Wow that was a cool boss! I hope the rest of the game’s bosses will be this cool!
Wow they are! This game is incredible
that boss was trash...
>"..is this too...EASY for you?"
Haha yeah they are pretty cool. I'm sure most of them will be of the same level of quality, r-right?
Velstadt sucks.
>doesn't actually pursue you
You had one one job, B-team.
H-he does in SOTFS
Imagine thinking this
>BTFOs DS3babies
nothing personel
Would have been cool if he actually randomly attacked you.
Could've built a covenant around it.
Imagine thinking anything but this.
>3 moves
>slow as shit
>buff that leaves him open and helpless for like 7 whole seconds
Velstadt is a complete jobber.
I wonder if modders can utilize the forlorn's code to make Pursuers invade at random
Criminally easy once you get 15 ADP. I wonder why his frames are so fucky in his boss fight, I prefer to get him out of the way before that.
I thought Forlorn always invaded at specific areas?
yeah some of the ds2 dudes in armor are fine, but they're not even better than artorias, the best dude in armor fight from ds1
>that Pursuer duo fight you had to do in drangleic castle to get the ring of blades +2
It had to be NG+ bonfire so it wasn't easy.
He has more than 3 attacks, and he has some really cool lore behind his character
that was the original idea before they remade the game
I wish they would somehow reveal all the plans they had for dark souls 2 and 3 before everything got changed in production. the scraps we have to go on are really interesting
nah, Fume is way better, why would you pick Velstadt over him?
Alonne, Ivory King, and Fume knight are better and more challenging than Artorias
He really should've appeared more, maybe stronger everytime, new movesets his name implied something like that dunno, he's cool tho, ds2 is my favorite souls game keep that in mind.
Forlorn has a hundred or so wide ass areas he can invade you in, but there's a cooldown period to when he can invade you so it may seem like it's scripted if you play similarly
Velstadt stayed loyal to his king and followed him till the very end. Plus he just looks cooler
>More challenging
I don't think so, but i played it way more than 1.
>He has more than three attacks.
Sorry bro but when half of his attacks are slightly different hammer swings then they begin to blend together.
The only distinct moves he throws out are the swipes, the horizontal slam and the spell. Terrible.
>He has cool lore!
Shit that the average player wouldn't give a shit about unless spoonfed to them. You're never told of velstadt before you fight him so everything you learn of him comes after the fight. Hence, it doesnt add anything to the actual boss battle. Trash.
you can fight him 4 times and each time he's stronger
His moveset is the same he only gets the black aura
He moves closer to the visor to breathe
I agree, learning about that stuff is really cool
>Hence, it doesnt add anything to the actual boss battle.
It does when you fight him every time after the first
No it doesnt.
Once you've fought him once and gathered up all that information then the potential of a "holy shit, its Velstadt!" moment is lost forever.
Fight could've been saved if it was engaging beyond its narrative, unfortunately hes a complete jobber on top of not having any story presence.
I'll give you alonne, but ivory king is only hard because of all the burnt knights you fight at the beginning, and fume is massively overrated. What's more, is artorias' moveset is far cleaner than any boss in ds2, his swings have fair windup, and look heavy and forceful. His animations are way better than anything in ds2. He avoids player attacks by dodging away, but he can also leap across the map if you try to make distance. He forces you to play aggressive, or else he powers up. His sound design is great too, the music isn't special but the clanging of the sword against the ground is very satisfying. You can even hear him breathe throughout the fight sometimes. As far as actual design goes, artorias is still better than alonne, who's probably the best guy in armor fight of ds2.
Good post.
If Artorias is a 10/10 then Allonne would be like a 7.
Why does he have the anime eye glow
>but ivory king is only hard because of all the burnt knights you fight at the beginning
I disagree, he has some powerful and very fast attacks, plus everything you said about artorias applies to him as well. He jumps back from your attacks and charges and jumps across the arena
>fume is massively overrated.
That’s true, but being overrated doesn’t mean he isn’t hard. His attacks in second phase do massive damage
didn't he just betray fume? also >he just looks cooler
His final Form
How does he float?
>have a cool boss
>ruin any uniqueness and fun players had with him by making him spawn a million more times in your remaster
fuck scholar
friendly reminder that pursuer is actually an Armored Core reference
Having him respawn is the only thing unique about him wtf are you on?
>called the pursuer
>mad when he pursues as the original game design intended
he truly became The Pursuer
i'm not mad, but do you think it's genuine fun to fight the same enemy x amount of times?
boy I sure loved the demons in ds1
People say the Ogre grab hitbox was the worst offense but Smelter Demons was way worse
hmm, well I watched the ivory king fight again, and I agree about the dodging away and back at you. On the other hand, he still doesn't really do anything interesting other than a spell and a buff. He still doesn't have the same weight behind his movements, he still doesn't have the sound design of artorias, and he doesn't force the player to adapt. You're still just fighting a guy like you'd fight any other enemy like him. Artorias still demands you play differently. You should be aggressive when he's powering up, but you can also take the opportunity to back off and heal, with the downside of him now becoming more powerful. When artorias' sword hits the ground, it knocks up dust and slime that lasts long enough in the air to obscure the windup of either his next attack, or his evasion. He has attacks like his double spin to punish circlestrafing, and if you try to block his somersault attack he just does it up to four times in a row, often fast enough that you can't get out of the stagger in time to avoid the next hits. Artorias still has far more depth than alonne or ivory king.
it's more fun fighting the 'cool' boss multiple times than just a single one-off encounter if he shows up unexpectedly, yeah
fite me bitch
I will. but just once and not repeatedly since I have better stuff to do, unlike you
I fought Artorias like I did for literally any other standard close range boss
Dodge and hit until he dies
that's fair, you can do that. He's not the hardest boss in the game, his moveset is still one of the best though
That’s literally every Souls boss
I know they had deadlines and expectations from publishers blah blah blah but they really ruined this game by panicking so hard in the MIDDLE of making it
>Walks to the next room
But user, he gives you twinklies!
>the Emerald Herald story
fuck fuck fuck, now I need this, it was so damn good, why did they scrapped it?
>That unused giant design
They probably axed the game after looking at that thing.
>The worst game in the series has the best fan animation.
Here’s another found in Aldia’s Keep
Oh fuck wait that’s the other area the Giant Lord memory whoops
Wish he appeared in 3.
Bamco thought everyone would hate it
Good thing they changed everything around so everyone doesn't hate it haha
His shield does.
Man these bosses are so cool. Can't imagine seething abt these
he does dark damage attacks, hes a stab that isnt the curse one, he has about 6 or 7 different atacks
Nah, that's just how Souls games go. Demon's Souls? Basically dead until Miyazaki got a hold of it because no one else wanted it. Bloodborne? Changed the plot completely at least three times, probably just to make everything more confusing. Dark Souls 3? lmao do I even have to say anything?
Only Sekiro and maaaybe Dark Souls 1 didn't have a clusterfuck of a development history. Elden Ring has a 1/3 chance of not being fucked.
>lost bastille
>iron keep
>drangeleic castle
I mean he kinda does
Velstadt is a fucking cuck staying loyal with that retarded brainwashed oldman who lead his country to doom. Raime took the redpill and fucked off and got stronger
Elden Ring looks like it's having some trouble, but at least now they're giving it more time to rectify things.
If this was old Fromsoft, it'd probably be getting taped up and released right about now.
>fume is massively overrated
Cool meme buzzwords. He have better design, moveset and lore, more difficult too according to Fromsoft itself. Unlike that failure of cuck Artorias.
Quick rundown on BB's development?