Do you play Third-Party Games on your Switch Yas Forums? Or do you only exclusively buy First Party
Nintendo Switch Thread
i want to berry my dick in amy rose
Yes I do.
If a game is on PC, I'd rather get it there.
I've been the opposite lately. Having a portable, physical copy of indie games I like is really fucking nice if they work well with a controller. My pc is for resource intensive or mouse+kb games
I'm a faggot for Todd so I bought Skyrim for the 56th time, this time on Switch. Playing it in bed while I am sick and not permitted to go to work.
I've been playing Fortnite on it for a while now actually having fun getting wins without building
I think the only one I have on mine is Sonic Mania.
I have a PC for third party.
Yes, I only buy Ninty exclusives. How fucked am I for 2020? For reference, the only games ive bought are Botw, Odyssey, bayo collection, smash, Xenoblade 2, collection of Mana, and fe 3 houses. The only game I know I'm buying so far is Xeno 1
Does it get any better? I’m at File 3 right now and so far this game is just too weeb for me. Thinking about trading it for Daemon X Machina or Let’s Go
I’ve been playing a ton of PMD because I love PMD. Just got to the Latios subplot. When can I access Silver Trench and Western Cave?
Buying exclusively third party is dumb. However, buying multiplatform on Switch is also dumb.
Yeah cause my pc fucking sucks and even my switch plays witchter 3 better lmao, but even with my pc was mroe high end i would still have bought some of those on switch cause i prefer portablity often.
I must say that i don't really own that much of them tho, mostly some indies, skyrim and cheaper older shit like outlast, all dooms, la noire, saints row 3, resident evil ports etc. And shit like puyo puyo tetris, katamari, monkey ball, basically hd ports of odler games are shit to play on pc and need to be played rather (not necessarily tho) on a handheld or tv console.
It's alright to so, honestly, especially considering that nintendo home consoles are mostly for exclusives, but there isn't anything to play after pokemans, links awakening, astral chain, luigi's mansion 3 got released, right now. Animal crossing is super niche i think, when does the stupid direct come in, fuck
>buying multiplatform on Switch is also dumb
Why not. If you don't buy new shit like mortal kombat 11 or witcher 3 - it's alright, and with those games the only reason i could imagine to play those on a switch is "man, look what i play on this tablet handheld or whatver".
I meant "Buying exclusively first party," obviously. Nintendo systems have been supplementary platforms worth buying only for exclusives since the Nintendo 64.
True but it's a handheld we are talking about, when the mutliplat game was released on a psp back then - would prefer to play it on psp. Also it's easy to just play it on tv as well, if lets say you only have a pc besides switch, like me. But if you have a ps4, then there isn't much reason to buy shit like witcher on switch besides the reason i've mention to show off or to try a big game on a handheld, but at the same time shit like sonic mania you could buy on switch, why not.
Also, didn't gamecube had like most of multiplats released on ps2 and xbox?
>is just too weeb for me
This is why i didn't buy it. Platinum Games do only weeb stuff
Ive been playing DMC3 and goddamn this game is addictive as fuck even if I’m not that good at it
What a disappointing console, Nintendo has clearly given up on it. i rarely play it and when i do is for completing steam backlog.
I don't own a switch. The burn I got from the Wii U still hurts.
Yeah, I got a mixture of stuff. I'm a PS4/Switch idort and I pick up whichever is on sale for what system. Ghostbusters Remastered on Switch is pretty fun.
Same i really fucked by buying a Switch. I tried playing Super Smash the other day and bored me. Seriously i have more fun playing Alien and i can play that shit on PC
This and the first three DOOM games.
Both of course. Here are my top games listed by play time.
You are both white boys with bad taste.
>Ordered Super Robot Wars T & V on Amazon for Switch
>T'll be here tomorrow and V on Thursday
What am I in for? I've always had a fascination with this series but it's been years since I've last seen gameplay of it not to mention I've never actually played one of them before at all. From what I understand it apparently has the same gameplay style as Advanced Wars?
