Atlus makes etrian odyssey, the best jrpg series ever

>atlus makes etrian odyssey, the best jrpg series ever
>Yas Forums, which loves jrpgs, doesn't care about it

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Because it's dogshit like any other dungeon crawler game

Cause nincels are too busy obsessing over P5

I'd truly love etrian odyssey but I really can't be bothered to make my own maps. I really hate this mechanic above all else.

Just automap bro

Wait which one has that feature? I don't recall it in the one I played years ago.

Meant for

>Yas Forums, which loves jrpgs, doesn't care about it

Good, keep it niche because the last thing EO threads need is shitposting.

Also Dancer best girl and best class.

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dude lolis lol

the untolds, 5, and nexus have the option to automap all floors and walls

So who here does backstories for their characters? Wanna share them?

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Etrian Odyssey is not what most would call a JRPG. Compare EO to FF, DQ, SaGa, Xeno, Chrono. EO is much more reminiscent of computer RPGs. That's why it doesn't appeal to the JRPG crowd.

Those girls look sickly af

Etrian Odyssey is unappealing to me, as it is too hardcore with its RPG dungeon crawling. You're free to enjoy Etrian Odyssey, but I think I'll stick to Persona.
I want EO3 to be the next one I play but a physical copy of it costs over a €100. I'll bite the bullet eventually, I'm sure.

>FF, DQ, SaGa, Xeno, Chrono
These games aren't much like each other either. Heck, even games from the same series are completely different from each other. Any definition of JRPG beyond "RPG made in Japan" is meaningless.

Sovereign is better

it's because Yas Forums is full of casuals and doesn't like games that are actually challenging
But etrian threads still do pretty good usually, probably less so now since there haven't been any news about NEXT so the series is pretty dead

just emulate it, map drawing is slightly worse than on console but otherwise it plays fine

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>just emulate it
I considered it, but I already have copies of the games I have played and at this point I'd rather just get physical copies of all the games I'm going to play in the series. It irks me when I have a series of games with one missing in the middle.

If you have a DS flashcart, just download the ROM. That's how I played the first three games.

I gave Nexus a fair go. I got tired of getting dicked around by bosses and dungeon gimmicks getting super annoying. It's too easy to make a team that doesn't scale or works in only certain cases.

Well no wonder

Try a different game then, Nexus was made for series veterans.

Was it the first EO game you played? Nexus is actually on the easy side, but its main issue is the overuse of the shrines and you won't appreciate it if it's the first game you play, since it's made as a love letter to fans.

>dancer is nopan
I will now buy your game.

Sell me Etrian Oddissey

Where should I start? What should I avoid?

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It was my first EO game, but not my first dungeon crawler. Got as far as unlocking subclassing. The main problem with my team was that it was dependent on MP for high damage output, but didn't have any good regen for it. It could chew my way through most dungeons on brute force alone, but this was a non-starter for later boss fights.

What was your team? EO is all about team balance. Also most classes don't really have MP Regen skills, you have to rely on items for that.

Been ages, don't really remember. I know I had a warrior, medic, shogun, and a couple of casters.

Play all of them. Avoid Etrian Mystery Dungeon unless you really like MD

One of the things I realized early is that getting class synergy counts for a ton in this game, but actually learning what works is a lot more challenging.

someone get these kids some food

Bunnies are the best

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Don't start with original 1 and 2 unless you have high tolerance for bullshit, they have wonky mechanics, tons of bugs, and are either pathetically easy or brutally hard depending on what skills you have. And don't start with nexus, it's supposed to be a mashup of all the other games.
You can start with whatever looks the most fun. Most people say start with 4 because it's easier, but I would play Untold 2 first because it's awesome and filled with content. There are people that hate the Untolds because of the optional story modes, but I thought U2's story mode was pretty good, and it's a good way for newcomers to become familiar with how the series works before you go into classic mode and get autistic with team building.

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Start with the first game and play them in release order. It's best to experience the first game completely blind if possible. The Untold games are remakes of the first two but they're still wildly different experiences, 2 and 2 Untold especially, that they're worth playing through both ways. Being familiar with the originals will make you appreciate how the remakes toy with your expectations.

The music is also god tier and all of it was done by Yuzo Koshiro who you might be familiar with from Streets of Rage, ActRaiser, Castlevania Portrait of Ruin, 7th Dragon, and much more.

