Will Yas Forums ever create another kino like Katawa Shoujo again?

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why not

same reason you dont see any more relevant oc anywhere, this place is a shell of its former self


No, and especially not Yas Forums

Yas Forumsermin is hyperkino

How did Yas Forums create Katawa Shoujo?

It only took some NEETs to put some effort.
Why can't nu-Yas Forums do it again?

Was it rape?

I think VA-11 Hall-A counts.

Didn't it end up just being two people that made it because the rest of the team was useless?

Because there's no profit in making a game while saying "this is an idea from Yas Forums"
There's also no profit in making a free game as well. Yas Forums tried something with Broquest and Plebbitquest and it fell flat.
We also don't want another Yas Forums-/vg/ split as well

We still shit out a musical that is getting worse and worse each passing year. I think a game wouldn't be that unthinkable, but it would be nothing but a shitpost in vidya form.


theres no profit in KS, it was free

does it even count as made by Yas Forums if its just a few guys that in the end mostly communicated through other means?

They might have had the idea here but Yas Forums is terrible for something like this

What is Yas Forums? Was that in the long, long time ago? This is 4 channel

Get back where you came from

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Aren't some Discord trannies making a KS killer? Wonder how they are doing.

But it was made by hues. Were they from 4chin, too?


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nowadays they'd make a wojak dating simulator

If there were people who could commit large amounts of time and dedication to something they wouldn't browsing Yas Forums.

Top left girl is the only good one.

All the other girl a shit

anyone who has ever participated in that shit is a supreme faggot
you cock slobbering doorknob lickers seriously think play faggot ass singalong is worth doing

if you got any suggestions as to how to improve the ones you dont like that is also appreciated

How hard is it to make a vn?

kinda, unless you know how to draw, code, make music and write something decent you better have a team by your side

>If there were people who could commit large amounts of time and dedication to something they wouldn't browsing Yas Forums.
Katawa shoujo being a thing proves you wrong.

They stopped using Yas Forums long before the game was completed though.

How soon? Before or after Yandere Simulator?

I still just see Hanako when I look at fire scar girl even after your changes. Is the game about manipulating the girls or is it about wallowing in depression with them?

it's more of a "well shit, im stuck in this shitty life might as well make the best out of it"

Somewhere after Bannerlord and before Star Citizien, which is right before Yandere. I hope i could help you.

I think it's about trying to fix them and failing. Basically the beta version of KS.

>I can fix this girl!
No thank you.

Last year's had some gems in it still, even if some things were bad enough that you wonder how they made it to the final cut.
Regards, Liquid Snake and King of Cosmos in particular

Well, if her route is better written than Hanako's I wouldn't mind it, but like I said I just see Hanako.

The only good part of Kawata was the OC Yas Forums made around it. It was better than the actual game.

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Well you can't lol

let me tell you a lil secret user
She's Bacon tits's daughter, the fire burned her so bad even her DNA is crispy now

I still like Rin's route, but damn reading that again takes me back. I miss Yas Forums before the /vg/ split.

Don't lie, what really happened was Hisao developed a bacon fetish and burned his daughter too so he could have some bacon oyakodon

>look at /vg/ today
Yeah, nothing of value was lost.

It's not created by Yas Forums.

Jokes on you im stealing that idea and making it canon

No, majority of the boards are overrun with tourists with no sense of identity, no drive to do anything put make the same posts day in and day out while on the bus, at work, or taking a shit, and no reason to bother doing anything more.
KS was moved offsite anyways, but I get what you mean. I doubt anybody here could even start a project these days.

I just want something for us to be proud of again.

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I'm not saying the split wasn't a good thing, I'm saying Yas Forums was better back then.

is this actually being made
don't bullshit me, man
looks good to me. only gripe I have is the scar girl just basically being Hanako in glasses

you could always try user, even something as simple as a Text based game or some RPG maker stuff could do just the trick if you're down for it

you didn't do shit

Because instead of going along with the fun people here have devolved into a circlejerk about whos the edgier funhater.

How'd she get burned if she wears glasses?

we are many faceless idiots wasting our time, there is no 'me' or 'i'

wont lie to you then, followed the project for a bit and even put some shekels down to hire artists to make some BG thing is, the guy who had the original idea behind this can't speak english and can't code or write worth a damn
So i tought in keeping the project alive by throwing money t it but it seems there's no decent people willing to take the job


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she's swimming one day when a fire broke out and blocked the exit, the smart thing is to jump into the water right?
well no motherfucker the water caught on fire and she burned

From the description, I think the glasses came after the burning. due to the hair being a mask for the burn scars fucking up her eyesight, or whatever.

She looked at the sun while wearing them.

i just wish more people would join in so it's not just the same old crew getting together again every time but i guess it's too late for that.

No, and katawa shoujo was pretty meh. Only managed to play 1 and half routes.

but she was wearing glasses so how did she get burned

redditfugee crisis of 2016 killed the site.

Ah yes. The correct order.

Hang out with non-sexually.

thanks for being straight with me. i hope it becomes less of a shitfest, and you actually get something out of the money you put down. looks promising.
nice art. you got any more you can share?

>the girl with short hair also has leggings and heug tits
Looks like we win again, lads

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Make them more distinguishable from each other honestly. They all look roughly similar if only because of the hair color or exact same skirt

she wasnt wearing her glasses when she got burned
thats why she didnt see it coming

looks pretty good, I have lost all faith in this place to actually do anything but I wish you luck