Who would have thought that the end of the world would be so damn /comfy/?

Where my quarantined bros at? Get the fuck in here. Tell us how your day is going. I'm just having some tea with cake while listening to lo-fi. Thinking of firing up Resident Evil 2 (2019) and finishing my Claire A run. It's objectively the best game to play during this pandemic.

Let me know what you're up to...

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=z5u6Q9OExCQ

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I ran out of booze and money and my only source of income is doing delivery for an app, so fuck doing that right now. Gonna try to play system shock enhanced edition while i detox.

>It's objectively the best game to play during this pandemic
No, that's Trauma Team. It's literally about a group of doctors trying to contain a viral pandemic.

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Putting general in title makes thread autosage. Thought you should know.

You just bumped the thread.

Here's a pic of my /battle-station/ for verification purposes. Post yours as well so we can r8 and h8.

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Oh, really? Neat. Maybe they lifted it.

That's not how it works brainlet.

Damn I wish I could have a drink right about now but I'm going clean.

I'll be going out for a bottle of bourbon later. But first I gotta beat glock grandpa in Sekiro again. He's standing between me and my backlog

Why not straight whiskey? Too hardcore for ya?

just cause 3 and rdr2 are my top comfykino games rn. rdr2 is an especially good game for the feel of that vid

What vid?

Dunno bout you guys, but it's beer for me. Liquor makes me break out in hand-cuffs.

the thread theme

>wake up just before sunrise
>make a homemade pumpkin spice latte (3 cups milk, 1 tablespoon pumpkin puree, 3 tablesloons sugar, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice mix, 1 tablespoon of densely brewed espresso)
>hook up console and tv next to a window with the best view of the mountains
>play pic related while the sun rises and the sky brightens the neighborhood
Doesn't get better

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Oh now that you mention it I do see what you mean.

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i've mainly been playing LttP randomizers

I already have some scotch single malt in the house, is that alright?

Stay based and stay blessed comfy user.

a comforting image

Decent enough. Go for it!

Finally got all the cleaning, food, and ass supplies I need for a few weeks. Had some quarantine pasta, will add red pepper flakes next time. Ready to continue my Dominating spear build in Underrail, and poke some robots to death.

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unfortunately i still have work tomorrow, hoping that shit will get locked down sometime this week. this weekend though i've been playing persona 4 a lot. will probably start up a new playthrough of OG deus ex this week and finally finish the game, seems topical enough with what's going down now

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>that description
>that game
holy kek, was not expecting that

I work at a fucking grocery store. Im definitely going to get this shit. Fuck it though. Havent been comfy eithet since work has been so tiring.

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I 100% Dark Souls 2 today, now waiting for a friend to get a ps4 controller so we can all play through bloodborne together, then I spent the rest of my free time playing Dragon Quest 5

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>be me
>college student
>come back for spring break like everyone else to visit family
>covid-19 goes apeshit and everybody is panicking
>at parents request stayed in my room for three days straight
>computer, amp, headphones, all left at my dorm
>want to leave to go get my shit but if I "go outside" I won't be allowed in the house for three months
>very based of parents but no vidya and qt3.14 wants to go on a date with me in a few days back at college
>furthermore im a first year so no apartment to go back to if the dorms close
>suddenly faced with my hardest decision yet
>do I risk it all and die happy or die later but painfully alone at the risk of my sanity

I think I'm entering the climax of my story arc. I've never been faced with such a rough decision before.

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Why don't (((they))) let you take some time off?

I wish I had a gf

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Noone under the age of 30 is dying from the disease. You'll be fine user.

>been feeling fucked for the past 2 days
>not sure if food poisoning, corona or just panic attacks
i wake up and my heart just wont stop going apeshit for an hour and i have to go back to sleep again, ive slept for like 30 hours in the past 48 its fucked

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Just woke up, about to start very comfy session of Guild Wars.

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>the pirate bay is down

Fuck this quarentine

i think i had this shit already about a week and a half ago
im pretty good now but before i was coughing up a lung and swear i had a little fever for the better half of a week
i work in a grocery store too in a rich area where im sure tons of people travel internationally

>i wake up and my heart just wont stop going apeshit
I had this issue a couple months ago, I’d wake up with a really crazy heartbeat pretty frequently and was pretty worried about it.