I too have a mixture. Posting mine as well
the official nintendo games have such fantastic icons. The ones featuring Mario specifically are just so well done
Is tropical freeze worth it? Didnt have a Wii U and Im thinking about getting that next after animal crossing.
>HD rumble on Doom 1&2
one of the best platformers of the generation
not him but it's fantastic. The fact that it still goes for full price when it shouldn't have been full price to begin with still pisses me off, though.
I agree, it sucks that you can't really separate them into folders, but oh well
I missed out on Tropical Freeze despite having a Wii U, got it on Switch and loved it. Really just depends on how you felt about Returns I'd say
I don't really play anything on it and just collect certain games at this point.
eBay has become a massive thorn in my ass because fuckers are stupid enough to sell games at or above retail price.
I play my Switch almost exclusively in handheld mode and I don't care about 1st or 3rd party.
But if its for PC I'm not gonna bother unless its comfy on handheld like Darksiders Genesis.
Only first party games I have are the NES and SNES emulators.
I'm not judging you or anything, but I will never understand why someone would prefer playing Let's Go over Astral Chain. Also, Daemon x Machina is pretty weeb. The story pretty much tries to hit as many /m/ tropes as possible.
Well, seeing as I spent 70% of my childhood playing the first two Country games and Donkey 64, Im gonna totally make this my next buy. Thanks for the recommendation, guys.
Best platformer of 10s. Rayman origins comes second probably, but by a long measure. I also like wolly world yoshi but mostly cause of music, really.
is ryza's game worth it on the switch or is the pc version a lot better?
Switch. PC version is kinda fucked from what I've heard. Glitchy.
I don't buy AAA ports, but for multiplatform indie games that would otherwise run identically on all platforms, there's no reason -not- to buy them on the Switch. You get the same game but with optional portability
Even then I still mostly play exclusives
>there's no reason -not- to buy them on the Switch
There's the fact that I never have to pay full price for the PC version because of bundle sites and Steam sales.
There is a fact that you can hack a switch and not buy a game lmao
Well, if we're talking about piracy, it is infinitely easier to pirate on PC than on a console.
It just gets worse
I have more third-party than first-party. I have:
>Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
>Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe
>The Ninja Warriors Once Again (or, as it says on my system, The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors)
>Mega Man 11
>Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>Power Rangers Battle for the Grid
>Mechstermination Force
>My Friend Pedro
Compared to my first party library:
>MK8 Deluxe (bundled with system)
>Kirby Star Allies
>Smash Ultimate
>Astral Chain
>No SEGA AGES Afterburner II yet
True but you can hack a switch as well.
Depends on what games, if it is something more simple that cant be fucked up by Switch limitations, then I'll go for it
they're srpgs with a ton of mecha porn/fan service. the gameplay itself isn't difficult or ground breaking but the presentation is top notch and that alone will keep you going.
This, basically. It's nice to play indies and older shit like skyrim or very well done ports like alien isolation. At the same time, i don't get why games like bloodstained are ported so badly, is switch's hardware that shit or iga just didn't give a fuck at all? Or unreal engine 4 isn't suitable for switch at all or people don't have enough experience in dealing with it on a switch's hardware? 30 Fps for igavania is fucking shit
>is switch's hardware that shit
I love the Switch but the hardware is really inadequate and most games not made for it have to make sacrifices to even run on it. I wish nintendo would stop being such jews about hardware already
We're getting G-Loc Air Battle.
But it's a handheld and right now they are the monopoly. I recall wanting psp so bad and parents did it, but fuck it was twice price of the nintendo ds and almost the same price as wii. And ps3 was like 600 bucks or something and gaming is attached to this hardware for about 10 years.
Unreal is a shit engine period.
Oh shit. I forgot about the upcoming Yugioh update this month. I'm excited for a switch game now.
it's not
Is too.
>fight n rage
>dragon's dogma
>baldur's gate I & II
>thea the awakening
>metal slug IV
>monster hunter generations ultimate
I think I'm good for a long while yet,should I dive into the Zero collection are there any major missable's like weapons?
>monster hunter generations ultimate
Not really multiplat, it's an updated version with more stuff and a nitnendo game second