EVO is cancelled.
EVO is cancelled
Not till August that's plenty of time.
Corona was NRS' revenge
>tfw been part of the /chad alarmists/ since the beginning
And that's a good thing
>MvC2 comes back
>but EVO gets cancelled
What the fuck bros.
who cares, EVO sucks and fighting games are a joke
Don't you have compromised lung function even after you recover?
just for a short time, it's the same with pneumonia
>its just the flu bros
>mfw all these cuck events being canceled
the best thing that happened to vidgaems in a while
>game has permanent ailments
based Coronachan
>MvC2 gets back in as a once in a decade special occasion
>One in a millennium virus shuts it down
well shit. i was hyped. (pic unrelated)
>take vaccine
>virus gone
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow that was hard!!
>Tfw that since MK11isnt in EVO the event gets cancelled
>No vaccines exist
>Can't take vaccines
>3 different countries already have vaccines and they're in the testing phase now
fibrosis and scarring of the lung from corona is permanent
pretty good chance the venue will be back for end of july. That's 4+ months away.
I'm more worried about combo breaker, which frankly is the better tournament.
"recovered" doesn't mean much when your body only has short-lived immunization against the virus. You can get it again in a few months. Each time you do you risk permanent lung damage via fibrosis.
>EVO will lose out on shitloads of money this year
>in order to recoup their losses, they'll bring back the donation drive to get gmes in
It's happening Meleebros.
>EVO cancelled
>MvC2 renewal port for the current platforms cancelled.
>The new Capcom Vs game cancelled.
>still trusting CCP numbers.
The numbers coming out of Italy are proof enough the CCP lied out their ass.
any flu will do that actually, not just corona
if you do some high strenuous thing like cardio you're gonna fuck yourself up even more, even after you recovered
for one, don't go back to work or go out running especially physically, and if you're fat/out of shape in some fashion and you draw in lots of air and heave just walking a few steps, i already feel sorry for you because that's conducive to that issue
lungs will typically heal with proper rest for a couple of weeks unless you did major damage
There's no point in cancelling shit in development, if they are in development, just because the event you were going to announce it at is cancelled. It won't generate meme hype videos but an announcement on twitter/youtube would still get people excited.
they might have to cancel or at least suspend development if they have to lay off employees because quarterly revenue dies off when consumers lose their jobs and can't afford to spend money on vidya
economic cascade, entertainment is the most vulnerable
They won't get outright cancelled, but probably will get delayed.
That's not how vaccines work. If you already have it a vaccine won't do anything.
>"warns expert"
>testing can take months or even years
w o w
someone doesn't understand FDA pipelines
also anyone can shit out a vaccine overnight, but that doesn't mean it has an acceptable safety profile
>permanent lung scarring
>reinfection is possible
>no wait, it never leaves you after you're infected and attacks your CNS.
>causes infertility
>airborn HIV
You guys are giving me ideas for new Plague Inc. runs.
I keep hearing this retarded shit and still see no evidence other then people still having traces of the virus stuck in their bodies which is FAR more likely then getting "reinfected twice"
>it happened to these old-ass boomers with pneumonia so it happens to everyone
Do Americans really...?
well anyway, what's your favorite flavor of doritos
do you have a singular fact to back that up
he's really talking about ipf but he is too dumb about that stuff to really say anything for sure except parrot what he read in certain places
i hope the fgc dies
They cancelled E3, and that was in June. What would the two extra months serve?
They cancelled E3 because everyone had quit E3 anyway so might as well
the numbers out of Italy are only as high as they are because we have a population with a shit ton of elderly
98% of our dead are over the age of 65 and many already had health issues
t. Italian
I hope the Feds tear the Press to shreds after this is all over for causing global panic. Out all the Zionist Information Agendafags.
It may never have a tournament AGAIN you fucking idiot.
He tried to warn you people
You deserve this fate for casting him out
Reminder that incel neets have natural immunity to the virus.
We're gonna inherit the earth bros!
>NEETin' it up in mommy's basement playing DBFZ
Cough cough, wagies
mommy will come home from work and infect you. Only elder god tier uncle rukus welfare neets will survive the plague.
why? even the Corona virus will avoid smash players
when I finally walk into the streets to find some tendies and look at the barren wasteland in front of me, the few remaining women will beg me to breed them with my fat neet cock and i will simply respond "no bitch i am gaming"
You fool, both my parents are doctors. They know how to keep Corona-chan off of them
When this is over, my power level will be sky high. The world isn't ready for the NEET conquest
was the fucking point when everyone knows the truth?
user literally all medical staff are getting infected
that would be fucking hysterical
not year's but literally months, that's the worse shit about this
>virus takes like 20 days to be noticed
>virus takes like 2 weeks to recover
>if a vaccine exist they need to wait 20 years for a new infected to test the vaccine on him
>even if he recover they need to do this with more patients
>even if this works they need to do this with more no infected people to test if then can't be infected
>if one of the last step gets infected they need to this again
for real this shit is annoying
I really hope coop cup isn't cancelled.
smash is fucked because it's the first year of the world tour
PROTIP: Vaccines are basically the weakened versions of virus/bacteria.
>Old people die
>Normalfags suffer
Whats the downside here
Good. Fuck fighting fags.
More like fuck videogames the board
For me, it's cool ranch
>both parents healthy
>neither in the super-danger zone age range
>virus hasn't hit my area yet
>whole state only has 20 cases
>live in small, not-densely-packed town
I'm not too worried
I want to fuck the shit out of corona-chan
She'll fuck the shit out of your lungs
i need to see tom hanks x corona-chan when he's done with her