I tried this game, seems unbeatable playing it solo

I work at a bank. The only hope of me getting time off is if someone in my office gets infected.
I wouldn't mind taking the hit, but I'm between apartments right now. My mom is older, and I don't want to risk her getting it.

This is the only time I've been kind of glad that my physical condition doesn't allow me to go out very often so even if we don't get quarantined down here I'll be stuck in my house regardless..
Anyway just spent a while playing Yakuza 0, just finished Chapter 2 + the ara-Q3 and dominatrix side stories and now I'm gonna take a piss, get maybe some snacks and some water from my water cooler, take a nice hit from my newly-acquired CBD vape pen and listen to some music and possibly start writan if I don't end up getting sleepy and taking a nap beforehand.
I've also been keeping my eye on a flash preservation project that's been getting posted on this board now and again. I'm thinking I'm gonna download a bulk of the flash games as soon as the next version comes out which is going to add more of the cartoon network and nick games among a ton more nostalgia stuff.

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I'm just tired of feeling nervous about this shit. I'm about to make some tea and play a game. Also anyone know a good site you can stream stuff on without getting banned? I was planning on streaming kung pow and maybe some other stuff one of these nights.

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>even if we got quarantined it wouldn't matter for me all that much*
I think that's what I meant to say. My brain is a little out of it due to boredom.

it was fine a few minutes ago when mum got home but then skyrocketed again now that i need to take a shit

I picked a really good time to start being a neet

When is the happening going to end?

Are we done for?

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relax, user
be rational and responsible, don't drown in anxiety over something you can't control
work on your backlog

I'm over here playing POP for M&B, it's kind of a slog but still fun. I like all the knight chapters. Also about to start the Russian campaign for Battlezone, what a shamefully underrated game.
What are some good games to play to LoFi?

Same, got laid off just a couple weeks ago
Looking for new jobs but until this whole thing blows over, I don't think I'll be getting anything.

>have asthma
>my life is literally going to be a coin flip if I get the virus

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Was visiting my family for a planned trip before everything shut down. They're all taking vacation time and I'm unemployed so I'll probably hole up with them for another week or two. I only brought my Switch with me so I'm playing a lot of Doom 2 and Rune Factory 4 right now.

What are some good work from home games.
Something I can spend hours being autistic at but also allow me to take 10-15 minute breaks every so often to continue the charade that I am working.

Also r8 my doomsday pantry.

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My family has a good amount of money right now, im actually a bit more worried about what other people in my country will do, i've seen normies go apeshit before,
>my dad started pretty calm and collected and he is smart but he is also a surgeon so he has to go work at the hospital and the last text he sent me kind of worries me
>My mom just doesn't give a shit all she cares about is that she has money right now and she wants to buy a house, i hate to say this but she really is too naive and dumb for this stuff. maybe is a good thing she isn't here right now
>i have take a 2 hour bus trip tomorrow so i can go to uni for 4 days and then return home, i have asthma

if i make it back home healthy i guess i can spend time completing the pokemon ribbon challenge i started a while ago, or i could just play a bunch of yakuza 0, i can play yu gi oh with my friends online im kinda worried about one of my friends who isn't doing to good right now, he really needs his job, last time i saw him i helped him pay for his food

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Does GW still have official servers?

>2 hour bus trip
>i have asthma
Call me a coward but I'd never take those chances.

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>Coronachan forcing normalfags into neetdom
Yeah, I'm thinking she's based

Yes, why wouldn't it?

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Neat, I assume you still have to pay for it, right?

Now they will understand the power of comfy time

Most zoomers nowadays just stare at their phone screen all day wherever they are anyway.

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God fat people disgust me so much.

It's b2p, yes.
One time purchase and you're set.

I hate phone zombies so much I hope an EMP wrecks it all

>finally caught up on getting most gmax pokemon
>immediately go back to playing classic roms
Anyone got an easy home remedy for sore/strep throat?

Orange juice with a spoon of honey. I drink that every time I get a sore throat and it works wonders.

jokes on you
I get to live a NEET life but i get paid for it now
thank this virus

jokes on you, you already caught it.

I spent all of yesterday buying ingredients at the supermarket spending a lot of time being in close proximity with other people and then cooking a shitton of food at home while sleep deprived, and now I'm lying in bed unable to sleep with a stomach ache, thinking I somehow caught the virus.
Not too comfy at the moment.

>no cases in my county
>they still gave me neet life anyway
jokes on you fag