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I was playing EO1 yesterday. Was going around the first 5 floors, filling in any parts of the maps I hadn't explored, and trying to kill some FOEs. Then I ventured one tile too far in Fenrir's room, and all my progress was lost. I just turned the game off. Despite that, I wanna get back in there. I tried to fight a Stalker and I was doing nodamage. I figure maybe having a Dark Hunter for poison or Alchemist for some element might help me out.

Untold 1 is pretty nice but lacks the unforgiving edge the original had. Stuff like Claret Hollows' layout being changed for the easier or the slight dialogue change from completing the item and monster compendiums to make the player feel like a hero instead of what the original went for just kinda sucks.

Untold 2 on the other hand is great if you love party building and it's really rewarding for people who like to run non-standard parties. Unfortunately the dungeon design is incredibly bland compared to vanilla 2's and the postgame especially feels hollow by comparison.

Untold 1 on expert is way harder than the original ever was.

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Mars bunnies > Moon bunnies

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>You can start with whatever looks the most fun. Most people say start with 4 because it's easier, but I would play Untold 2 first because it's awesome and filled with content.
user, you can't start with the best game in the series, it'll just leave every other game disappointing you.
>but I thought U2's story mode was pretty good
Oh never mind, I thought you actually had taste.

I do and no.

>4 best game
>thinks he can talk about someone's taste being bad

>user in charge of reading comprehension

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It's one of my favourite parts of EO.

Because is prime anti-casual material.

DRPGs are boring. And drawing maps is the worst video game mechanic ever.

which EO do I start with

EO mystery dungeon.

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Give me a good, balanced party for EO5, I'm gonna start playing it soon

3 pugilists in the front row
The back row doesn't matter because the pugilists will do everything


I have so many fucking fond memories of this game but man I need a new one to hurry up and come out, exploring isnt the same when your know what's coming up

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Lol just pick which characters look the cutest. Thats how i play

Thoughts on Nexus?

Why isn't she wearing pants

Fucking when will we get news of a new game, my switch desperately needs some Atlus support

They weren't kidding about how you'd "get tired of mapping." I appreciate the other games more because Nexus is way too dragged out without introducing anything new or different. Still a fun game though.

I'm actually just starting EOV. Was tempted to leave them silent due to the awful voices but didn't.
Can't decide if my physical attacker will be a puggy or a bunny.

Atlus don't like the shitty switch, you can tell because they are doing horrible now that the 3DS is gone.

legitimately excellent, one of my favorites
people are just upset that a lot of fan favorite stratums were missing in favor of a bunch of boring first ones and the fact that the final dungeon was just a recolored shrine

The classes of V are ridiculously broken. You aren't going to be seeing balance in this one.

It is a fucking shame the EO guys are stuck in the same building with vaporware enthusiasts Team Maniacs and the other guys while Persona and the vaporware autist Re Fantasy guys get their own studios. Fuck Sega.

Has the most maps, so I liked it. I play for the maps and eating dungeon food if it has it.

They're not actually that great. 1 and 3 at least. They're very mediocre, alright-at-best dungeon crawlers that do very little unique to the medium in terms of actual combat ideas. The mapping thing is cool I guess but considering it plots out your taken path even that isn't required, it's just a luxury. Maybe the newer ones change things up more and innovate more but 1 and 3, beating them both, felt incredibly generic and plain.

Yeah I see that, they are just as bad as SE with how long it takes them to push even small games like EO out. Fuck.

make a bunny and reclass it in to a puggy

best of both worlds; higher damage but squishier with worse binding

too many shrines

I want the generic human villager portrait if I do a puggy though.

Maybe Atlus should stop milking P5 for a second and porting a controversial game like #FE and actually release/port something people care about.

They truly are out of their element without a proper handheld in the market Dx2 is what keeps them on life support I guess, I won't be surprised if they actually moved completely to phone games and we got EO there.

So what are some good JRPGs and dungeon crawlers?

The party building doesn't start getting interesting until after 3, IMO. Before 3 are just fairly generic dungeon crawlers. 3 is a middle ground that survives because of the fun boat exploration and good story, but suffers because they lock classes for so long. When you're at 4 and above is when your party doesn't start coming together until the 4th-5th stratum which keeps things fresh (except Nexus takes it too far).


>Mobile eo
Thats a monkey paw I refuse to take.

Idk I haven't played any lol

4 and 5 are piss easy compared to the original three, though. I guess that tends to be the problem with allowing players too much freedom; it's all to easy to create a completely broken party that the game isn't balanced around.

Team balance and letting Gunner shit on everything.

Better be prepared because now is more likely than ever.

>Start with the first game and play them in release order. It's best to experience the first game completely blind if possible.
finally, someone else with some fucking sense around here