Is there any hope that VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE BLOODLINES 2 will not be bad?

Is there any hope that VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE BLOODLINES 2 will not be bad?
VTMB thread

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gameplay looks like shit and story is infested by SJW retardera drivel
there's little to no hope

Nope, it looks terrible from the early gameplay, and that was 'alpha' so it can only get worse.

Honestly this IP is doomed. The new pen and paper RPG is shit. They have shit out board game kickstarters for games (like 4 or 5). They have made more little games. And now this looks shit. Feels like they are trying to burn it out completely.


What does she mean by this?

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if it has SJW shit in it i'll try to be like "ok dud" and ignore it
it's not like the main story will be about vampire trump right?

No. Stop fucking talking about it. All you're "accomplishing" is derailing any potential discussion about the original.

This is the worst thing about the sequel. It has completely destroyed this game's fanbase. It is now IMPOSSIBLE to talk about the game without every single thread derailing into a flamewar and/or shitposting dump. The sequel isn't even out yet and it's already so bad that it's killed the entire cult fanbase for the best RPG ever made.

Rudi schizo arriving in 3, 2, 1...

There were vtmb threads daily for over a decade until they showed the absolute mess at E3, since then you rarely see threads and they go full
from the start. I wish they got their shit together

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You faggots are so fucking paranoid that you bring up that shit when no one else has said anything about. THAT is what derails the fucking threads, and THAT is why we it's impossible to talk about this franchise anymore.

There’s also nothing to talk about for VtMB2. Gameplay and animations looked bad. Nothing further to say until they release updated footage from after the delay.

Oh, no. Nah.
It'll be unbelievably awful.
Monstrously bad.
Mind-bogglingly terrible.

Christof is a thinblood

No because the Sabbat is gone and thinbloods are Mary Sues who can do no wrong.

>and that was 'alpha' so it can only get worse.
Is this bait?

He probably means creative changes will be made the longer the game is in development.
Like, yeah, definitely b8, but not quite as dumb of b8 as you might be thinking.

>he won’t play malkavian first in VtMB2

So how long were you in that coma for?

Sure. As long as I'm not forced to Paarthanax some Trump stand in I can be my own character. I hope

Umm then this game isn’t for you, sweaty

You don't get to play as a Malkavian, or anything else for that matter. You start as a thinblood and then have to "choose your clan" which all comes down to what powers you want, nothing else. Since you get your powers through diablerie, which is for some reason sanctioned by the Camarilla now, so you just pick whatever you want and then it plays no role whatsoever for the rest of the game.

You can already expect that it has no influence at all, and that no characters will react to it and that you will have absolutely no bond with your "clan" as your powers are granted to you by a prince of the Camarilla. You'll be sent out as an errand girl working for all the clans, but none of them will see you as being part of their clan since you weren't created with a real embrace.

You KNOW this is true, because it's the most cost-effective and effortless way to write the game. Imagine if they actually had to make a different or branching story for each clan, or even give you special encounters or dialogue related to your clan. Nope, by doing this they make sure that your clan choice determines absolutely nothing except which powers you gain. But as you're a super special powered up thin-blood, you can learn all abilities eventually regardless. Because it wouldn't be good game design in 2020 if a players choices could accidentally cut her off from content.

Of course there's no proof of this except conjecture, but from everything we've seen and how all games are these days, think long and hard before you try to deny that it'll be exactly like I described. Because what I describe isn't even the worst case scenario.

>gameplay looks like shit and story is infested by SJW retardera drivel
So the same thing as the first game?

>can't play as a Tzimisce crusader on a mission to exterminate Antediluvians
Dead on arrival.

Can't have anything TOO fun, user.



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This is all true, but it's not the reason they did it this way. They did it this way so you can start the game and your character will be the same as everyone else's character, and then during the tutorial you pick your first power, and then later on you pick your other powers. Devs these days don't want players to make their most important decisions before they even have control over their character. You're not allowed to have a clear build or pathway to a build from the get-go anymore.

That she's a narcissistic cunt, brought to you by the culture of 2020

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mite be kewl


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Troika should sue DC for ripping off the harley quinn design

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what in the jahannam

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It got vetoed by White Wolf, the book was recalled and it caused White Wolf to go bankrupt. There were other things, as well.

