they're not extremely motivated ladder-climbers or really want the money

>random fag in Diadem says Ryne is hot
>someone named Mental Illness has a huge meltdown about it
>he then says he's gay
>someone then says they are genderfluid
>Mental Illness then says he is trans

I just want to fish

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its not finished yet.
brining back zenos was cringe
i want them to address the time dilation of the scions being away from their bodies/ie consequences or buffs but dont really trust them
like y'shtola. want them to have a scene where they all wake up. hydaelyn niggas are stupid. i rather it be lavos than jenova. music was great. fuck mhiggers and fuck zenos.

why would you fish in the diadem, it feels like a complete waste of time

He doesn't know that all patch updates are done alongside expansion development so the team gets two years to create the next one with just a small bugfix team assigned to handle issues with the live game

well fuck you hades you dropped in my opinion.
>bringing back that dead katana wielding faggot
i rather have eledibus just kill some scions then keep having to bring back faggots from shit stormblood.

>huge talk about making Kefka the president
just primal things

Comfy scrip grind

No you're the retard for believing conspiracy theories about SE purposefully suffocating one of their biggest commercial successes.

I don't think they're suffocating their mobile games or merchandise retard


Are the Ishgard Restoration achievements a limited time like GARO?

And you're a retard for assuming that the recycled credits from the expac release mean that literally everyone in the credits was working on FFXIV 100% of the time from the moment the expansion is announced and literally never works on any other projects or are shuffled around
Literally so fucking stupid you don't even understand how game development works on the most fundamental level that you would know if you'd ever even done cursory research on the topic

I have a feeling Ishgard Restoration is a permanent addition to the game, like Doma Restoration

>Yoshi good SE bad

What about the other achievement titles during second phase, you know The Nest's titles?

Probably. Even the weekly rankings could be a permanent fixture.

Rifvaldr Kobayashi is a fucking cheater. Goddamn Diadem bots.

It's a flop. Hope you're ready for the future of the square enix streaming platform.

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I finally figured out expert crafts, surprisingly fun and not too difficult to be consistent but I'm going to wait until the rankings reset before I try going for top 12 when the mega autists stop.

It was pretty fucking obvious it was the crafting beast tribe equivalent for this expansion from it's announcement. Anyone who thought otherwise was retarded.

So when will the twist come that returning the scions to the Source has them lose their memories of their time on the First?

that would be utterly gay and retarded why are you so gay and retarded to think that would happen? just wash away alisaies retarded ptsd quest? thancreds simping?

Nah the twist will be Alisae realizing she's pregnant with the WoL's child

SE loves stupid twists and it'd be an easy-out for them to rehash the same jokes next expac

wait this fuck is from famfrit
delete that server

haha what if we get the scions back to the source but alphinaud and alisaie get accidentally put into each others bodies haha

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>Mental Illness
>Says they're trans

Are you having a giggle? Are they having a giggle?

>durrrrrrrrrrr hurrr I'm fucking stupid hurr

Just started books for my ARR relic
I'm not going to enjoy this, am I?

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my thoughts are fuck square give me back lalamods

Don't worry friend it'll be lots of fun!

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Anons im drunk and im considering soliciting random players please stop me i've never done it for before

Enjoy the worst part of the Relic farm

What make you think we can stop you?

Well at least it's all up hill from here, right?

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They're not too bad once you settle into a routine.
-Check locations of all 3 fates
-If none are up, kill any enemies in the same zone if any
-Cycle through locations every 5 minutes
-Camp on a fate location and do one of the dungeons, cycling locations after each
Books aren't so much of a back-breaking grind anymore, I personally found the 125 runs of T2 and the 24 runs of tam tara far more mind-numbing.

Convincing me it a bad idea is about it really

>No Eureka
I miss it bros...

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what's she doing?

Pagos was cancer, but the rest were comfy, i still regret not doing BA

>Mfw got a Black Pegasus for 2 mill because the seller forgot to add another zero to the number

I legit expected hate mail from the seller

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>Claimed that if you lewd fictional characters it leads to real life abuse.

At least their name is accurate.

Who dies in ShB? XIV can't go a whole expansion without someone dying.

Famfrit is the Primal containment server for mentally ill. It takes a lot to make me spend money on a cash shop to not be around these fucks anymore.
>Friends of Famfrit group
>The tranny alts
>Inflation fetish cheat retard in mentor chat
>Storms Wrath
>The most LGBT faggot guilds on any primal server

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Yshtola hopefully

I'd still love my husband even if he was in a girl's body, I just wouldn't find him sexually attractive anymore.

Technically speaking every death has occurred in the pre expac quest, Minfilia's was just drawn out over three expansions

You've relinquished any moral high ground you thought you had.

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>Diadem shout chat hyping up The Jades
>They're just slutglammed afking Limsatards

That's not me. It's a picture of the faggot and all "her" alts.

I just feel the desire to solicit adventures in exchange for small amounts of gil to buy booze with despit already hsving plenty

bro that's a famfrit "eceleb" and exactly what he's talking about
I've been on this world since HW when it was a ghost town just to play with friends that no longer do. I hate it.
I'm one of the best players on famfrit just for existing.

The base expansion itself was phenomenal but the post-expansion patches have been kinda shit and very clearly lower effort. Less content than usual per patch, no Alliance Raid voice acting, no Ruby Weapon voice acting despite it being literally the perfect fight to have it, only 1 voiced Eden boss out of 8 so far. Ruby Weapon and Shiva both have pretty cool mid-fight cinimatics, but if that's where all our dev time has gone then I feel ripped off. Eden and the Weapon series also both have pretty retarded plots so far, though it's not like Omega or Four Lords were good either.
Overall Shadowbringers has been killing it in the main story, but its sideplots suck and in terms of playable non-story content Stormblood was way better.


None of the Scions or the Exarch. They're too popular or serve a role without a good replacement lined up.
It's going to be someone still on the Source.

>tfw have been afraid of try E6S
>finally tried it tonight
>it's actually easier than ramuh
>pug it blind in around 2 hours

I am surprised as fuck

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