I kind of feel bad when I remember how hard microsoft tried to get into the japanese market

I kind of feel bad when I remember how hard microsoft tried to get into the japanese market

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in Japan the 360 is like the TurboGrafix16 or Neo Geo was here. Something you kinda really wanted but only the weird kids had.

Never underestimate Japan's stubbornness. And to think Minecraft is the Microsoft published game to sell over a million copies in Japan. On Switch

Ritsuko's belly looking pretty nice there

I genuinely want to read/watch behind the scene of Xbox Team efforts in Japan. Pretty sure it would be a super fun read.

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Only kids play these games.

>brag about jrpg exclusivety
>they later release an enhanced PS3 version
They did them dirty

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And the Japanese were fucking pissed.

The early 360 days were great, all kinds of weird games came out then since microsoft was scrambling for any exclusives it could get its hand on

I'll never forget when FXIII got announced for the 360. I used to browse a mostly sony leaning forum and everybody lost their minds. The few xboxfags there had a field day.

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“Not that one”

there are still a bunch of jrpgs and shmups you can only play on 360

I had a shmup for the xbox where you controlled a bunch of lolis, I think it was called little devils or something like that

funny how idolmaster continues to thrive into a billion dollar franchise in Japan but Xbox as a brand is still >1% in japland to this day.

Where is Takane?

Considering it started not on 360 and only two titles are 360 exclusives anyway, no big surprise
She came in later; halfway through 1st Vision/in iM@S SP.

Was it this one? iirc this came with a pillowcase or something

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Was Oatmeal Cookie the only Japanese developer who threw in to the MS camp without bribery and completely of his own volition? I know Kamiya had a distaste for Sony but Platinum still had his games come out on PS3 (I'm sure he doesn't think Sony is so bad after that Scalebound debacle though)

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Nope, just googled and it was pic related
Didn't know the special edition came with a loli xbox skin, I kind of want it now

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oh god I remember this in my local toys-r-us

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Based toy r us

I have this buried in my closet

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Could be. He's there since Xbox OG after all

>It's ok for us to take FF away from Nintendo with 7
>but how dare you put 13 on Xbox
kek they have no self awareness

How much salt was there?

japs are pretty based desu ngl

microshit is pure cancer

Why the FUCK is Bangai-O Missile Fury still only available on 360?

Attached: bangai-o-hd-missile-fury-co-op-3.jpg (1280x720, 356.19K)

Just imagine the person behind this post

Not much once they announced the game was 3 discs on 360

Like the other user said it died down when sonyfags realized they could fire back with the multiple disc thing, but oh boy those first few hours and days were a glorious salt mine

Did you actually ever put the faceplate on your xbox

>last series finally ended
>still nothing new

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Didn't he make another series though? Duranki or something?

Yeah, shows what he#s really interested in right now, and it ain't Berserk.

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Pretty sure he's just tired from writing suffering all these time and/or the inevitable suffering that will occur later.
At this point I'll just wait for him to drop dead and the publisher releases uncompleted script and artwork as a novel or something.

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I'm pretty sure Namco did this for nearly every Xbox 360 Japanese release of theirs

dont forget pic related too

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>Never underestimate Japan's stubbornness.
Or maybe the 360 was just a shitty console?

She and Takane were left out of the 360 version, despite being test characters in the arcade version.

Idolmaster is good game.

Has anybody here played Lost Oddysey? I was always curious about it but never actually got it

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10 years ago I could make the argument that the art is almost unparalleled and the scale of the story was so massive that it could take as long as it needs and we should be thankful to get whatever chapters we could in a year. At this point they could just take Miura manuscripts and finish the rest of the series half-assedly with the same style as the 2016 anime and I wouldn't even be mad. I just don't care anymore.

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M$ was based and lolipilled

Fantastic game.

I got it, blue dragon, and infinite undiscovery but there are other things before them on the backlog

TECHNICALLY the original im@s is still 360 exclusive, though all the songs are in other games, and most of them were from the arcade version originally.

Played early part beck then, replayed a bit further some years ago. It's pretty alright. There seems to be a custom fork of Xenia that could run it fine.

The only things Namco didn't eventually have on something else / port from a pre-existing thing was Miki's route and the iM@S L4U game
I'm pretty sure everything else eventually came to PS3

Based Miura going back to his roots

Yeah, but it's still the only console port of the original im@s is what I was getting at.

Well then you're right

>Live for You! is 360 exclusive
>the REMIX stuff never get ported to other titles
>another REMIX never ever

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2005 was a weird time for the internet. Why was everybody obsessed with lolis?

>Miki's My Best Friend REM@STER-A

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>cowboy background music
>can't even fucking hear her singing over the crowd yelling HEY every two seconds
Peak soul
It was the short time period after the late 90s where it was acceptable to actually start bringing anime styled stuff the west because there was a market for it but before the mid/late 00s where casual gaming exploded and anime styled stuff became looked down upon in the west again

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God I fucking love Im@s and the music videos

This one is by far my favourite


Is there any way to play this game at all if i don't own an X-Box 360?

Is this game a good way to get into im@S?

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Xenia, maybe
or play the PSP port. Not as complete (I heard) and graphics obviously worse, but still fine on it's own.

Its like they sent a bunch of football hooligans to see an idol concet

I think it's worth playing because it's a good game but I don't know if it's the best way to get into the series because it's pretty costly (I don't think 360 emulation is far enough along yet) and how it features the 765 girls in their 1st Vision forms, which they haven't been in for almost a full decade now
My general recommendation is to watch the 2011 anime series and then there's like twelve different directions you can go from there

>that JAAAAN
Holy shit, low tier it is

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What the fuck makes emulation so hard?

>it's pretty costly

another option is to get a modded xbox 360 then you can play it and every single game in every single region (even delisted arcade games like scott pilgrim) all for free