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wtf is wrong with her face

It's a generic mannequin wearing the items and wigs.

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What’s this?

and yet its still the source material for bloodlines 2

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people are hopeful that since the first game didn't include everything from the books and they had plenty to hate too that it'll be the same this time around. but i doubt it. ellison already said the first game was too offensive.

for all we know the guy was an asshole last night
i'm not going to project my insecurities on some meme you faggot

ellison sometimes finds her own words too offensive

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>This line there? That's really painful to read."
Yeah, I can fucking believe it.

what's this?

>ellison already said the first game was too offensive

the first game was left-leaning but I guess the definition of left has been moved so far away that what consitutes as being "left" politically 20 years ago = KKK dragon hitler 2.0 in current year.

I'm gonna miss the detailed facial animations fellas

for some reason, that has always been one of the most memorable aspects of the game for me

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it has stuff that is completely unpalatable to modern leftists so yeah

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>member vtmb?
this is just painful

what do you mean?
pretty sure Rudi is in the core rulebook
did they recall that?

I unironically believe the IP should be handed off to Rockstar

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it's like they don't care about makig a game at all, it's all about getting their pozzed ideas across

it was recalled for causing a diplomatic incident, not for being too woke as shills would have you believe

there is no limiting principle on the wokeness here

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That would at least make it fun.

you mean the chechen thing?
i wouldn't categorize that as a diplomatic incident
only gays got offended, Russia is more or less unfazed by a western company acting like faggots

i honestly hate the gameplay of 3d GTAs, but at least the writing would be good

Pretty much. I'm not expecting the same criticism of every side and pushing you to think for yourself like the first game had.

Troika isn't making it so no. Vampires suck anyway.

I guess you haven't played any of Rockstar's recent games.

I wouldn't say that the first game was criticizing every side, it just wasn't obsessed with politics and ideology.
All the political content I remember were throwaway jokes.
Here, every time Cara Ellison opens her mouth, she'll mention her effort to keep the writing in line with the dogma.
It's like VtMB is something to be embarrassed about. The devs should be crazy about the game but all you hear is how it's outdated and unfashionable.

We're at a point in time where leftists cannot distinguish between a light-hearted jab at the Bush administration and telling everyone who doesn't vote for Bernie that they're a literal Nazi who needs to have their throats cut.
I expect nothing but soapbox preaching about tranny rights and the correct use of imaginary pronouns from this shit, all while they keep telling us that it was "exactly the same in the last game", because they are completely incapable of understanding nuances and lack any kind of moderation, and will actually believe themselves when they say this.

VtM and Baldur's Gate. What will be the next classic RPG to get ruined?

>You can already expect that it has no influence at all, and that no characters will react to it
It's not like Bloodlines 1 was really good about this. I played Brujah, and I think it was brought up maybe oncein the whole game. Not even Jack or Nines ever mention the fact that you're Brujah.

BG3 will be fine

>bloodlines 1
Stop it.
Bloodlines was the second game in the Vampire: The Masquerade series. The first one was Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption.
If these talentless dickhead mouthbreathers had any common sense or cared AT ALL about the franchise, they would have named it Vampire: The Masquerade - (New Title).
You can't just make the second game in a series into a new starting point for another series, it's absolutely dumb in every conceivable way.

There's just no defending this shit, because it shows how much of a cash grab it is, banking 100% on nostalgia for Bloodlines because they could not make anything good or original to save their lives.

Stay away from me.

Bloodlines 2 will be fine

that's wrong but I'm pretty sure you know that

Okay you fucking cunt, explain how this is "wrong".
Go right the fuck ahead, let's hear it. Let's hear your brilliant reasoning.

You're upset over absolutely nothing in regards to BG3. Bloodlines 2 is going to be actually bad though.

vtm is a pen and paper rpg dude

it'll be good
>but Cara Ellison
even better

>set in Seattle
>nonbinary and gender issue in game
I'm sure it'll be fine, everything will be fi-
>"he's my bay"

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You look like you really want to talk about it. Why don't you fuck off and create your own bait thread?

Redemption isn't a sequel to Bloodlines, it's just another game in the Vampire the Masquerade setting, which is a tabletop game that's existed since '91. There is no VTM "series".